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Releases: oooookk7/ico-token

Part 5: Release

17 Jul 21:43
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To get started,

  1. Fire up Ganache (use port 8545) with default token amount as desired (e.g. 1000).
  2. Ensure that truffle-config.js is added to the projects.
  3. Run the migration scripts via yarn run migrate.
  4. Import account using Ganache keys (do not use the first account as it is the admin account but the rest).
  5. Run yarn run server to fire up the UI on local server.
  6. Start purchasing the $ICO token from the Metamask wallet (reset account settings via Advanced tab if there are any errors).

Part 4: Implement frontend

17 Jul 09:57
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This covers #11-#13.

Creates the UI for users to purchase the $ICO token during the ICO phase on the Ethereum network.

Part 3: Implement sales backend

16 Jul 14:09
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This covers #7-#10.

  • Creates the sales contract code.

How the process is done,

  1. Provision tokens to token sale contract.
  2. Set a token price in wei (1 ETH = 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 wei).
  3. Assign an admin.
  4. Buy tokens.
  5. End sale

Gas is the fee required to conduct a transaction or execute a contract on the Ethereum blockchain platform. It is needed to allocate resources of the Ethereum virtual machine (EVM) so that decentralized applications (e.g. smart contracts) can self-execute in a secured and decentralized fashion.

Part 2: Implementing Transfers functions

16 Jul 03:00
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This covers #4-#6.

  • Creates the transfers related function.

Part 1: Barebones of Smart Contract

15 Jul 19:49
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This covers #1-#3.

  • Creates the balanceOf() function.
  • Setup the basic properties that identifies a token (e.g. name, symbol).

Steps in Tutorial

Ensure that bash points to the bin (~/.config/yarn/global/node_modules/.bin/truffle)

  1. Startup Ganache to load a personal local dev Ethereum blockchain network.
  2. Setup a barebones truffle project with truffle init command.
  3. Run truffle migrate --reset to build migrations from migration scripts.
  4. Run truffle test each time a change is made on the contracts to test (need not require truffle migrate).