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OPC Router Helm Chart

OPC Router Helm Chart for the deployment of the opc router in a kubernetes cluster.
OPC Router - Contact

About the Sample


General Information

What is the helm chart doing?

  • This helm chart will allow deploying the opc router onto any kubernetes cluster.
  • There are multiple possible configurations to deploy the opc router this chart allows.

Getting Started


  • Kubernetes 1.12+
  • Helm 3.1.0


Helm must be installed to use the charts. Please refer to Helm's documentation to get started.

Once Helm has been set up correctly, add the repo as follows:

helm repo add opc-router

If you had already added this repo earlier, run helm repo update to retrieve the latest versions of the packages. You can then run helm search repo <alias> to see the charts.

To install the chart with the name my-opcrouter:

helm install my-opcrouter opc-router/opc-router \
  --set I_do_accept_the_EULA=true

This command will install the opc router with standard settings, as a service with a seperate mongodb container. The mongodb won't require authentification, which is not recommended. Accepting the End User License Agreement by setting I_do_accept_the_EULA to true is required for the OPCRouter to run.

To deploy this chart with password authentification for the web management and for the mongodb use this command:

helm install my-opcrouter opc-router/opc-router \
  --set webManagement.auth.disable=false \
  --set<Your desired initial web management user name>\
  --set webManagement.auth.initialUser.password=<Your desired initial web management user password>\
  --set mongodb.auth.enabled=true \
  --set mongodb.auth.rootPassword=<Your desired mongodb root password> \
  --set mongodb.auth.replicaSetKey=<Your desired mongodb replicaset key> \
  --set I_do_accept_the_EULA=true

Keep in mind that the root password and replicaset key can't be changed once set. When leaving the password and/or replicaset key empty when auth is enabled, the chart will autogenerate the missing secret.


The chart with the name my-opcrouter can simply be uninstalled by executing:

helm uninstall my-opcrouter

However, keep in mind that the persitant volumes of the mongodb container don't get deleted by this. When reinstalling the chart under the same name you will have to use the previous mongodb root password and replica set key or delete the persistant volume beforehand.



Global parameters

Name Description Value
global.imageRegistry Global Docker image registry ""
global.imagePullSecrets Global Docker registry secret names as an array []
global.storageClass Global StorageClass for Persistent Volume(s) ""
global.namespaceOverride Override the namespace for resource deployed by the chart, but can itself be overridden by the local namespaceOverride ""

Common parameters

Name Description Value
nameOverride String to partially override opc-router.fullname template (will maintain the release name) ""
fullnameOverride String to fully override opc-router.fullname template ""

OPCRouter parameters

Name Description Default value
I_do_accept_the_EULA If this is false the opc router container won't be able to run. false
image.repository OPC-Router image registry. opcrouter/service
image.tag OPC-Router image tag (immutable tags are recommended). ""
image.pullPolicy OPC-Router image pull policy. IfNotPresent
envVars Array of environment variables for the opc router container. []
serviceAccount.create Specifies whether a service account should be created. true
serviceAccount.annotations Annotations to add to the service account. {} Name of the service account to use. If not set and create is true, it is generated using the fullname. ""
project.projectRepo URL to git repository of a opcrouter4 project. Optional. Empty means no project gets loaded. ""
project.projectPath Path to the project .rpe file in the repository. Don't begin with '/'. Optional. ""
project.configPath Path to a projects configuration file. Optional. Empty means no configuration file gets loaded. ""
project.auth.ssh_secret An existing secret containing the ssh-key under the key 'project-ssh-key'. Optional. ""
project.auth.ssh_key SSH private key for accessing the git repository. Overwritten by ssh_secret, Optional. ""
containerHistoryLimit The size of the history of deployments kept for potential rollbacks. 10
mongodb.deploy If false, the mongodb container wont be deployed. Useful when using integrated db of opcrouter/runtime. true
mongodb.replicaCount The number of mongodb pods to deploy. Set to two when using a redundency twin. 1
mongodb.auth.enabled If false, the mongodb won't require any authentification to access. false
mongodb.auth.existingSecret Existing secret with mongodb credentials (keys: mongodb-root-password, mongodb-replica-set-key). ""
mongodb.auth.rootPassword Root password for the mongodb. Will override autogenerated or existing one in secret. ""
mongodb.auth.replicaSetKey Replica set key for the mongodb. Will override autogenerated or existing one in secret. ""
webManagement.auth.disable If false, the web management will require authentification to be accessed. true The username of the initial user. If left empty, there will be no initial user. ""
webManagement.auth.initialUser.password The password of the initial user. If left empty, there will be no initial user. ""
webManagement.https.disable If false, the web management will use https. This requires a TLS key and certificate to be set. true
webManagement.https.cert The tls certificate used for https. Is overwritten by existingTlsSecret. ""
webManagement.https.key The tls key corrosponding to he certificate used for https. Is overwritten by existingTlsSecret. ""
webManagement.https.existingTlsSecret An existing secret. Will overwrite cert and key. ""
service.enabled If false, the application won't be reachable from outside the cluster. true
service.type Type of the service. Possible values: ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer. ClusterIP
service.port Internal port. The service will be reachable under this port inside the cluster. 8443
service.nodePort External port. When NodePort, this port will allow external access to the service. ""
service.externalIPs External IPs. Reachable under these IPs, when traffic ingresses into cluster with IPs as destination. []
service.loadBalancerIP LoadBalancer IP. Used by some cloud providers to add external load balancers. ""

WARNING: MongoDB root password and replica key set

When using the mongodb container, keep in mind that that the root password and replica key set can only be set once, as upon initial declaration they are stored in a persistent volume. This may be an issue when using automatically deploying the chart using ArgoCD or Flux, as automatic redeployments can cause the root password to be regenerated when not having set static values for them in the values.yaml. This however will only make the database inaccessible to the opc router, as it will use the new passwords, though the mongodb still uses the old initial passwords. Thus it is highly recommended to set mongodb.auth.existingSecret or mongodb.auth.rootPassword and mongodb.auth.replicaSetKey when not manually deploying the chart for testing purposes.

Redundancy mode

The opc router and mongodb deployed by the chart can both be configured to run in redundancy mode, offering increased protection against hardware failures.

OPC Router redudancy mode

Setting the opc router into redundancy mode will cause a second pod with a opc router runtime container to be deployed. This container will load the same project as the main container, but will remain dorment until the main container is unreachable.

The redundancy mode for the opc router is currently not availible and will be enabled at a later date.

MongoDB redundancy mode

By setting the replica count of the mongodb above one, additional pods running the mongodb containers are created. These mongodb containers will connect and copy the primary container, but aren't accessible themself. When the primary container becomes unreachable, a new primary container will be elected, taking its place.

Keep in mind that currently when the primary mongodb changes, external connection to the application can get lost until the original primary pod is again the primary pod.

Loading a project from a git repository

Please refer to this sample project on general information of how to deploy a opc router project from a git repository onto a kubernetes cluster using this helm chart.

Adding extra environment variables

To add extra environment variables (useful for inserting into the config.yaml of your project), use the envVars property.

  - <VarName>: "<VarValue>"

A helm install command can also be issued with specifiying multiple environment variables:

$ helm install my-opcrouter opc-router/opc-router \
  --set envVars[0].TESTVAR="successful" \
  --set envVars[1].OtherVariable="42" \
  --set envVars[2].yetAnotherVar="false" \
  --set I_do_accept_the_EULA=true