Releases: Opdex/opdex-desktop
Opdex Desktop 1.0.0
Official public release for Opdex Desktop v1.0.0
File Hashes
opdex-desktop-1.0.0.tar.gz - fce6a7ca4eaf63578d199ddabad97af0d9ba506f05d3bc3504518ea880b90052
opdex-desktop_1.0.0_amd64.deb - cdec146a9709ac9ef955a256f380765909560e21bb0c76934605e3f1f40d0d6c
Opdex.Desktop-1.0.0.dmg - 7594dee7d23448d77898aaa1e5219f36175d132b0478b5cad7ebdacf60a23045
Opdex.Desktop.Setup.1.0.0.exe - 13de8987fb0432bd0455dd7aa2092c2bd4d819705048aa42b3f58e83988fa169
Opdex Desktop 0.3.0
Adds feature improvements for version checks and update notifications, additional wallet position details, wallet transaction history CSV exports alongside bug fixes and performance improvements.
- 5dbe812 version bump
- ff639ba refresh wallet feed bugfix
- 9b66e0f Add time ago to transaction feeds
- 4c11f1a wallet position details modal
- 1567ad2 display indexed percentages above 0
- 9dc9d04 change from date range to year select wallet history
- 5fefa5c check pre-release versions in update notifications
- 1be8de9 adjust indexedBlock to default to env start height
- d18a8c9 check app and node updates on interval
- 3055f9c Wallet History Export (#10)
File Hashes
opdex-desktop-0.3.0.tar.gz - 4abaceab32cf398d549f5f07415f6700888818277d2ba53c3bd4d2e7d43783c0
opdex-desktop_0.3.0_amd64.deb - e2659617dd843aaadada9f446a3dd4ebfbe3ebd564cfcb9be8dbc8002bc1b429
Opdex.Desktop-0.3.0.dmg - 5eb914c5115d9567d1b6d1cfac094afd1c5474c16e566b6c8a38a213582e56ce
Opdex.Desktop.Setup.0.3.0.exe - 8f1dd1f254a81b8b1fb402cf807ab411f678f9e74688841d02eb324a4e5fda52
Opdex Desktop 0.2.0
Initial public version of Opdex Desktop for pre-release testing. Download and run alongside Cirrus Core to get decentralized access to Opdex Protocols.
- 1638b82 version bump for public testing
File Hashes
opdex-desktop-0.2.0.tar.gz - cb1bcb3e6ac5bb7dd456407c918a03cf3f175802a8fec56434b04866367d7575
opdex-desktop_0.2.0_amd64.deb - f469765fc633b2dd954ed300e92e40ea280d354f27da71a08cb776ff345d3c4b
Opdex.Desktop-0.2.0.dmg - 9bff9a4edd83abbf4d5709408b1cbf72066e3335fce0ebb054ddff2c35c0146e
Opdex.Desktop.Setup.0.2.0.exe - 5a7a2f211fd36d2971b926f86ba7b9974cb5251a973c4b219e6e2daaced2c583
Opdex Desktop 0.1.0-beta3
Additional fixes and improvements to app stability and indexing processes.
- cde0ea6 indexing spacing adjustments, version bump
- 7fcbc54 github service connection
- c42ed05 indexing cirrus loading fix, tx feed refresh fix
- b022140 indexing background fixes, indexing checkpoint length reduction
- 296467a retry delay and srcForExactCrs bugfix
- 9341d09 QR icon and tx hash display on quote
- 8345bb0 allowance check bugfix
- 4ef33a8 indexer checkpoints (#9)
- 06c25bd StopMining method name typo
- 7b34ae7 adjust startup flags
Opdex Desktop 0.1.0-beta2
Error handling improvements alongside friendly smart contract transaction error messages. Resolves missing images in builds.
- 9bea81d lp summary card conditional and beta version bump
- fdfba01 node inIdb message, model fixes, null ref fixes
- b267f3c Improved Transaction Summaries (#8)
- 4aeca1b Remove commented out tests
- 65e7621 Error Handling Improvements (#7)
- 1266125 Friendly Contract Error Messages (#6)
- bff2e73 resolve missing images in prod builds
- 07c93db fix allowance validation null ref error
- b95f743 logger service
- 4edeb33 misc cleanup
Opdex Desktop 0.1.0-beta1
Initial beta release of Opdex Desktop client.
- 07c93db fix allowance validation null ref error
- b95f743 logger service
- 4edeb33 misc cleanup
- 899f42c collect staking/mining rewards balance check improvements
- 33e3b5f CD (#5)
- b09e203 wallet view certificates list fixes
- 79a43e7 show active transaction view
- c9579d3 vault certiicates on wallets page
- 96719a6 local call caching
- 30ec94d wallet vault vote positions
See More
- 68800ff wallet positions table
- 31ce6d6 prevent copying numbers within tables
- 34f97e5 display certificates within parent proposals
- a31a566 improve indexer and track certificate to proposal Id
- 02b7217 refactor and clean services
- b764afc semver w/ beta check
- 52528ad watch for transaction during quote
- 953b98b user balance in token view
- 48caf7d liquidity pool positions card
- 44c4101 track indexed height vs node height
- f80b5e2 non logged in preferences
- ea044f9 terms during login flow
- 765abe1 logged in checks
- 62aa568 FN version check
- b8e69f3 resync flow
- 5be02ad status view
- 7d5bc20 card transaction menu shortcuts
- 83fb7fd app update checks
- b062b1a Merge pull request #4 from Opdex/feature/tx-feeds
- a1c26f6 db caching
- 712838e unused transaction requests
- 1059175 wallet feed
- 4e8af8a tx feed fixes and user context imporvements for wallet history
- a8a2f76 wallet preferences
- 8b00753 Merge pull request #3 from Opdex/vaultProposals
- 156b607 remove unused method
- fa6f849 certificate pagination, revoke/redemption flows, quote summaries
- 1483c38 create proposal tx
- 861197e vault tx flows
- 770aa2d initial vault proposals commit
- 9ffa8b1 Merge pull request #2 from Opdex/feature/createPoolTx
- 0ef5e84 let unfound tokens throw error
- eb3f531 create pool tx flow
- a69a337 inital commit for create pool txs
- 45a2009 open external links from electron in browser
- 716add1 interflux token validation
- 3f7cb38 token and mining governance distribution buttons
- 80e0b2f inital wallet view
- b28f4f0 theme fixes
- 9858105 added start height config per environment
- 724b4ed Merge pull request #1 from Opdex/feature/transactions
- a2ba4bc failing tests
- 67d701d qr code component
- 7db293a added tx buttons to views
- 415c30d tx quote component - lp change detection
- 7c57875 tx quotes fiat pricing
- 25618ac trading imporvements, staking fiat calcs
- 881402b tx trade component
- 1ceacac provide components
- 876b94d mining components
- a1cc37e staking components
- 6134139 liquidity pool filter control
- cc155d8 swap tx component
- 7719c98 port several transaction components
- cc9ef72 additional transaction requests, separate interfaces and services
- 60279b5 combined services, started transaction quotes
- e9548c3 begin implementing transaction quotes
- 01e9891 services cleanup and organization
- aa2f9ca vault proposals table
- 87fb8e1 pool and token tables
- 5cea889 currency preferences
- a8a78bb connect wallet
- 1a6c0ae odx distribution progress
- 8f66af9 vault proposal and feed improvements
- 876ef17 vault components, models, services
- fccd6ea fixes
- 1d149da transaction feed
- 71d2cab initial commit of transaction history feed
- 1402aaa transaction receipts
- 78e2cee OLPT pricing
- 0fb6687 currency pricing imporvements and contract log interfaces
- b65fb30 cache storage property call responses each block
- ab72d11 currency and general pricing improvements
- c664265 token and test improvements
- 4ab2fb7 Disable watch on pipeline tests
- 8e90632 Configure headless chrome as custom test launcher
- 8fa3930 Attempt to prevent tests hanging with --no-sandbox
- ae2a375 Correctly mark separator for npm script args
- 4c83c7a Use npm script to run tests
- e67cd50 Run tests without browser
- b499e56 Update pipeline build script
- 39a7466 Set up CI with Azure Pipelines
- ead8689 token views and service improvements
- d6ad7f6 mining pool details
- 0f26e92 bug report modal, market token card, other misc improvements
- 19880af currency selection improvements
- 736fa32 db storage per environment
- 3d3b5b7 readme fixes
- 341ee31 token icons support
- 5feccec connecting to node message
- 8cbc729 added polyfill and ethereum address checksum capability
- c08beca electron build icons with build/pack fixes
- d279f13 initial electron configs/builds
- 9328218 improvements to contract lookups and enums
- 9c6e8ad currencies selector in sidebar, environments service, currency user preference
- 82133fa services imporvements
- 091a203 index nominated pools, display in mining view
- 8b6dae5 mining factory/service/view
- a2ce7c2 service improvements
- ca4b408 currency improvements
- 1e84750 local/session storage, user context/preferences, animations
- ce67915 theming and coingecko pricing
- 6b57d39 coingecko, images and misc improvements
- 12ea7b8 liquidity pool card w/ shared pipes/components
- e617966 import styles
- 150b4c9 state keys, form control components, data retrieveal services\ improvements
- 7ed51c7 general improvements
- 2b95b86 pulling, building and displaying pools in views
- 80a49e6 begin pulling FN data and persisting to IndexedDB
- 8f83644 scaffolding
- 6c48e5c initial commit
This list of changes was auto generated.