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README for jQuery-i18n

jquery-i18n is a simple plugin that helps you internationalize your web application. You
can also use it to extend other jQuery plugins to support internationalization.

=== Namespace ===

jQuery-i18n adds the "i18n" namespace to jQuery. "_" is also added as a shortcut.

$.i18n, $._

$.i18n, $._ are also method calls to translate an individual string

=== How jQuery-i18n maintains locale information: ===

Non-application specific information is maintained in a separate json file named jquery.locale_name.json . This should include date, currency, number, and other formatting information.

Examples:     # Nepali locale     # Spanish
jquery.pt_BR.json  # Brazilian Portuguese

Example locale file:

-- File:, where "ne" stands for Nepali locale --

$ = {
   date : 'dd/mm/yy',
   monetary: 'nn,nnnn.nn',
   currency: 'rs',
   numeralBase : 2406,
    * additional values that could be added
    * monetary format
    * non-monetary numeric format
    * date format
    * time format
    * yes, no  for yes, no questions

Notice that the above example only includes formatting information and not strings. I am 
assuming that the strings you need to translate will vary from app to app while the formatting will not.

You should put the strings for your application in a separate file and extend the
namespace $.i18.locale_name.strings

File: = {
    "Hello": "Namaste", "Welcome":"Namaste"

=== Methods ===

Currently there are only a few methods

$.i18n.setLocale(locale);  // set your current locale

$.i18n(string), $._(string)   // get a translation from the myapp_name.locale_name.json file. If a translation isn't available, the original string is returned unchanged.

$.i18n._n(number), $._n(number) //convert number to numeric character set for locale

for example: 90 is written as ९० in Hindi and Nepali

=== Using jQuery-i18n in your web app ===

Step 1: Mark the strings and numbers you want translated with $._("") and $._n()

Step 2: Put translations for each string in your_app.locale_name.json

Step 3: Include a ton of files

<script type='text/javascript' src='./jquery-1.3.2.min.js'></script>
<script type='text/javascript' src='./jquery.i18n.js'></script>
<script type='text/javascript' src='./'></script>
<script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>

Step 4: Try it out!

=== Using it in a plugin ===

Translations for jQuery plugins shouldn't be lumped together in one global namespace for each end-user's applications. Firstly, because the strings in the plugin may have a different translation context. Secondly, there is a likelihood the plugin will be translated by someone other than the end-user.

jQuery-i18n can easily be extended for each plugin.

This is handles by putting the translation for each locale under:

For example, my jQuery UI plugin kFooter has the namespace $.ui.kFooter. 

jQuery-i18n would add the Nepali locale to $.ui.kFooter as $

Here is the json file that does that 

--- File:  ----

$ = {
"Score":"अङ्क", "Total": "जम्मा", "Play Again": "फेरी खेलौ", "Pause": "खेल रोकौ",
"Start": "सुरु गरौ" }

Then add the $._() and $._n() functions to your plugin but call them with context of 
your plugin 
-- File: ui.kFooter.js --

_ : function(val, loc){
      return $$.ui.kFooter, val, loc);

_n : function(val, loc){
      return $._n(val, loc);  // converting #'s usually doesn't need your plugin's context
Make sure to extend your plugin namespace 

  $.ui.kFooter.i18n = {};

Then add the gettext function

-- File: ui.kFooter.js --


This is a very rough draft. Comments and constructive criticism most welcome!
bryan full-stop berry  _>at<_ gmail full-stop com


A simple jQuery plugin that makes it easy to internationalize strings in web applications and other jQuery plugins






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