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Bryan Wendlandt edited this page Sep 20, 2022 · 1 revision

Documentation Structure and Details

Site Structure

Currently, the site is split into 5 major sections.

Title Use Case
Get Started Full end-to-end, step-by-step instructions on local Docker deployment.
Deployment Documents detailing interfaces of 3rd party reference implementations (Database, Secret Store, API Gateway, etc).
Tutorials Full end-to-end, step-by-step instructions on a specific Feature or deployment flow.
Reference Extended definitions, additional or miscellaneous info. Contains partial examples, but not full step-by-step instructions.
APIs documented API endpoints. Managed via SwaggerHub.


Tutorials versus References

Tutorials contains fully guided (step-by-step) instructions that take the user from start (defining prerequisites) to finish (user has successfully setup/used/etc feature or deployment).

References is a location for general information not structured as a contiguous flow. Some small page sections may reference example code or commands, but do not contain full user instructions.

Page Structure

Opening Paragraph

To create a new Tutorial, the top of the page should have a small paragraph description of high level feature details. Things to describe:

  • What The Feature Is
  • How It Works
  • Why Do I Care

Header Sections

Most tutorials should comprise of at least 3 required header sections after the opening paragraph:

  • What You'll Need
  • What You'll Do
  • Topic Section
  • Next Steps (Not Required)

General Formatting


We typically use 6 of the total available admontions.

Example markdown of admonition:

!!! important "Important - Summary"
    Details, links, and screenshots and any other required user information
Admonition Color Use Case
Note Blue Notes are for general information or pointers to areas to find additional info or similar related documents.
Important Soft Green Important is more eye catching. Use for high use case notes.
Example Purple Example is for wrapping all example inputs or screenshots (excluding Success or Danger screenshots)
Success Strong Green Success is for wrapping successful outputs that demonstrate the expected output
Warning Yellow Warning is for potential security considerations or known use error areas. Use to guide users either towards solutions or very important recommendations.
Danger Red Danger is for critical areas. User errors during these steps could cause an unrecoverable failure.