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Issue Resolution Process

matt-primrose edited this page Mar 28, 2023 · 1 revision

Issue Resolution

Issues are typically one of three types: bugs, enhancements, and questions. When creating a new issue, create the issue in the repository where it is most relavent. Most of our repositories have an issue template, please try to provide as much information as necessary to help the development team understand why the issue is being filed. If the Dev team decides that the issue belongs in a different repository, we will move the issue to the appropriate repository.

Issue Tracking

Once an issue is created, it will be automatically assigned to our Feature Backlog. From here the Dev team tracks all issues, prioritizing when the issue will be worked on and assigning issues to a release milestone. This allows you to see where your issue is in relation to the other work the team is doing and when you can expect to have your issue resolved.

The Feature Backlog has four tab for tracking issue progression: New Items: These issues are new and haven't been dispositioned yet or are too low on the priority list to move to the backlog. Prioritized Open Items: These issues are high on the backlog and are either currently being worked on or will be worked on in the next 1-2 sprints. Next Release: These issues are assigned to the next release milestone. This tab is updated monthly to project what is going into the next monthly release announcement Closed Items: As the title implies, these issues are in the done state.

Bug Scrub

The Dev team meets weekly to discuss new issues that have been filed and/or discuss current issues being worked on, if a group discussion is required. This meeting is open to the public and is held on our Discord server in the Community Hangout channel. Please see our events-calendar on Discord for day/time of this meeting. We encourage customers to join the call and provide any additional input or context for issues they have filed. Customer participations also helps with prioritization of issues.

Backlog Grooming

Once a month the Open AMT Cloud Toolkit strategy team meets to prioritize the backlog. This is an internal meeting where the team will prioritize our strategic efforts and align open issues with those efforts. Following this meeting, the Feature Backlog will be updated to reflect any changes.