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Signed-off-by: xuezhaojun <>
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xuezhaojun committed Apr 26, 2024
1 parent bf12b9a commit 4645a2a
Showing 1 changed file with 344 additions and 0 deletions.
344 changes: 344 additions & 0 deletions test/integration/registration/spokeagent_switch_hub_test.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
package registration_test

import (

. ""
. ""
metav1 ""
addonclientset ""
clusterclientset ""
clusterv1 ""
commonoptions ""

// In the switch-hub test, we will start 2 hubs, and a spoke, we will test 2 cases:
// 1. the spoke first connects to hub1, we set the hub1 to not accept the spoke, then the spoke should switch to hub2.
// 2. the spoke first connects to hub1, we stop hub1, then the spoke should switch to hub2.

var _ = Describe("Switch Hub", func() {
var managedClusterName, bootstrapFile, hubKubeconfigSecret, suffix string

BeforeEach(func() {
var err error

// start 2 hubs
hub1bootstrapFilePath, hub1kubeClient, hub1ClusterClient, _, hub1Env, hub1NewAuthn := startNewHub(context.Background(), "switch-hub-hub1")
hub2bootstrapFilePath, hub2kubeClient, hub2ClusterClient, _, hub2Env, hub2NewAuthn := startNewHub(context.Background(), "switch-hub-hub2")

// create:
// 1. hub1 bootstrapkubeconfig file
// 2. hub2 bootstrapkubeconfig file
// 3. agent bootstrapkubeconfig secret(based on hub1)
// 4. hub1 bootstrapkubeconfig secret
// 5. hub2 bootstrapkubeconfig secret

err = hub1NewAuthn.CreateBootstrapKubeConfigWithCertAge(hub1bootstrapFilePath, serverCertFile, securePort, 10*time.Minute)

err = hub2NewAuthn.CreateBootstrapKubeConfigWithCertAge(hub2bootstrapFilePath, serverCertFile, securePort, 10*time.Minute)

err = util.SyncBootstrapKubeConfigDataToSecret(

err = util.SyncBootstrapKubeConfigDataToSecret(

err = util.SyncBootstrapKubeConfigDataToSecret(

// start sync secret changes to file for bootstrap-hub-kubeconfig
// this is used to simulate the agent to sync the bootstrap kubeconfig secret to file
go startAgentBootstrapKubeConfigSecretToFileSyncer(context.Background(), bootstrapFile, kubeClient)

// start a auto restart agent
By("Starting a auto restart spoke agent")
suffix = rand.String(5)
managedClusterName = fmt.Sprintf("cluster-%s", suffix)
hubKubeconfigSecret = fmt.Sprintf("hub-kubeconfig-secret-%s", suffix)
hubKubeconfigDir := path.Join(util.TestDir, fmt.Sprintf("rebootstrap-%s", suffix), "hub-kubeconfig")

go startAutoRestartAgent(context.Background(),
managedClusterName, hubKubeconfigDir,
func() *spoke.SpokeAgentOptions {
agentOptions := spoke.NewSpokeAgentOptions()
agentOptions.BootstrapKubeconfig = bootstrapFile
agentOptions.HubKubeconfigSecret = hubKubeconfigSecret
agentOptions.BootstrapKubeconfigSecret = "bootstrap-hub-kubeconfig"
agentOptions.BootstrapKubeconfigSecrets = []string{"bootstrap-hub-kubeconfig-hub1", "bootstrap-hub-kubeconfig-hub2"}
return agentOptions
func(ctx context.Context, stopAgent context.CancelFunc, agentOptions *spoke.SpokeAgentOptions) {
startAgentHealthChecker(ctx, stopAgent, agentOptions.GetHealthCheckers())

AfterEach(func() {}))

Check failure on line 107 in test/integration/registration/spokeagent_switch_hub_test.go

View workflow job for this annotation

GitHub Actions / verify

expected statement, found ')'

Check failure on line 107 in test/integration/registration/spokeagent_switch_hub_test.go

View workflow job for this annotation

GitHub Actions / integration

expected statement, found ')'

Context("Switch hub because hub doesn't accept client", func() {
It("Should switch hub", func() {


Context("Switch hub because hub is down", func() {
It("Should switch hub", func() {


func startNewHub(ctx context.Context, hubName string) (
*envtest.Environment, *util.TestAuthn) {
apiserver := &envtest.APIServer{}
newAuthn := util.NewTestAuthn(path.Join(util.CertDir, "another-ca.crt"), path.Join(util.CertDir, "another-ca.key"))
apiserver.SecureServing.Authn = newAuthn

env := &envtest.Environment{
ControlPlane: envtest.ControlPlane{
APIServer: apiserver,
ErrorIfCRDPathMissing: true,
CRDDirectoryPaths: CRDPaths,

cfg, err := env.Start()

err = clusterv1.Install(scheme.Scheme)

// prepare configs
newSecurePort := env.ControlPlane.APIServer.SecureServing.Port

anotherServerCertFile := fmt.Sprintf("%s/apiserver.crt", env.ControlPlane.APIServer.CertDir)

bootstrapKubeConfigFile := path.Join(util.TestDir, fmt.Sprintf("bootstrapkubeconfig-%s", hubName))
err = newAuthn.CreateBootstrapKubeConfigWithCertAge(bootstrapKubeConfigFile, anotherServerCertFile, newSecurePort, 24*time.Hour)

// prepare clients
kubeClient, err := kubernetes.NewForConfig(cfg)

clusterClient, err := clusterclientset.NewForConfig(cfg)

addOnClient, err := addonclientset.NewForConfig(cfg)

// start hub controller
go func() {
err := hub.NewHubManagerOptions().RunControllerManager(ctx, &controllercmd.ControllerContext{
KubeConfig: cfg,
EventRecorder: util.NewIntegrationTestEventRecorder(hubName),

return bootstrapKubeConfigFile, kubeClient, clusterClient, addOnClient, env, newAuthn

Check failure on line 180 in test/integration/registration/spokeagent_switch_hub_test.go

View workflow job for this annotation

GitHub Actions / verify

missing ',' before newline in argument list

func startAgent(ctx context.Context, managedClusterName, hubKubeconfigDir string,

Check failure on line 182 in test/integration/registration/spokeagent_switch_hub_test.go

View workflow job for this annotation

GitHub Actions / verify

expected '(', found startAgent
agentOptions *spoke.SpokeAgentOptions) (context.Context, context.CancelFunc) {
ginkgo.By("run registration agent")
commOptions := commonoptions.NewAgentOptions()
commOptions.HubKubeconfigDir = hubKubeconfigDir
commOptions.SpokeClusterName = managedClusterName

agentCtx, stopAgent := context.WithCancel(ctx)
runAgentWithContext(agentCtx, "rebootstrap-test", agentOptions, commOptions, spokeCfg)

return agentCtx, stopAgent

Check failure on line 193 in test/integration/registration/spokeagent_switch_hub_test.go

View workflow job for this annotation

GitHub Actions / verify

missing ',' before newline in argument list

func assertSuccessClusterBootstrap(testNamespace, managedClusterName, hubKubeconfigSecret string,

Check failure on line 195 in test/integration/registration/spokeagent_switch_hub_test.go

View workflow job for this annotation

GitHub Actions / verify

expected '(', found assertSuccessClusterBootstrap
hubKubeClient, spokeKubeClient kubernetes.Interface, hubClusterClient clusterclientset.Interface,
auth *util.TestAuthn, certAget time.Duration) {
// the spoke cluster and csr should be created after bootstrap
ginkgo.By("Check existence of ManagedCluster & CSR")
gomega.Eventually(func() bool {
if _, err := util.GetManagedCluster(hubClusterClient, managedClusterName); err != nil {
return false
return true
}, eventuallyTimeout, eventuallyInterval).Should(gomega.BeTrue())

gomega.Eventually(func() error {
if _, err := util.FindUnapprovedSpokeCSR(hubKubeClient, managedClusterName); err != nil {
return err
return nil
}, eventuallyTimeout, eventuallyInterval).ShouldNot(gomega.HaveOccurred())

// the spoke cluster should has finalizer that is added by hub controller
gomega.Eventually(func() bool {
spokeCluster, err := util.GetManagedCluster(hubClusterClient, managedClusterName)
if err != nil {
return false
if len(spokeCluster.Finalizers) != 1 {
return false

if spokeCluster.Finalizers[0] != clusterv1.ManagedClusterFinalizer {
return false

return true
}, eventuallyTimeout, eventuallyInterval).Should(gomega.BeTrue())

ginkgo.By("Accept and approve the ManagedCluster")
// simulate hub cluster admin to accept the managedcluster and approve the csr
gomega.Eventually(func() error {
return util.AcceptManagedCluster(hubClusterClient, managedClusterName)
}, eventuallyTimeout, eventuallyInterval).Should(gomega.Succeed())
err := auth.ApproveSpokeClusterCSR(hubKubeClient, managedClusterName, certAget)

// the managed cluster should have accepted condition after it is accepted
gomega.Eventually(func() error {
spokeCluster, err := util.GetManagedCluster(hubClusterClient, managedClusterName)
if err != nil {
return err
if meta.IsStatusConditionFalse(spokeCluster.Status.Conditions, clusterv1.ManagedClusterConditionHubAccepted) {
return fmt.Errorf("cluster should be accepted")
return nil
}, eventuallyTimeout, eventuallyInterval).ShouldNot(gomega.HaveOccurred())

// the hub kubeconfig secret should be filled after the csr is approved
gomega.Eventually(func() error {
if _, err := util.GetFilledHubKubeConfigSecret(spokeKubeClient, testNamespace, hubKubeconfigSecret); err != nil {
return err
return nil
}, eventuallyTimeout, eventuallyInterval).ShouldNot(gomega.HaveOccurred())

ginkgo.By("ManagedCluster joins the hub")
// the spoke cluster should have joined condition finally
gomega.Eventually(func() error {
spokeCluster, err := util.GetManagedCluster(hubClusterClient, managedClusterName)
if err != nil {
return err
joined := meta.FindStatusCondition(spokeCluster.Status.Conditions, clusterv1.ManagedClusterConditionJoined)
if joined == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cluster should be joined")
return nil
}, eventuallyTimeout, eventuallyInterval).ShouldNot(gomega.HaveOccurred())

// ensure cluster namespace is in place
gomega.Eventually(func() error {
_, err := hubKubeClient.CoreV1().Namespaces().Get(context.TODO(), managedClusterName, metav1.GetOptions{})
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
}, eventuallyTimeout, eventuallyInterval).ShouldNot(gomega.HaveOccurred())

Check failure on line 281 in test/integration/registration/spokeagent_switch_hub_test.go

View workflow job for this annotation

GitHub Actions / verify

missing ',' before newline in argument list

func startAutoRestartAgent(ctx context.Context,

Check failure on line 283 in test/integration/registration/spokeagent_switch_hub_test.go

View workflow job for this annotation

GitHub Actions / verify

expected '(', found startAutoRestartAgent
managedClusterName, hubKubeconfigDir string,
getNewAgentOptions func() *spoke.SpokeAgentOptions,
watchStop func(ctx context.Context, stopAgent context.CancelFunc, agentOptions *spoke.SpokeAgentOptions),
) {
fmt.Println("[auto-restart-agent] - restart agent...")
newAgentOptions := getNewAgentOptions()
agentCtx, stopAgent := startAgent(ctx, managedClusterName, hubKubeconfigDir, getNewAgentOptions())
go watchStop(ctx, stopAgent, newAgentOptions)
for {
select {
case <-agentCtx.Done():
// restart agent
newAgentOptions := getNewAgentOptions()
agentCtx, stopAgent = startAgent(ctx, managedClusterName, hubKubeconfigDir, newAgentOptions)
go watchStop(ctx, stopAgent, newAgentOptions)
case <-ctx.Done():
// exit
fmt.Println("[auto-restart-agent] - shutting down...")

Check failure on line 305 in test/integration/registration/spokeagent_switch_hub_test.go

View workflow job for this annotation

GitHub Actions / verify

missing ',' before newline in argument list

func startAgentHealthChecker(ctx context.Context, stopAgent context.CancelFunc, healthCheckers []healthz.HealthChecker) {

Check failure on line 307 in test/integration/registration/spokeagent_switch_hub_test.go

View workflow job for this annotation

GitHub Actions / verify

expected '(', found startAgentHealthChecker
ticker := time.NewTicker(3 * time.Second)
for {
select {
case <-ticker.C:
fmt.Println("[agent-health-checker] - start health checking...")
for _, healthchecker := range healthCheckers {
if err := healthchecker.Check(nil); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("[agent-health-checker] - agent is not health: %v\n", err)
case <-ctx.Done():
// exit
fmt.Println("[agent-health-checker] - shutting down...")

Check failure on line 326 in test/integration/registration/spokeagent_switch_hub_test.go

View workflow job for this annotation

GitHub Actions / verify

missing ',' before newline in argument list

func startAgentBootstrapKubeConfigSecretToFileSyncer(ctx context.Context, bootstrapFile string, kubeClient kubernetes.Interface) {
// simulate the agent to sync the bootstrap kubeconfig secret to file
ticker := time.NewTicker(30 * time.Second)
for {
select {
case <-ticker.C:
err := util.SyncSecretToBootstrapKubeConfigFiles(bootstrapFile, testNamespace, "bootstrap-hub-kubeconfig", kubeClient)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("[agent-bootstrap-kubeconfig-secret-syncer] - failed to sync bootstrap kubeconfig secret to file: %v\n", err)
case <-ctx.Done():
// exit
fmt.Println("[agent-bootstrap-kubeconfig-secret-syncer] - shutting down...")

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