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Write spiders with Scrapy

About Scrapy

Scrapy calls scrapers 'spiders' so we're going to call them 'spiders' hereon.

Scrapy provides a Spider class which all spiders should inherit, and the process of writing a new spider basically involves defining the parse method and overriding any of the other Spider methods if you need to customise what they do.

The Scrapy framework determines what happens to a crawled item through its 'pipeline', and lots of things happen in the background (like the actual sending of requests, and automatic passing things through different stages in the pipeline).

Scrapy schedules HTTP requests with its own crawler engine, and they are not guaranteed (or likely) to be executed in a predictable order.

Scrapy documentation.

About OCDS Kingfisher

The OCDS data sources are for the most part JSON APIs which output valid OCDS data, either as release_package, record_package, release, record and a few other types, using various different structures or endpoints of the publishers' own design.

Our spiders need to:

  • Know the URL(s) for a particular API from which all data can be found.
  • Tell the difference between endpoints which return lists of URLS
    • And then follow these URLS
  • and endpoints which return OCDS data
    • And then download this data.
  • and endpoints which return both useful OCDS data and more URLs to fetch
  • and endpoints which return other things.

This tends to involve prior knowledge of the API you're writing a spider for (you have to go look at its responses yourself to see what they are), and maybe some JSON parsing of the responses.

Using the pipeline

  1. Each spider first finds its starting point(s). Either:
    • start_urls list or
    • requests yielded from the start_requests method.

Then, for each URL:

  1. GET requests are passes it to the crawler engine to be executed. The response is passed back to the parse method in the spider.
  2. The parse method must check the return status code! If it is not 200, this must be reported by fielding a block of information.
  3. If the parse method has got a file it wants to save, it must yield something, typically using build_file_from_response.
  4. The parse method can then yield further requests for processing.
  5. The blocks of information are passed to the pipeline which fires it all off to the Kingfisher Process API.

The only parts you should have to touch when writing a spider are 1 and 3 to 5.

Here is a sample:

from kingfisher_scrapy.base_spider import SimpleSpider
from kingfisher_scrapy.util import handle_error

class VerySimple(SimpleSpider):
    name = 'very_simple'
    data_type = 'release_package'

    def start_requests(self):
        # This API only has one URL to get. Make a request for that, and set a filename
        yield scrapy.Request(
            meta={'kf_filename': '13-14.json'}

Spider properties

  • name: a slug for the spider. This is what you pass to scrapy crawl to run it. Underscore separated, all lowercase. Required.
  • start_urls: list of URLs to do the initial GET on. Don't need it if you define start_requests instead.
  • See Scrapy Spider docs for other options.
from scrapy import Spider

class CanadaBuyAndSell(Spider):
    name = "canada_buyandsell"

Start Requests

Implement the start_requests method instead of using a start_urls property on the spider if you need to do something more complicated than just a list to get the URLs the spider starts with.

This might be useful to generate a long list of API endpoint URLs you know are sequential or contain dates or something.

However you come up with them, the output of this method should yield a Scrapy Request for each URL.


def start_requests(self):
    url_base = '{}-{}.json'
    urls = []
    for year in range(13, 17):
        urls.append(url_base.format(year, year+1))

    for url in urls:
        yield scrapy.Request(url)

This does the same thing as:

start_urls = [

Only with start_requests if we want to add a year we just up the range, or if the API endpoint changes we only need to modify one string.

Sample mode

Sample mode is a way to get a subset of the results, then stop the spider. It's triggered when you pass -a sample=true to scrapy crawl <spider_name>.

How sample mode is executed is different for every spider, depending on the API you're crawling. You probably want to define it in start_requests though, unless your start_urls is only one (like an index listing) in which case you'd define it in parse (where you loop through the listing).

It just needs to do something like yield a single Request for one URL in a list of URLs, instead of yielding Requests for all of the URLs in the list.

Eg. in start_requests:

if self.sample:
        yield scrapy.Request(urls[0])
        for url in urls:
            yield scrapy.Request(url)

Eg. in parse:

files_urls = json.loads(response.body)
    if self.sample:
        files_urls = [files_urls[0]]

    for file_url in files_urls:
        yield {
            'file_urls': [file_url],
            'data_type': 'record'