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File metadata and controls

342 lines (198 loc) · 10.7 KB


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A suite of command-line tools for working with OCDS data, including:

  • creating release packages from releases
  • creating record packages from release packages
  • creating compiled releases and versioned releases from release packages
  • combining small packages into large packages
  • splitting large packages into small packages
  • load packages into a database
  • validate JSON data against a JSON schema
  • generate a spreadsheet version of OCDS schema
pip install ocdskit
ocdskit --help

Or, use OCDS Kit within a Docker container.

To see all commands available, run:

ocdskit --help

Input format

Most ocdskit tools accept only line-delimited JSON data from standard input. To process a remote file:

curl <url> | ocdskit <command>

To process a local file:

cat <path> | ocdskit <command>

If the JSON data is not line-delimited, you can make it line-delimited using jq:

curl <url> | jq -crM . | ocdskit <command>

For exploring JSON data, consider using jq. See our tips on using jq and the command-line.


Optional arguments for all commands are:

  • -h, --help show the help message and exit
  • --encoding ENCODING the file encoding
  • --pretty pretty print output


Reads release packages from standard input, merges the releases by OCID, and prints the compiled releases.

Optional arguments:

  • --schema SCHEMA the release schema to use
  • --package wrap the compiled releases in a record package
  • --uri URI if --package is set, set the record package's uri to this value
  • --published-date PUBLISHED_DATE if --package is set, set the record package's publishedDate to this value
  • --linked-releases if --package is set, use linked releases instead of full releases in the record package
  • --versioned if --package is set, include versioned releases in the record package; otherwise, print versioned releases instead of compiled releases
cat tests/fixtures/realdata/release-package-1.json | ocdskit compile > out.json


Upgrades packages and releases from an old version of OCDS to a new version.

OCDS 1.0 describes an organization's name, identifier, address and contactPoint as relevant to identifying it. OCDS 1.1 moves organization data into a parties array. To upgrade from OCDS 1.0 to 1.1, we create an id for each organization, based on those identifying fields. This can result in duplicates in the parties array, if the same organization has different or missing name, identifier, address or contactPoint values in different contexts. This can also lead to data loss if the same organization has different values for other fields across occurrences; the command prints warnings in such cases.

cat tests/fixtures/realdata/release-package-1.json | ocdskit upgrade 1.0:1.1 > out.json


Reads releases from standard input, and prints one release package. You will need to edit the package metadata.

Optional positional arguments:

  • extension add this extension to the package
cat tests/fixtures/release_*.json | ocdskit package-releases > out.json

To convert record packages to a release package, you can use use jq to get the releases from the record packages, along with the package-releases command. You will need to edit the package metadata.

cat tests/fixtures/realdata/record-package* | jq -crM .records[].releases[] | ocdskit package-releases


Reads record packages from standard input, collects packages and records, and prints one record package.

Optional arguments:

  • --uri URL set the record package's uri to this value
  • --published-date PUBLISHED_DATE set the record package's publishedDate to this value
cat tests/fixtures/record-package_*.json | ocdskit combine-record-packages > out.json


Reads release packages from standard input, collects releases, and prints one release package.

Optional arguments:

  • --uri URL set the release package's uri to this value
  • --published-date PUBLISHED_DATE set the release package's publishedDate to this value
cat tests/fixtures/release-package_*.json | ocdskit combine-release-packages > out.json


Reads record packages from standard input, and prints smaller record packages for each.

cat tests/fixtures/realdata/record-package-1.json | ocdskit split-record-packages 2 | split -l 1 -a 4

The split command will write files named xaaaa, xaaab, xaaac, etc. Don't combine the OCDS Kit --pretty option with the split command.


Reads release packages from standard input, and prints smaller release packages for each.

cat tests/fixtures/realdata/release-package-1.json | ocdskit split-release-packages 2 | split -l 1 -a 4

The split command will write files named xaaaa, xaaab, xaaac, etc. Don't combine the OCDS Kit --pretty option with the split command.


Load packages into a database.

Optional arguments:

  • --drop drop all tables before loading
  • --schema SCHEMA the release-schema.json to use
cat release_package.json | ocdskit tabulate sqlite:///data.db

For the format of database_url, see the SQLAlchemy documentation.


Reads JSON data from standard input, validates it against the schema, and prints errors.

Optional arguments:

  • --schema SCHEMA the schema to validate against
  • --check-urls check the HTTP status code if "format": "uri"
  • --timeout TIMEOUT timeout (seconds) to GET a URL
  • --verbose print items without validation errors
cat tests/fixtures/* | ocdskit validate

Generic Commands

The following commands may be used when working with JSON data, in general.


Indents JSON files by modifying the given files in-place.

Optional arguments:

  • -r, --recursive recursively indent JSON files
  • --indent INDENT indent level
ocdskit indent --recursive file1 path/to/directory file2

Schema Commands

The following commands may be used when working with OCDS schema from extensions, profiles, or OCDS itself.


Generates a spreadsheet with all field paths from an OCDS schema.

cat path/to/release-schema.json | ocdskit mapping-sheet > mapping-sheet.csv


Reports details of a JSON Schema (open and closed codelists, definitions that can use a common $ref in the versioned release schema).

Optional arguments:

  • --no-codelists skip reporting open and closed codelists
  • --no-definitions skip reporting definitions that can use a common $ref in the versioned release schema
  • --min-occurrences report definitions that occur at least this many times (default 5)
cat path/to/release-schema.json | ocdskit schema-report


For any required field, adds "minItems" if an array, "minProperties" if an object and "minLength" if a string and "enum", "format" and "pattern" are not set.

cat path/to/release-schema.json | ocdskit schema-strict > out.json


Sets the enum in a JSON Schema to match the codes in the CSV files of closed codelists.

ocdskit set-closed-codelist-enums path/to/standard path/to/extension1 path/to/extension2


Example 1

Download a list of release packages:

curl > release_packages.json

Transform it to a stream of release packages, and validate each:

jq -crM '.[]' release_packages.json | ocdskit validate --schema

Or, validate each with a local schema file:

jq -crM '.[]' release_packages.json | ocdskit validate --schema file:///path/to/release-package-schema.json

Transform it to a stream of compiled releases:

jq -crM '.[]' release_packages.json | ocdskit compile > compiled_releases.json

Find a compiled release with a given ocid (replace the ):

jq 'select(.ocid == "OCDS-87SD3T-AD-SF-DRM-063-2015")' compiled_releases.json

Example 2

Download a list of record packages:

curl > record_packages.json

Combine it into a single record package:

jq -crM '.[]' record_packages.json | ocdskit combine-record-packages > record_package.json

If the file is too large for the OCDS Validator, you can break it into parts. First, transform the list into a stream:

jq -crM '.[]' record_packages.json > stream.json

Combine the first 10,000 items from the stream into a single record package:

head -n 10000 stream.json | ocdskit combine-record-packages > record_package-1.json

Then, combine the next 10,000 items from the stream into a single record package:

tail -n +10001 stream.json | head -n 10000 | ocdskit combine-record-packages > record_package-2.json

And so on:

tail -n +20001 stream.json | head -n 10000 | ocdskit combine-record-packages > record_package-3.json

Copyright (c) 2017 Open Contracting Partnership, released under the BSD license