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@Viicos Viicos tagged this 06 May 12:01
…for production use.

Detailed changes

**New features**

* Improved backend validation robustness, mainly by validating new components:

   - [#72] Improved validation for the following components: time, selectboxes, textarea, postcode, bsn, select, checkbox,
     currency, signature, map, cosign, password, iban and licenseplate.

* Submission registration:

   - [#4031] Added a warning for the Objects API registration configuration when switching back to the legacy configuration.
   - [#4041] Improved robustness of document registration in the Documents API.

Other features:

* [#3969] For eHerkenning/eIDAS authentication, the level of assurance can no longer be overridden (as brokers do not support this).
* [#4009] Improved the representation of submission data in the admin interface.
* [#4005] Added the ability to search submission reports by public registration reference and submission in the admin.
* [#4005] Updated title of the PDF submission report to include the public registration reference.
* [#3725] Expanded email digest by detecting more problems in features actively used, such as:

   - Submissions with failed registration status.
   - Prefill plugins failures.
   - Missing or wrong BRK client configuration.
   - Address autofill (based on postal code and house numer) misconfiguration.
   - Form logic rules referring to non-existent fields.
   - Invalid registration backends configuration.
   - ZGW services: Mutual TLS certificates/certificate pairs and (nearly) expired certificates.

* [#3889] You can now export the audit trails and GDPR log entries.
* [#3889] Viewing an outgoing request log entry in the admin will now create a GDPR log entry.
* [#4101] The "Show form" button in the admin is now only displayed for active forms.
* [#4080] Added generation timestamp to PDF submission report.
* [#4215] Email logs older than 90 days are now periodically deleted.
* [#4229] Improved performance of KVK number validation.


* Fixed more backend validation issues:

   - [#4065] Hidden fields/components are not longer taken into account during backend validation.
   - [#4068] Fixed various backend validation issues:

      * Allow empty string as empty value for date field.
      * Don't reject textfield (and derivatives) with multiple=True when
        items inside are null (treat them as empty value/string).
      * Allow empty lists for edit grid/repeating group when field is
        not required.
      * Skip validation for layout components, they never get data.
      * Ensure that empty string values for optional text fields are
        allowed (also covers derived fields).
      * Fixed validation error being returned that doesn't point to
        a particular component.
      * Fixed validation being run for form steps that are (conditionally) marked as
        "not applicable".

   - [#4126] Fixed incorrect validation of components inside repeating groups that are
     conditionally visible (with frontend logic).
   - [#4143] Added additional backend validation: now when form step data is being saved
     (including pausing a form), the values are validated against the component
     configuration too.
   - [#4151] Fixed backend validation error being triggered for radio/select/selectboxes
     components that get their values/options from another variable.
   - [#4172] Fixed a crash while running input validation on date fields when min/max date
     validations are specified.
   - [DH#671] Fixed conditionally making components required/optional via backend logic.
   - Fixed validation of empty/optional select components.
   - [#4096] Fixed validation of hidden (with ``clearOnHide: false``) radio components.
   - [DH#667] Fixed components inside a repeating group causing validation issues when
     they are nested inside a fieldset or columns.

* [#4069] Fixed a crash in the form designer when navigating to the variables tab if you
  use any of the following registration backends: email, MS Graph (OneDrive/Sharepoint)
  or StUF-ZDS.
* [#4061] Fixed not all form components being visible in the form builder when other
  components can be selected.
* [#4079] Fixed metadata retrieval for DigiD failing when certificates signed by the G1
  root are used.
* [#4099] Fixed a crash in the form designer when editing (user defined) variables and
  the template-based Objects API registration backend is configured.
* [#4103] Fixed incorrect appointment details being included in the submission PDF.
* [#4073] Removed unused StUF-ZDS 'gemeentecode'.
* [#4015] Fixed possible traversal attack in service fetch service.
* [#4084] Fixed default values of select components set to multiple.
* [#4134] Fixed form designer admin crashes when component/variable keys are edited.
* [#4131] Fixed bug where component validators all had to be valid rather than at least
* [#4072] Fixed recovery token flow redirecting back to login screen, making it impossible to use recovery tokens.
* [#4145] Fixed the payment status not being registered correctly for StUF-ZDS.
* [#4124] Fixed forms being shown multiple times in the admin list overview.
* [#4052] Fixed payment (reminder) emails being sent more often than intended.
* [#4156] Fixed the format of order references sent to payment providers. You can now
  provide your own template.
* [#4141] Fixed a crash in the Objects API registration when using periods in component
* [#4165] A cookie consent group for analytics is now required.
* [#4187] Selectboxes/radio with dynamic options are considered invalid when submitting the form.
* [#4202] Fixed Objects API registration v2 crash with hidden fields.
* [#4115] Support different kinds of GovMetric feedback (aborting the form vs. completing the form).
* [#4197] Ensured all uploaded images are being resized if necessary.
* [#4191] Added missing required ``aoaIdentificatie`` field to ZGW registration.
* [#4173] Fixed registration backends not being included when copying a form.
* [#4146] Fixed SOAP timeout not being used for Stuf-ZDS client.
* [#3964] Toggling visibility with frontend logic and number/currency components leads to fields being emptied.
* [#4247] Fixed migration crash because of particular key-structure with repeating groups.
* [#4174] Fixed submission pre-registration being stuck in a loop when failing to do so.

**Project maintenance**

* [#4035] Added an E2E test for the file component.
* Cleaned up logging config: removed unused performance logging config, added tools to mute logging.
* Cleaned up structure of local setting overrides.
* [#4057] Upgraded to ``zgw-consumers`` 0.32.0. This drops the dependency on ``gemma-zds-client``.
* Vendored ``decorator-include``, as it is not maintained anymore.
* Updated dependencies to drop ``setuptools``.
* [#3878] Updated some dependencies after the Django 4.2 upgrade.
* Switched to Docker Compose V2 in CI, as V1 was removed from Github Ubuntu images.
* Moved EOL changelog to archive.
* Ordered changelog entries by version instead of date in archive.
* Added feature to log flaky tests in CI.
* Documented versioning policy change.
* Used ``uv`` to install dependencies in Docker build.
* Improved release process documentation.
* [#3878] Updated docs dependencies.
* Added PR checklist template.
* [#4009, #979] Removed the ``get_merged_data`` of the submission model.
* [#4044] Improved developer documentation of submission state and component configuration.
* [#3878] Updated to the latest version of ``django-yubin``, removed the temporary patch.
* [#3878] Updated to the latest version of ``celery``, including related dependencies.
* [#4247] Improved robustness of the ``FormioConfigurationWrapper`` with editgrids.
* [#4236] Removed form copy API endpoint, as it is not used anymore.
Assets 2