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Documentation is in progress.

This repository is based off of the Open Knowledge Foundation's format for open source repositories.


Guidelines for contributing resources:

  • Remember to include the following in your resource:
    • Name
    • Url
    • Icons (or suggest a new one!)
    • Description
    • Category (or suggest a new one!)
  • If contributing by PR, try to mimic the formatting of other resources
  • Try to keep your language "neutral" (i.e. please no overt advertising!)

Contribute via Yopad:

Contribute via a Pull Request (PR):

  • Clone this repository
  • Make changes locally on a new branch
  • Open a PR with a clear list of the changes you have made
  • Request review of your PR from another contributor (e.g. @aleesteele)
  • The reviewer will approve (or ask for changes) and then merge the PR. Please do not merge your own PRs. Read more about PRs here

Open an Issue

Please open an issue if you see something wrong, have design/category/other suggestions, or want to discuss ideas for improvement/edits.

About this project

This project built using the minimal theme by orderedlist. It uses Github pages.

To run this project, clone or fork this repository.

To run this project on your local machine, set up a server on your computer. One way to do this is a simple python server.

Run this command from terminal, once you have navigated to the directory that this repository is in.

python -m SimpleHTTPServer