Open Web Components provides a set of defaults, recommendations and tools to help facilitate your web component project. Our recommendations include: developing, linting, testing, building, tooling, demoing, publishing and automating.
# in a new or existing folder:
npm init @open-wc
# requires node 10 & npm 6 or higher
This will kickstart a menu guiding you through all available actions.
$ npm init @open-wc
npx: installed 30 in 1.762s
.d'' ``b. Open Web Components Recommendations
.p' Open `q.
.d' Web Components `b. Start or upgrade your web component project with
.d' `b. ease. All our recommendations at your fingertips.
:: ................. ::
`p. .q' See more details at
`p. .q'
`b. @openWc .d'
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❯ Scaffold a new project
Upgrade an existing project
For more details please visit us at
Package | Version | Description |
building-rollup | Default configuration for working with rollup. | |
create | Scaffold web components following open-wc recommendations. | |
demoing-storybook | Storybook configuration following open-wc recommendations. | |
eslint-config | Eslint configuration following open-wc recommendations. | |
@web/dev-server | Modern development server for web applications, replacing es-dev-server. | |
polyfills-loader | Load web component polyfills using dynamic imports. | |
scoped-elements | Auto define custom elements to scope them and avoid the name collision. | |
semantic-dom-diff | To compare dom and shadow dom trees. Part of open-wc recommendations. | |
testing | Testing following open-wc recommendations. | |
testing-helpers | Testing Helpers following open-wc recommendations. | |
testing-karma | Testing with Karma following open-wc recommendations. | |
testing-karma-bs | Testing with Karma using Browserstack following open-wc recommendations. | |
testing-wallaby | Testing with wallaby following open-wc recommendations. |
Feel free to reach out to us on 𝕏 (Twitter) or create a github issue for any feedback or questions you might have.
You can also find us on the Lit & Friends slack in the #open-wc channel.
You can join the Lit & Friends slack by visiting
# bootstrap/setup
npm install
# linting
npm run lint
# local testing
npm run test
# testing via browserstack
npm run test:bs
# run commands only for a specific scope
lerna run <command> --scope @open-wc/<package-name> --stream