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How to contribute to validation

Marc Behrens edited this page Jul 31, 2014 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the validation project inside openETCS.

Validation inside openETCS covers

  • Verification
  • Validation
  • Safety activities

If you are new to openETCS and want to have a first overview on ho to participate, please read the ecosystem wiki.

You can find a list of current activities going on at the validation wiki page.

Where to contribute inside validation

Inside this workstream the contributions are collected inside user stories. You can find the path to individual user stories here.

The best way to get started is to copy the template folder and use a new name describing your user story.

Template of a VnV user story

Within the tempate you find a structure describing where to put different artifacts/ tools and further documentation.

How to trigger a verification

If you are the product owner of a design artifact and need a verification you should

  • Check if your artifact conforms to the Artifacts Acceptance Criteria
  • Check if there is already a verification activity enlisted in the WP4 Issue Tracker concerning your artifact.
  • If there is already an issue documenting the verification activities, please add your verification request to the existing issue. In the case no issue exists on this topic, go ahead and create a new issue.

The request should contain the following information:

  1. Verification Object: Exactly which file(s) should be verified. Here a link with a hash should be provided.
  2. Verification Goal: Please describe the goal of the verification. One classic example could be Konformity or Coverage.
  3. Design Phase: Please enter a reference of the design phase your artifact complies to. This yould be a reference to the Verification and Validation Plan or to the Development Process documented within the requirements od openETCS.
  4. Specification reference: Please give the chapter(s) of the specification your object complies to. One possibility could be: Subset-026- referring to chapter of TSI-CCS Subset-026.