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Roadmap for future progress

Abhijeet Singh edited this page Sep 8, 2020 · 7 revisions

Live version. Ask credentials in mifos mailing list. Current progress video

Future contributors can start by going through Fineract CN project structure and API docs. Fineract CN is an evolving project, and more microservices can be added in the future, which can be used in the digital-bank. Also, go through use-cases wiki page for the digital bank. This issue tracker features we might want in the future.

  • Savings accounts in customers use mock data, which need to be changed to get data from Fineract CN once it has been implemented in Fineract CN.
  • Loan accounts/product management, and mainly the accounting section (see Note below) are important features, and a lot more can be done with accounting.
  • Currently Dashboard uses some mock data and needs to be constantly changed to be aligned with the current progress with the app. It is one of the most important parts of the app.
    • Dashboard should contain easy ways to monitor the most important parts of the app, namely customer activity, product information, pending tasks, frequently used features, accounting activity, etc.
    • Check out these UI inspiration for Admin dashboard.
  • We do not have session persistence, which is a priority task.
  • Google maps/leaflet + OpenStreetMap support for showing and location office addresses, customer addresses, etc.
  • Translation support. For reference check web-app
  • Email and SMS notifications.
  • Writing unit tests. For reference check fims-web-app

Note: The original code for fims-web-app contains a few sections which haven't been implemented and can be used. Specifically, we have teller management, loan management, and accounting section code which can be reused. We don't need group management and employee management as they do not align with our requirements. Also, web-app has most of the accounting section fairly well implemented and can be used as a reference.

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