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Replace bento shared views with bootstrap
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In this deliverable, we are removing bento. For that reason, we
are moving the sharted views from webui2 to webui namespace.
  • Loading branch information
David Kang committed Sep 2, 2019
1 parent d5e33e4 commit 443cdaa
Show file tree
Hide file tree
Showing 22 changed files with 518 additions and 31 deletions.
36 changes: 36 additions & 0 deletions src/api/app/views/webui/shared/_buildresult_box.html.haml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
index ||= ''
ajax_data = {}
ajax_data['project'] = h(project) if defined?(project)
ajax_data['package'] = h(package) if defined?(package)
ajax_data['index'] = h(index) if defined?(index)

.bg-light{ id: "buildresult#{index}-urls", data: { buildresult_url: defined?(package) ? package_buildresult_path : project_buildresult_path } }{ id: "buildresult#{index}-box", role: 'tablist', data: ajax_data }
= link_to("#build#{index}", id: "build#{index}-tab", class: 'nav-link active text-nowrap',
data: { toggle: 'tab' }, role: 'tab', aria: { controls: "build#{index}", selected: true }) do
Build Results
- if defined?(package)
= link_to("#rpm#{index}", id: "rpm#{index}-tab", class: 'nav-link text-nowrap', data: { toggle: 'tab' },
role: 'tab', aria: { controls: "rpm#{index}", selected: false }) do
RPM Lint
.tab-content{ id: "build#{index}", role: 'tabpanel', aria: { labelledby: "build#{index}-tab" } }{ onclick: "updateBuildResult('#{index}')", accesskey: 'r', title: 'Refresh Build Results' }
%i.fas.fa-sync-alt{ id: "build#{index}-reload" }
- if defined?(package)
.tab-pane.fade{ id: "rpm#{index}", role: 'tabpanel', aria: { labelledby: "rpm#{index}-tab" } }
.btn.btn-outline-primary.mb-2{ onclick: "updateRpmlintResult('#{index}')", title: 'Refresh Rpmlint Results' }
%i.fas.fa-sync-alt{ id: "rpm#{index}-reload" }
if ($('#rpm#{index}').length === 1) updateRpmlintResult('#{index}');
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
= remove_dialog_tag('Cancel')
= submit_tag('Accept')
- submit_tag_text ||= 'Accept'

%a.btn.btn-outline-danger.px-4{ data: { dismiss: 'modal' } }
= submit_tag(submit_tag_text, class: 'btn btn-primary px-4')
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
- url = "#{download_url}/#{project.to_s.gsub(/:/, ':/')}/#{repository}"
= link_to(url, title: 'Go to download repository', class: 'nav-link') do
Go to download repository
54 changes: 54 additions & 0 deletions src/api/app/views/webui/shared/_editor.html.haml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
save ||= {}
style ||= {}
style.reverse_merge!(read_only: false, big_editor: true)
uid ||= next_codemirror_uid
content_for(:head_style, codemirror_style(style))

%div{ class: "card #{'editable' unless style[:read_only]}" }
- unless style[:read_only]{ id: "top_#{uid}" }
%button.btn.btn-secondary{ id: "undo_#{uid}", onclick: "editors[#{uid}].Undo(this);", disabled: true }
%button.btn.btn-secondary{ id: "redo_#{uid}", onclick: "editors[#{uid}].Redo(this);", disabled: true }
%button.btn.btn-warning{ data: { 'target': "#settings#{uid}", 'toggle': 'modal' } }
.progress.short-progress.rounded-0.d-none{ id: "loading_#{uid}" }

data = {}
data['save-url'] = save[:url] if save[:url]
data['save-method'] = save[:method] if save[:method]
data['data'] = save[:data] if save[:data]
text = force_utf8_and_transform_nonprintables(text)

= text_area_tag("editor_#{uid}", text, cols: '0', rows: '0', data: data, class: 'form-control')

- unless style[:read_only]
.bg-light{ id: "bottom_#{uid}" }
%span{ id: "ln_#{uid}" } 0
%span{ id: "ch_#{uid}" } 0
%textarea.form-control{ id: "comment_#{uid}", disabled: true, placeholder: 'Describe your changes' }
.d-flex.justify-content-end{ id: "save_#{uid}", disabled: true }

- unless style[:read_only]
= render partial: 'shared/editor_modal', locals: { uid: uid }

- content_for :ready_function do
use_codemirror(#{uid}, #{style[:read_only]}, '#{mode}', #{style[:big_editor]});
55 changes: 55 additions & 0 deletions src/api/app/views/webui/shared/_editor_modal.html.haml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
.modal.fade{ id: "settings#{uid}" }
%h5.modal-title Editor settings
%button.close{ 'data-dismiss': 'modal' }
%span ×
Text size
= select_tag("fontsize_#{uid}", options_for_select(%w[0.5em 0.6em 0.75em 0.9em 1em 1.2em 1.5em]),
onchange: "editors[#{uid}].updateFontsize(this)", class: 'custom-select')

modes = [
['changes', 'rpm-changes', { id: "rpm-changes_#{uid}" }],
['spec', 'rpm-spec', { id: "rpm-spec-#{uid}" }],
['diff', { id: "diff_#{uid}" }],
['shell', 'text/x-sh', { id: "shell_#{uid}" }],
['prjconf', 'prjconf', { id: "prjconf_#{uid}" }],
['baselibs', 'baselibsconf', { id: "baselibs_#{uid}" }],
['perl', { id: "perl_#{uid}" }],
['css', 'css', { id: "css_#{uid}" }],
['html', 'htmlmixed', { id: "html_#{uid}" }],
['js', 'javascript', { id: "js_#{uid}" }],
['php', 'application/x-httpd-php-open', { id: "php_#{uid}" }],
['xml', { id: "xml_#{uid}" }],
['---', '', { id: "x_#{uid}", selected: true }]
= select_tag("mode_#{uid}", options_for_select(modes),
onchange: "editors[#{uid}].updateMode(this)", class: 'custom-select')
Tab width
= select_tag("tabsize_#{uid}", options_for_select(2..8),
onchange: "editors[#{uid}].updateTabsize(this)", class: 'custom-select')
%label Line wrapping:
%button.btn.btn-block.btn-danger{ onclick: "editors[#{uid}].Wrap(this)" }
%label Parenthesis matching:
%button.btn.btn-block.btn-danger{ id: "match_#{uid}", onclick: "editors[#{uid}].Match(this);" }
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions src/api/app/views/webui/shared/_flag_popover.html.haml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
.d-none{ data: { url: change_repository_flag_path(project: project, package: package) }, id: 'flag-popover-container' }
= link_to('javascript:;', class: 'popover_flag_action', data: { cmd: 'set-disable' }) do
= link_to('javascript:;', class: 'popover_flag_action', data: { cmd: 'set-enable' }) do
= link_to('javascript:;', class: 'popover_flag_action', data: { cmd: 'remove' }) do
%i.fas{ class: 'fa-check text-success' }
Take default (enable)
= link_to('javascript:;', class: 'popover_flag_action', data: { cmd: 'remove' }) do
%i.fas{ class: 'fa-ban text-danger' }
Take default (disable)
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions src/api/app/views/webui/shared/_open_requests.html.haml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
- if requests.present?
- path = package ? package_requests_path(project, package) : project_requests_path(project)
- path = request_show_path(requests[0]) if requests.size == 1
= link_to(pluralize(requests.size, 'open request'), path)
27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions src/api/app/views/webui/shared/_package_branch_form.html.haml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
- if show_project_field
%strong Change Branch Destination
%label{ for: 'target_project' }
%strong Branch project name
= text_field_tag 'target_project', target_project, size: 80, maxlength: 200, class: 'form-control'
%label{ for: 'target_package' }
%strong Branch package name
= text_field_tag 'target_package', package.try(:name), size: 80, maxlength: 200, class: 'form-control'
= check_box_tag(:current_revision, false, false, class: 'custom-control-input')
= label_tag(:current_revision, class: 'custom-control-label') do
Stay on this revision
- if revision
= hidden_field_tag(:revision, revision) if revision
- if show_project_field && Configuration.cleanup_after_days
%input.custom-control-input#disable-autocleanup{ type: 'checkbox' }
%label.custom-control-label{ for: 'disable-autocleanup' } Disable Autocleanup
= hidden_field_tag(:autocleanup, true)
$('#autocleanup').val($('#disable-autocleanup').prop('checked') ? 'false' : 'true');
32 changes: 32 additions & 0 deletions src/api/app/views/webui/shared/_patchinfos_table.html.haml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
%table.responsive.table.table-sm.table-bordered.table-hover.w-100#open-patchinfos-table{ title: 'Running Maintenance Updates' }
%th Project
%th Package
%th Issues
%th Actions
- involved_patchinfos.each do |patchinfo|
- shortened_prj, shortened_pkg = elide_two(patchinfo[:package][:project], patchinfo[:package][:name], 60)
%td= link_to(shortened_prj, project_show_path(patchinfo[:package][:project]))
%td= link_to(shortened_pkg, package_show_path(patchinfo[:package][:project], patchinfo[:package][:name]))
- size = patchinfo[:issues].size
- patchinfo[:issues].each_with_index do |item, index|
= succeed "#{',' if index < size - 1}" do
= link_to item[:label], item[:url], title: item[:summary]
= link_to(project_monitor_path(patchinfo[:package][:project], pkgname: patchinfo[:package][:name])) do
%i.fas.fa-heartbeat.text-danger{ title: 'Monitor' }

= javascript_tag do
$(function() {
iDisplayLength: 10,
stateSave: true,
stateDuration: #{2.days}

38 changes: 38 additions & 0 deletions src/api/app/views/webui/shared/_repositories.html.haml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
= render(partial: 'shared/flag_popover', locals: { project: project, package: package })
Build Flag
= render partial: 'shared/repositories_flag_table',
locals: { flags: flags[:build], project: project, package: package,
architectures: architectures, table_id: 'flag_table_build' }
Publish Flag
= render partial: 'shared/repositories_flag_table',
locals: { flags: flags[:publish], project: project, package: package,
architectures: architectures, table_id: 'flag_table_publish' }
Debuginfo Flag
= render partial: 'shared/repositories_flag_table',
locals: { flags: flags[:debuginfo], project: project, package: package,
architectures: architectures, table_id: 'flag_table_debuginfo' }
Use for Build Flag
= render partial: 'shared/repositories_flag_table',
locals: { flags: flags[:useforbuild], project: project, package: package,
architectures: architectures, table_id: 'flag_table_useforbuild' }

- if user_can_modify
- content_for :ready_function do
22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions src/api/app/views/webui/shared/_repositories_flag_table.html.haml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
%table.table.table-hover.table-sm{ id: table_id }
%th.w-auto Repository
%th.w-auto.text-center All
- architectures.each do |architecture|
- ([nil] + project.repositories).each do |repository|
- repository_name = repository.try(&:name)
- if repository.nil?
- elsif package
= link_to(repository_name, package_binaries_path(project: project, package: package, repository: repository_name))
- else
= link_to(repository_name, action: :state, project: project, repository: repository_name)
- ([nil] + architectures).each do |architecture|
%td.text-center{ class: architecture && repository ? nil : 'all_flag' }
= flag_column(flags, repository_name, architecture.try(&:name))
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,12 +1,19 @@
= select_tag('request_type_select',
options_for_select(Webui::RequestHelper::AVAILABLE_TYPES, @default_request_type),
data: { table: 'all_requests_table' })
requests in state
= select_tag('request_state_select',
options_for_select(Webui::RequestHelper::AVAILABLE_STATES, @default_request_state),
data: { table: 'all_requests_table' })
= image_tag('ajax-loader.gif', id: 'spinner', class: 'hidden')
= label_tag('request_type_select', 'Display', class: 'control-label input-group-text')
= select_tag('request_type_select',
options_for_select(Webui::RequestHelper::AVAILABLE_TYPES, selected_type),
data: { table: 'all_requests_table' },
class: 'form-control custom-select dataTables_length')

= label_tag('request_state_select', 'Requests in state', class: 'control-label input-group-text')
= select_tag('request_state_select',
options_for_select(Webui::RequestHelper::AVAILABLE_STATES, selected_state),
data: { table: 'all_requests_table' },
class: 'form-control custom-select dataTables_length')

7 changes: 3 additions & 4 deletions src/api/app/views/webui/shared/_requests_table.html.haml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
%table.requests-datatable.compact{ 'data-source' => source_url,
'id' => id,
'width' => '100%' }
%table.responsive.requests-datatable.table.table-sm.table-bordered.table-hover.w-100{ data: { source: source_url,
'page-length': local_assigns[:page_length] }, id: id }
%th Created
Expand All @@ -10,4 +9,4 @@
%th Type
%th Priority
26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions src/api/app/views/webui/shared/_sign_up.html.haml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
- if CONFIG['proxy_auth_mode'] == :on
- if CONFIG['proxy_auth_register_page'].blank?
%p Sorry, signing up is currently disabled
- else
%p= link_to 'Use this link to Sign Up', CONFIG['proxy_auth_register_page']
- else
= form_tag({ controller: 'user', action: 'register', method: :post }, class: 'sign-up', autocomplete: 'off') do
= label_tag 'login', 'Username:'
%abbr.text-danger{ title: 'required' } *
= text_field_tag 'login', nil, placeholder: 'Username', autocomplete: 'off', class: 'form-control', required: true
= label_tag 'email', 'Email:'
%abbr.text-danger{ title: 'required' } *
= text_field_tag 'email', nil, placeholder: 'Email address', autocomplete: 'off', class: 'form-control', type: 'email', required: true
= label_tag 'password', 'Password:'
%abbr.text-danger{ title: 'required' } *
= password_field_tag :password, nil, id: 'pwd', placeholder: 'Enter a password', autocomplete: 'off', class: 'form-control', required: true
= label_tag 'password_confirmation', 'Password confirmation:'
%abbr.text-danger{ title: 'required' } *
= password_field_tag(:password_confirmation, nil, id: 'pwd_confirmation', placeholder: 'Password confirmation', autocomplete: 'off',
class: 'form-control', required: true)
= hidden_field_tag 'register', 'true'
= submit_tag submit_btn_text, class: 'btn btn-primary'
11 changes: 0 additions & 11 deletions src/api/app/views/webui/shared/_truncated_diff_hint.html.erb

This file was deleted.


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