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Collapse patchinfo into one line
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hellcp-work committed Nov 27, 2023
1 parent ea450e6 commit 9e78dc5
Showing 1 changed file with 65 additions and 55 deletions.
120 changes: 65 additions & 55 deletions src/api/app/components/patchinfo_component.html.haml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,69 +1,79 @@
= link_to(@path) do
= @patchinfo['summary']
= @patchinfo['summary']
= category
= rating
= stopped
= retracted
Patch created by
- if (packager = User.find_by(login: patchinfo['packager']) || User.find_by(email:['packager']).address))
= render
- else
= @patchinfo['packager']
- if @patchinfo.key?('incident')
in the maintenance incident request
- if (incident = BsRequest.find_by(number: @patchinfo['incident']))
= link_to(request_show_path(incident)) do
= link_to("#patchinfo-collapse-#{@path.parameterize}", 'data-bs-toggle': 'collapse', 'aria-expanded': false ) do
(see less)
(see more)
.collapse{ id: "patchinfo-collapse-#{@path.parameterize}" }
Patch created by
- if (packager = User.find_by(login: patchinfo['packager']) || User.find_by(email:['packager']).address))
= render
- else
= @patchinfo['packager']
- if @patchinfo.key?('incident')
in the maintenance incident request
- if (incident = BsRequest.find_by(number: @patchinfo['incident']))
= link_to(request_show_path(incident)) do
- else

- if @patchinfo['description'].present?
%h6 Patch description
%p= @patchinfo['description']
- if @patchinfo['description'].present?
%h6 Patch description
%p= @patchinfo['description']

- if @patchinfo['message'].present?
%h6 Pop-up message
%p= @patchinfo['message']
- if @patchinfo['message'].present?
%h6 Pop-up message
%p= @patchinfo['message']

- if @patchinfo['releasetarget'].present?
%h6 Targeted for release in the following projects
- @patchinfo['releasetarget'].each do |releasetarget|
- if (project = Project.find_by_name(releasetarget['project']))
= link_to(project_show_path(project)) do
- if @patchinfo['releasetarget'].present?
%h6 Targeted for release in the following projects
- @patchinfo['releasetarget'].each do |releasetarget|
- if (project = Project.find_by_name(releasetarget['project']))
= link_to(project_show_path(project)) do
= releasetarget['project']
- else
= releasetarget['project']
- else
= releasetarget['project']
- if releasetarget.key?('repository')
= releasetarget['repository']
- if releasetarget.key?('repository')
= releasetarget['repository']

- if @patchinfo['binary'].present?
%h6 Affected binaries
- @patchinfo['binary'].each do |binary|
%li= binary
- if @patchinfo['binary'].present?
%h6 Affected binaries
- @patchinfo['binary'].each do |binary|
%li= binary

- if @patchinfo['package'].present?
%h6 Affected packages
- @patchinfo['package'].each do |package|
%li= package
- if @patchinfo['package'].present?
%h6 Affected packages
- @patchinfo['package'].each do |package|
%li= package

- if @patchinfo['issue'].present?
%h6 Issues related to the patch
- @patchinfo['issue'].each do |issue_hash|
- if (issue = Issue.find_or_create_by_name_and_tracker(issue_hash['id'], issue_hash['tracker']))
= link_to(issue.url) do
= issue.state
= issue.summary
- if @patchinfo['issue'].present?
%h6 Issues related to the patch
- @patchinfo['issue'].each do |issue_hash|
- if (issue = Issue.find_or_create_by_name_and_tracker(issue_hash['id'], issue_hash['tracker']))
= link_to(issue.url) do
= issue.state
= issue.summary

- properties.each do |property|
%span.badge.text-bg-info= property
- properties.each do |property|
%span.badge.text-bg-info= property
Based on
= link_to(@path) do
present in this request

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