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This is a demand-driven, priority-based model developed for OpenAgua, similar in concept to WEAP. Key differences include:

  • demand and priority can both be specified as arrays ("blocks"), to allow for piecewise linear changes in water value
  • within each block, demand/priority arrays can be automatically divided into equal parts ("subblocks") with quadratic value functions to allocated shortages in a second level of piecewise linearization

Some additional key points:

  • Currently uses Pyomo for model formulation
  • Uses GLPK for the LP solver


There are two general ways that the water system model can be run:

  1. as a service, whereby the model is run in response to an event (namely, by clicking a "run" button in OpenAgua)
  2. as a command, whereby the model is run directly and immediately by the user

In both cases, there are several ways to set up the model to accommodate the run style.


Whether the model is run as a service or as a command, several environment variables are needed. These include:

all modes

  • AWS_S3_BUCKET - The AWS S3 bucket for data files
  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID - The AWS access key for reading/writing data files
  • AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY - The AWS secret access key for reading/writing data files

service only

  • MODEL_KEY - The key, generated in OpenAgua, associated with the model. This is for accessing the model queue and reporting progress.
  • RABBITMQ_HOST - The RabbitMQ host from which to wait for model run tasks.

Install from source

Whether the model is run as a service or command, installation from source is the same.

Direct installation is for those who want to run a Python script directly, including for development. The general process, which is more or less the same as in the Dockerfile is as follows. Some hints are offered for different systems, but generally the specific installation details are left to the user. For example, a lot of this (all?) might be done through Anaconda. Google is your friend here!

  1. Install Python 3.6
  2. Install software needed to compile C++ packages (e.g., build-essential on Linux).
  3. Optionally (but recommended), create a virtual environment with Python 3.6. Follow these instructions. If following that guide, replace virtualEnvExample with something like waterlp, and make sure to use Python 3.6. So for Step 2: virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3.6 waterlp (if on Linux; change the path to the correct one if on Windows). NOTE: Virtual environments are an annoying part of Python, especially if you are coming from, say, R or Matlab. They aren't strictly required, but are generally recommended to ensure correct versions of libraries are installed for each project. Most of the top Python IDEs (e.g., PyCharm, Wing IDE, Spyder, etc.) have tools built in to help create and manage virtual environments. PyCharm is particularly good.
  4. Clone this repository into a folder of your choice.
  5. From within the root folder of your local copy of this repository (and from within your virtual environment, if used) install the required Python libraries with pip: pip install -r requirements.txt.
  6. Finally, install GLPK, the LP solver (Linux: glpk-utils; Mac: see here; Windows: see here)

Install as a service with Docker

Under construction.

Install as a command with Docker

Docker is a system for packaging and deploying software in a way that ensures cross-platform consistency. Docker installation is included first, as it is a simple process to install.

  1. Install Docker
  2. Install the openagua/waterlp-general-pyomo, OR install directly using the Dockerfile

NOTE: Docker is not currently set up for writing output to a local folder. So if the intent is to use this totally offline, the Dockerfile needs to be modified to map an output folder from the local computer to the Docker container. The model script would also need to be modified to allow this.

Run the model

Whether the model is run as a service or as a command, there are multiple ways to run the model.

As a service

When running as a service, the model runs as a task worker, by listening to task messages from a task queue and running the model based on the content of the message. This is generally the approach used when running the model from the OpenAgua web application (i.e., by clicking a "run" button).

More detail forthcoming.

As a command

When running as a command, the model is invoked from a command line argument or Python IDE.

More detail forthcoming.