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File metadata and controls

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Operation Method Name

Method Name Api Class Notes
post_allof_with_two_empty_schemas_response_body_for_content_types AllOfApi This api is only for tag=allOf
post_allof_with_two_empty_schemas_response_body_for_content_types PathPostApi This api is only for
post_allof_with_two_empty_schemas_response_body_for_content_types ContentTypeJsonApi This api is only for tag=contentType_json
post_allof_with_two_empty_schemas_response_body_for_content_types ResponseContentContentTypeSchemaApi This api is only for tag=response.content.contentType.schema
post ApiForPost This api is only for this endpoint
post ResponseBodyPostAllofWithTwoEmptySchemasResponseBodyForContentTypes This api is only for path=/responseBody/postAllofWithTwoEmptySchemasResponseBodyForContentTypes

Table of Contents

General Info

Field Value
Path "/responseBody/postAllofWithTwoEmptySchemasResponseBodyForContentTypes"
HTTP Method post


Name Type Description Notes
accept_content_types typing.Tuple[str] default is ("application/json", ) Tells the server the content type(s) that are accepted by the client
server_index typing.Optional[int] default is None Allows one to select a different server. If not None, must be one of [0]
stream bool default is False if True then the response.content will be streamed and loaded from a file like object. When downloading a file, set this to True to force the code to deserialize the content to a FileSchema file
timeout typing.Optional[typing.Union[int, typing.Tuple]] default is None the timeout used by the rest client
skip_deserialization bool default is False when True, headers and body will be unset and an instance of api_response.ApiResponseWithoutDeserialization will be returned

Return Types

HTTP Status Code Class Description
n/a api_response.ApiResponseWithoutDeserialization When skip_deserialization is True this response is returned
200 ResponseFor200.ApiResponse success




ResponseFor200 ApiResponse

Name Type Description Notes
response urllib3.HTTPResponse Raw response
body schemas.immutabledict, str, float, int, bool, None, tuple, bytes, io.FileIO
headers Unset headers were not defined

ResponseFor200 Body

Content-Type Schema
"application/json" content.application_json.Schema

Body Details

ResponseFor200 content ApplicationJson Schema

type: schemas.Schema
Ref Schema Info
Ref Schema Input Type Output Type
allof_with_two_empty_schemas.AllofWithTwoEmptySchemas dict, schemas.immutabledict, str,, datetime.datetime, uuid.UUID, int, float, bool, None, list, tuple, bytes, io.FileIO, io.BufferedReader schemas.immutabledict, str, float, int, bool, None, tuple, bytes, io.FileIO


Set the available servers by defining your used servers in ApiConfiguration.server_info Then select your server by setting a server index in ApiConfiguration.server_index_info or by passing server_index in to the endpoint method.

server_index Class Description
0 Server0

Code Sample

import unit_test_api
from unit_test_api.configurations import api_configuration
from unit_test_api.apis.tags import all_of_api
from pprint import pprint
used_configuration = api_configuration.ApiConfiguration(
# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with unit_test_api.ApiClient(used_configuration) as api_client:
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_instance = all_of_api.AllOfApi(api_client)

    # example, this endpoint has no required or optional parameters
        api_response = api_instance.post_allof_with_two_empty_schemas_response_body_for_content_types()
    except unit_test_api.ApiException as e:
        print("Exception when calling AllOfApi->post_allof_with_two_empty_schemas_response_body_for_content_types: %s\n" % e)

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