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Openbook is the web software for creating an anonymous hive mind. There are no user accounts, and no login is needed to post. There is only one newsfeed, and everyone sees the same newsfeed. Posts are listed in order of "most recent", by default. Posts are categorized using #hashtags, and @mentions can mention unrelated hashtags.



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An Anonymous hive mind social media network website.

Openbook is the web software for creating an anonymous hive mind.

There are no user accounts or passwords. You do NOT have to log in to post.

There is only one newsfeed, so everyone sees the same newsfeed. There are no blackbox algorithms deciding what you see. The newsfeed defaults to showing posts in order of "most recent".

Posts are categorized using #hashtags. And @mentions are used to mention other hashtags that aren't directly related to your post (instead of "mentioning" other users, since there are no other users to mention) - this allows users to point the way to a certain hashtag without categorizing your own post as a part of it.

This second version of Openbook also has a little word bubble next to each hashtag, that links to a wiki article about the hashtag (of a wiki of your choosing) so that the proper use of a certain hashtag can be collectively defined using the wiki.

And there's a simple "securimage" CAPTCHA added to prevent bots from posting.

Posts have a character limit, but it's much larger than Twitter: posts just can't be over 9000!!!




Created in the spirit of #opRebuildTheHive, #opNewBlood, and...

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Welcome to...

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         Created and maintained by Anonymous, for Anonymous.

#thep0rtals are a decentralized, loosely-knit network of websites powered by Openbook opensource software. Which is basically a simple rip-off of Twitter, using hashtags to categorize information, but doing away with individual identities so that we may all speak as One.

It was also made to be easily used in the TOR browser, even if NoScript is turned on, so that everyone may speak freely and easily. Anonymously.

This social network is held together by announcing the opening of any new p0rtals using the hashtag #keepthep0rtalsopen. So even if p0rtals are hosted on free hosting services that run out of bandwidth, or servers in someone's basement that might get turned off randomly by their parents, it's still just as good as any other p0rtal. Because if any p0rtal doesn't work anymore, people can always look up newer p0rtals using the #keepthep0rtalsopen hashtag. This way, the nameless spirit of humanity will never be silenced, because there will always be yet another p0rtal for it/Us to channel through!

We also thought, since this network is so janky, and so loosely held together, it feels more accessible than some more hardcore online Anonymous gatherings. All you need to participate is a Tor browser, so everyone is welcome to take part. And all you need to run Openbook is a free hosting service that runs PHP and MySQL, so almost anyone can open a p0rtal to help #keepthep0rtalsopen if they want to. All of this makes participation seem more fun and light-hearted, inviting anyone/everyone to take part. All in the spirit of #opNewBlood and #opRebuildTheHive.

For those of you who are not just setting up the software, but also editing it, changing how it looks, or changing how it WORKS, we hope you'll find the code quite self-explanatory, and well-commented. Just be sure to read IMPORTANT.txt before you edit it too much. If you plan on announcing your p0rtal with #keepthep0rtalsopen and giving up control of your p0rtal to allow it to be One with the chaos that is #thep0rtals Anonymous social network, then you must read IMPORTANT.txt first or you might end up editing it so much it isn't quite a real "p0rtal" anymore..

So, without further ado...


This README only covers how to set up the software. However, there is WAY more important things you need to understand BEFORE opening a p0rtal. So, BEFORE YOU CONTINUE, PLEASE read IMPORTANT.txt.

If you're using a hosting service, even if it's a free one, they usually have PHP, MySQL, and probably even phpMyAdmin installed already. In which case, some of these steps may be redundant.

  1. Read IMPORTANT.txt or your website might go to shit real fast, and you won't understand what went wrong. (Or what didn't go wrong). You'll understand once you read IMPORTANT.txt!

  2. Download, install, and set up Apache2. (RTFM)

  3. Download, install, and set up PHP. (RTFM)

  4. Download and install MySQL. (RTFM)

  5. We recommend downloading and installing phpMyAdmin (RTFM) to make working with the MySQL database easier. Otherwise you may need to use the command line to run MySQL (RTFM).

  6. Create a database, name it whatever you want, and remember the database name and password. You'll need to write them into the PHP.

  7. The file "openbooktables.sql" has the SQL statements necessary to CREATE the table structure in your database. If you're using phpMyAdmin, select the database you created, and select "RUN" to run code on that database. It has the option of uploading the file or pasting the code from the file right into it - either will work.

  8. Go into the databasesetup.php file, and enter the database name and password where it says "databasename" and "databasepassword". These will be found once in just about every PHP file. You'll need to edit this file again in the next step, so don't close it, yet.

  9. Then replace "SQLuser" and "serveraddress" according to the settings of your hosting service. If you're hosting it on your own computer, the serveraddress will likely be "localhost". It may be "localhost" on a hosting service, as well, but you'll have to find out from them. They often have it listed somewhere, like on the main page of the cpanel, or wherever the other SQL settings are consolidated. The "SQLuser" may be a name you picked when you set up SQL, or it may have already been picked out for you by your hosting service, based on your username or something.

  10. Upload all the files! Be sure you keep all the files in the same folders they came in, or everything will break.

  11. BONUS: Now that it's made to work with a wiki, and securImage, you'll have to pick through the code and make sure securImage is set up properly... And you'll have to upload a wiki, and make sure it points to it properly... Once this stuff is better set up, and easier to understand, this README will be updated to clearly illustrate exactly how to set this all up.

Some tips:

  • If something is not working, but you can't tell what is wrong, you may have to turn on "DEBUG" mode for PHP. It doesn't necessarily show all the errors by default, for security purposes.
  • Also, if you're just lost in the dark at this point, try putting "echo phpinfo();" at the top of a PHP file to see if PHP is even working, and see what you can figure out from there. This command typically shows a huge list of PHP configurations, including whether DEBUG mode is on.


Openbook is the web software for creating an anonymous hive mind. There are no user accounts, and no login is needed to post. There is only one newsfeed, and everyone sees the same newsfeed. Posts are listed in order of "most recent", by default. Posts are categorized using #hashtags, and @mentions can mention unrelated hashtags.







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