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brianmajor committed Oct 24, 2023
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# CANFAR Science Platform Documentation

# Table of Contents
1. [Introduction and Access](#introduction-and-access)
2. [Interactive Sessions](#interactive-sessions)
3. [Batch Jobs](#batch-jobs)
4. [Storage](#storage)
5. [Groups and Permissions](#groups-and-permissions)
6. [Programmatic Access](#programmatic-access)
7. [Community and Support](#community-and-support)
7. [FAQ](#faq)

## Introduction and Access

Access to the [CANFAR Science Platform]( is through an authorized access to the [CANFAR Portal]( A Canadian Astronomy Data Centre (CADC) Account is required.
- To request a CADC Account:
- Authorization to access the science platform:
- if you are part of a collaboration already using CANFAR, ask the admininistrator of the collaboration you belong to add you as a member of the group using the [Group Interface](
- in any other case, send an email to []( specifying you are requesting access to the CANFAR Science Platform and a short line of justification.

The CANFAR Science Platform runs software packaged in [containers]( The platform allows users to run both pre-built, shared containers or private, custom containers. Users can publish container images to the [CANFAR Container Images Registry]( We have specific documentation on how to [build and publish]( capable to run on the CANFAR Science Platform.

The CANFAR Science Platform supports both launching interactive sessions and non-interactive ones. A more visual documentation for new users can be found [here](

## Interactive Sessions

Interactive sessions are applications running server-side on the browser allowing users to interact with the (typically large) datasets hosted on CANFAR storage. There are a few types of Interactive Sessions on the platform:

### Notebooks
Notebooks are using the Jupyter Lab interface.

[CARTA]( (Cube Analysis and Rendering Tool for Astronomy) is an astronomy visualization tool that will run natively in the browser. It can read FITS or HDF5 files, often used in radio astronomy, but not only.

### Desktop

For running non browser-native applications in the Science Platform, a browser Desktop session can be launched.
- Desktop documentation and tutorials are described more in details in the [User Documentation](
- Launching a CASA window in the Desktop YouTube tutorial: [YouTube Tutorial](

### Contributed

Contributed sessions are user-customised web applications, typically not maintained by CANFAR. This can be anything, such as a [VSCode server]( and [Pluto notebook]( for the Julia language.

The rules of building a container of type "contributed" on the CANFAR Science Platform are:
1. Incoming trafic will be over http (which may include websocket trafic) on port 5000
1. From the point of view of the container, requests will be received at the root path (/), but URLs in the browser will look like https:///, where <host> and <path> are subject to change. This path will initially be<sessionid>
1. The instance will be started by a script in the image that must be available at /skaha/ and will be passed 1 parameter: the sessionid.

## Batch Jobs

There is limited possibility to run a batch job, which can be understood of a non-interactive executable launched on a headless container. Please contact us before making use of the headless job support--we are incrementally adding support for batch processing in the science platform. See the specific [documentation]( This is still experimental.

## Storage

All sessions and applications accessed through Science Platform can share the same filesystem mounted at `/arc`. Within are `/arc/home` (contains all home directories) and `/arc/projects` (for project use). We encourage the use of `/arc/projects` for most data, and `/arc/home` for personalized configuration and software.

An efficient way to access the `arc` storage outside the Science Platform is through `sshfs`. Here is the [documentation](

The `arc` storage is also accesible through an API. The following list the ways it can be accessed beyond the use of the Science Portal and sshfs:

- Using the CANFAR storage management interface:
- Using the [VOSPace Python libraries](
- Using the `/arc/files` URL endpoint [documentation](

Please take care to protect sensitive information by ensuring it is not publicly accessible.

## Groups and Permissions

Projects are encouraged to use groups to manage access to resources, including files and directories in `arc` project storage, mounted at `/arc/projects` in every session.

Groups and their memberships can be managed through the CANFAR groups web interface, here:

Once created, groups can be assigned to files and directories in arc storage directly from their interactive sessions, or through the [CANFAR storage](

For more details, see the documentation on [file permissions](

## Programmatic Access

Session launching and management is through the `skaha` service. The `skaha` API definition and science platform service are here:

## Community and Support

Dicussions of issues and platform features take place in the Science Platform Slack Channel: [Science Platform Slack Channel](

Reporting of bugs and new feature requests:
- For the infrastructure and session
- For the containers:

Contributions to the platform (including updates or corrections to the documentation) can be submitted as pull requests to this GitHub repositories. We especially encourage science-containers.

General inquiries can be made to [](, and take a look at our [FAQ](

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# CANFAR Science Platform Containers

1. [Introduction](#intro)
2. [Building](#building)
3. [Initialization](#init)
4. [Publishing](#publishing)
5. [Launching](#launching)
6. [Testing](#testing)

<a name="intro"></a>
## Introduction

The CANFAR Science Platform supports various types of containers: `session`, `software`, and `legacy desktop application`

- `Session` are containers launched as native browser interactive applications (i.e. HTML5/Websocket).
- `Software` are containers launched with any kind of executable, installed with custom software stack.
- `Legacy desktop application` are containers launched and viewed specifically through a desktop `session`.

<a name="building"></a>
## Building CANFAR Science Platform Containers

### Minimum requirements
- Containers must be based on a standard Linux x86_84 distribution.
- Containers must contain an SSSD client and have ACL capabilities if one want to interact with the `arc` storage

#### SSSD and ACL
For linux group id (`gid`) names to be resolved, the container must have an SSSD client and ACL tools installed, and must provide an `nsswitch.conf` file as described below. If any of these are missing, only group IDs will be displayed (when `id` is typed for example), but file system authorization will continue to work as expected.
The packages to install on a Debian-based Linux distribution are `sssd-client` and `acl`.

The file `/etc/nsswitch.conf` must include the `sss` module in the `passwd`, `shadow`, and `group` entries. For example:

passwd: sss files
shadow: files sss
group: sss files

### Additional requirements for legacy desktop application containers
Examples of legacy desktop software containers are astronomy GUIs such as CASA, Topcat, Aladin, and customized containers such as Gemini processing containers which require desktop interaction.
Some of the recipes (Dockerfiles) for building these containers can be found in the [desktop directory](desktop). They can also be managed and hosted elsewhere. However, wherever the source is hosted, containers must meet a minimal set of requirements and expectations for execution in skaha.
Also the default executuable is `xterm`, so ensure it is installed.

Note: the desktop session is also sometimes known as the ARCADE software environment.

<a name="init"></a>
## Initialization and Startup

#### Running container process owners
Containers in the CANFAR Science Platform are always executed as the *CADC User* and never as root. Operations that require root must be done at the build phase of the image. If runtime root access is required, it can possibly be done by giving sudo access to specific actions.

#### Session container initialization
Initialization for session containers is based on the session container *type*. There are currently four types with different startup procedures:
1. `notebook`: it requires a `jupyter lab` executable
2. `carta`: initialization and startup is done through a customized script
3. `desktop-app`: desktop session startup is managed by the skaha infrastructure.
4. `contributed`: it will follow a customized startup script

There may be multiple versions of the same type of session container, but the startup procedure for these must remain the same for them to be of the same type.

#### Software container initialization

The `CMD` and `EXECUTABLE` directives in a CANFAR container `Dockerfile` will be ignored on startup. Instead, bash within an xterm will run. `CMD` and `EXECUTABLE` are still useful for testing containers outside of CANFAR.

If the container needs to do any runtime initialization, that can be done in a script named `` in the `/skaha` root directory. This script **must not block** and needs to return control to the calling process.

If `/skaha/` is provided, a sensible directive for testing the container via docker is `CMD ["/skaha/"]`

Another option is for containers to make available a file named `/skaha/`. If it exists, it will be called with a single parameter, which is the command `` must run in order to execute on the platform. So, the end of `` should do: `exec "$@"` to execute the incoming parameter. Containers should use when environment must be made available to the context of the application.

<a name="publishing"></a>
## Publishing skaha containers

### Step 1: Create a harbor account
The CANFAR Science Platform hosts a private container registry. It is an instance of the [Harbor]( open source project as a container registry. Session and software containers launched can be launched from this registry.

If you have logged into harbor before then step 1 can be skipped.

1. Go to
2. Press the `Login with OIDC Provider` button.
3. Enter your CADC username and password.
4. When prompter for a harbor userid, use your CADC username.

After these steps you now have a harbor account and can see the project containers through its interface. If you wish to publish to any of the projects, contact the project admistrator (or contact and ask for 'Development' access to the project.

### Step 2: Docker login to harbor
1. From the harbor portal, go to the top right, click on your username, then go to 'User Profile'.
2. Set your CLI secret -- this is the password to use for `docker login` commands. You can copy the existing, generated secret, or 'upload' (enter) your own.
3. From the computer on which you have built the docker image you wish to publish, do a docker login:

```docker login```

Your user is your CADC username, and your password the value of the CLI Secret mentioned above.

### Step 3: Push your image to your project
1. On the same computer, find the `IMAGE ID` of the image you'd like to push with the command

```docker images```

2. Tag the image for harbor:


* `<PROJECT>` is the project to which you've been granted Developer access.
* `<MY IMAGE NAME>` is the name of the image you are publishing.
* `<IMAGE VERSION>` is the version of the image.

3. Push the image to harbor, with:


### Step 4: Label your image type

1. Go back to
2. Click on your project, then on your newly pushed image (also called a repository in harbor).
3. Select the 'artifact' with the correct version (tag).
4. Under the 'Actions' drop-down, apply the approripate label to the artifact.

## Science Platform Actions

A number of the steps below can be done using the CANFAR Science Platform Portal at

### Listing images on CANFAR

Once publishing and labeling has been completed, the image will be visible. It can then be seen on the Science Platform Portal, or with the folowing command:

```curl -E <cadcproxy.pem>```

### Listing resource contexts

The available cores and RAM in skaha can be seen from the Science Platform, or viewed with:

```curl -E <cadcproxy.pem>```

<a name="launching"></a>
## Launching containers

### Session containers

1. Use the Science Platform Portal or this curl command to launch your newly published image:

```curl -E <cadcproxy.pem> -d "name=<arbitrary-name>" -d "<PROJECT>/<MY IMAGE NAME>:<IMAGE VERSION>"```

If non-default values for cores and/or ram is preferred, the parameters `-d cores=<cores>` and `-d ram=<ram>` can be added to the session launching command above.

2. Use the Science Platform Portal or this curl command to find the URL to your session:

```curl -E <cadcproxy.pem>```

If this is the first time this image has been launched in may take a few minutes for the cloud do retrieve the image from harbor and send it to the selected node.

### Software containers
It should just run as is. See also [headless containers](

### Legacy desktop application containers

Once a legacy desktop software container has been pushed to harbor, it must be labelled with `desktop-app`.

To then make it appear in the `Applications->Astro Software` menu on the desktop a new desktop session must be started.

The desktop menu items in `Applications->Astro Software` are organized by harbor project. A sub-folder is created for each project. Then, each version of the artifacts (images) within that project will be displayed in the project sub-folder. For example, the desktop-app image identified by URI:


will be placed in the desktop menu like so:

```Applications -> Astro Software -> skaha -> terminal:1.0```

<a name="testing"></a>
## Testing
Before publishing a new or modified image, testing should be done to ensure it works as expected.

For session containers, nearly all testing can be done by using `docker` to run the image. A port should be exposed so you can connect your browser to the locally running session.

For legacy desktop application containers, docker will not be able to provide a graphical display of CASA windows, so most testing must be done in a skaha-desktop instance running in the cloud.

The only requirement for a container is to ensure the web application to be launched with a `/skaha/` script in the container, and the web application running on port 5000.
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# CANFAR Science Platform FAQ

* ***My session is stuck in the `Pending` state*** - This can imply that the platform is unable to launch your image. There are a number of potential causes:
* Often skaha fails to authorize you to due to an expired `CLI Secret`. Try resetting this value by logging into (using the OIDC Login button), going to your User Profile, and updating your CLI Secret. Once done you should delete the Pending session and try launching it again.
* If the image is proprietary and the CLI Secret update did not work, check with your project administrator to ensure you have been granted access to the project in
* The session could be in a Pending state waiting for resources so that it can be scheduled.
* More information about the reason for the Pending state can be found using the logging mechanisms explained in [Programmatic Access](#programmatic-access).

* ***How do I test a graphical container on my Mac?***

1. Enable "Allow connections from network clients" in XQuartz settings. Relaunch XQuartz.
2. In terminal execute

> xhost +

3. Launch docker run with the option

-e DISPLAY=host.docker.internal:0

These steps were taken from


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