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Opencast Admin UI

The Opencast Admin UI is a graphical interface included by Opencast to give admins an easy way of managing their Opencast instance.


Commands to hack into your console to get to testing pull requests ASAP:

git clone opencast-admin-interface-demo
cd opencast-admin-interface-demo
npm ci
cd app
npm ci
cd ..
npm run proxy-server opencast_system_account CHANGE_ME

Open a second tab:

npm run client

Open a third tab to checkout the pull request you want to test. You need to know the pull request number!:

git fetch origin pull/{PULL REQUEST NUMBER HERE}/head:some-branch-name-of-your-choosing
git checkout some-branch-name-of-your-choosing


Before starting, get the project dependencies by running npm ci beforehand both in the root and /app directory.

To test with real data run:

npm run proxy-server *opencast_digest_username* *opencast_digest_password*

This will start a proxy server at localhost:5000. It will automatically proxy requests to an Opencast instance at You can change the URL to a different Opencast if you wish (e.g., http://localhost.8080 for a local Opencast installation). Note that http is required.

You can then start the client in a different tab by running:

npm run client

This will start a client server in the development mode. Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

Alternatively, you can spin up a mock instance of the admin ui with:

npm start

This uses mock data instead of a real Opencast. This means certain features will not work when using this mode.

Alternative ports

The static file server and the proxy server serve their content on the port 5000. If this is used already (as it is on macOS) you can specify an alternative port in the PORT environment variable, for example:

PORT=5001 npm run proxy-server ...

Note that you need to specify the same port when running the client, this time in the PROXY_PORT variable:

PROXY_PORT=5001 npm run client

How to cut a release for Opencast

  1. [NOT YET FUNCTIONAL] (Optional) Run the Update translations workflow to ensure all changes from crowdin are included in the next release.

  2. Switch to the commit you want to turn into the release

  3. Create and push a new tag

     DATE=$(date +%Y-%m-%d)
     git tag -m Release -s "$DATE"
     git push upstream "$DATE":"$DATE"
  4. Wait for the Create release draft workflow to finish

  5. Submit a pull request against Opencast

Opencast API used by the Admin UI

The Admin UI accesses all endpoints in Opencast located under

  • /admin-ng/*

If you want to use the current version of the frontend with an earlier Opencast version, you will have to cherry-pick the relevant commits from the Opencast repository yourself.

Translating the Admin UI

You can help translate the Opencast Admin UI to your language on Simply request to join the project on Crowdin and start translating. If you are interested in translating a language that is not a target language right now, please create a GitHub issue and we will add the language.

This project follows the general form of Opencast's Localization Process, especially regarding what happens when you need to change an existing translation key. Any questions not answered there should be referred to the mailing lists!


The Admin UI frontend cannot be directly configured. Rather, it adapts to the various configurations in the Opencast backend. TODO: Throw in some links to the docs, which ones?