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OpenSSL Provider for asymmetric operations with private PKCS#11 keys


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This repository provides the implementation of an OpenSSL Provider for asymmetric operations with private PKCS#11 keys. Requests with other key material will be forwarded to an OpenSSL built-in provider.


This project requires OpenSSL 3.0 or later, as well as opencryptoki. Support for other PKCS#11 implementations is currently not available.

The configuration step requires m4-macros of the autotools-archive project. It is recommended to install the autotools-archive package on the build system.

To build the provider, use the following commands:

autoreconf -fiv


This project provides some base test for the provider. The provider is PKCS#11-Module independent, but at the moment opencryptoki is the only tested module.

The tests require a working opencryptoki setup. By default, the all keys are stored in the token softtok in slot 3. The setup script uses the PIN 12345678 by default.

To setup and run the tests with the default settings for opencryptoki, use the following commands:

make clean
make check

To setup and run the tests with other token/slot settings for opencryptoki, use the following commands:

export OCK_USER_PIN="4711"
export OCK_SLOT="42"
export OCK_TOKEN="othertok"

make clean
make check

** Note **

The module setup is only executed, if the module's temporary sub-directory doesn't exist. This sub-directory is removed for all clean targets (e.g. make clean).

** Warning **

The setup script will remove generated key material in the PKCS#11 token by name. Please make sure, that no other keys with the same name exists in the token, otherwise they will be removed as well! It is highly recommended to backup all key material of a token, before starting with testing.

If the environment variables PKCS11SIGN_DEBUG (path to the logfile) is set, the provider will write debug output to a log-file.

The environment variable PKCS11SIGN_DEBUG_LEVEL specifies the log-level error (0), warning (1), info (2) or debug (3).


The installation step may require further permissions. To install the provider library, use the following commands:

sudo make install


For configuration, please refer to the man pages.