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Graph Pattern and Matching

This section describes Extended Centered Graph Pattern (ECGP), which goes into the body of the WHERE clause in Kestrel :ref:`language/commands:GET` and :ref:`language/commands:FIND` commands. This section also covers timestamp formating and styling in Kestrel.

In a nutshell, ECGP describes a forest with one of the trees named the centered subgraph and other trees named extended subgraphs.

ECGP is a superset of STIX pattern, which means one can directly write a STIX pattern in the WHERE clause. ECGP gives semantic explanation of standard STIX pattern, a.k.a., Centered Graph Pattern, and goes a little beyond it for simplicity and expressiveness. This section explains ECGP from its simplest form to its full power in the following subsections.

Single Comparison Expression Pattern

Kestrel implements :ref:`language/tac:Entity-Based Reasoning`, so the simplest task to perform with Kestrel is to :ref:`language/commands:GET` entities according to one of their attributes. For example, one may want to get all powershell.exe processes executed on a monitored endpoint during a time range. The pattern is very simple:

name = "powershell.exe"

This is called a Comparison Expression, which is composed of an attribute and the specified value (check more in :ref:`language/eav:Common Entities and Attributes`). In this case, a single comparison expression constructs this simple pattern (ECGP).

Assuming the endpoint can be specified by a Kestrel data source stixshfiter://edp1 and the Time Range is 2022-11-11T15:05:00Z to 2022-11-12T08:00:00Z, we can put the pattern in the WHERE clause of the command, and the entire GET command is:

ps = GET process
     FROM stixshifter://edp1
     WHERE name = "powershell.exe"
     START 2022-11-11T15:05:00Z STOP 2022-11-12T08:00:00Z

Kestrel supports multiple stylings of writing a comparison expression:

  1. The command can be written in one or multiple lines with any indentation style. And the pattern itself can be written in one or multiple lines, a.k.a., either of the following is valid and the variable ps has the same entities as the following ps1 and ps2:

    ps1 = GET process FROM stixshifter://edp1 WHERE name = "powershell.exe"
          START 2022-11-11T15:05:00Z STOP 2022-11-12T08:00:00Z
    ps2 = GET process
      FROM stixshifter://edp1
                WHERE name =
            START 2022-11-11T15:05:00Z
        STOP 2022-11-12T08:00:00Z
  2. One can use either single or double quotes around string literals, a.k.a., the following patterns are equivalent:

    name = 'powershell.exe'
    name = "powershell.exe"
  3. To be STIX pattern compatible, one can specify entity type before the attribute like entity_type:attribute. For the simple powershell pattern, since the return entity type is already specified earlier in the GET command, this is redudant and optional. However, the specification of the entity type is required for :ref:`extended subgraphs<language/ecgp:Extended Centered Graph Pattern>`, which we will discuss in the more complex Extended Centered Graph Pattern. In short, the following command returns exactly same results into ps3 as in ps.

    ps3 = GET process
          FROM stixshifter://edp1
          WHERE process:name = 'powershell.exe'
          START 2022-11-11T15:05:00Z STOP 2022-11-12T08:00:00Z
  4. To be STIX pattern compatible, one can put square brackets in the WHERE clause before the time range specification (START/STOP). That is to say, the following command returns exactly same results into ps4 as in ps.

    ps4 = GET process
          FROM stixshifter://edp1
          WHERE [process:name = 'powershell.exe']
          START 2022-11-11T15:05:00Z STOP 2022-11-12T08:00:00Z

Kestrel supports three types of values in comparison expressions: a literal string, a number, or a list (or nested list). For examples:

  • Number as value: src_port = 3389
  • List as value: name IN ('bash', 'csh', "zsh", 'sh')
  • Square bracket around list: dst_port IN [80, 443, 8000, 8888]
  • Nested list support (flattened after parsing): name IN ('bash', ('csh', ('zsh')), "sh")

Kestrel supports the following operators in comparison expression (yet a specific stix-shifter connector used to execute a hunt may only implement a subset of these, check the error message if you encountered a problem):

  • =/==: They are the same.
  • >/>=/</<=: They work for number as a value.
  • !=/NOT: The negative operator.
  • IN: To be followed by a list or a nested list.
  • LIKE: To be followed by a quoted string with wildcard % (as defined in SQL).
  • MATCHES: To be followed by a quoted string of Regular Expression (PCRE).
  • ISSUBSET: Only used for deciding if an IP address/subnet is in a subnet, e.g., ipv4-addr:value ISSUBSET ''. Details in STIX pattern.
  • ISSUPERSET: Only used for deciding if an IP subnet is larger than another subnet/IP, e.g., ipv4-addr:value ISSUPERSET ''. Details in STIX pattern.

Single Node Graph Pattern

Upgrading from specifying a single comparison expression to describing multiple attributes of the returned entity in a pattern, one can use logical operators AND and OR to combine comparison expressions and use parenthesis () to raise the precedence of combined expressions.


# a single (process) node graph pattern
proc1 = GET process
        FROM stixshifter://edp1
        WHERE name = "powershell.exe" AND pid = 1234
        START 2022-11-11T15:05:00Z STOP 2022-11-12T08:00:00Z

# a single (network-traffic) node graph pattern
# this pattern is equivalent to `dst_port IN (80, 443)`
netflow1 = GET network-traffic
           FROM stixshifter://gateway1
           WHERE dst_port = 80 OR dst_port = 443
           START 2022-11-11T15:05:00Z STOP 2022-11-12T08:00:00Z

# a single (file) node graph pattern
minikatz = GET file
           FROM stixshifter://edp1
           WHERE name = "C:\ProgramData\p.exe"
              OR hashes.MD5 IN ( "1a4fe4413a92d478625d97b7df1bd0cf"
                               , "b6ff8f31007a3629a3c4be8999001ec9"
                               , "e8994399f1656e58f72443b8861ce5d1"
                               , "9ae602fddb5d2f9b63c5eb6aad0a2612"
           START 2022-11-11T15:05:00Z STOP 2022-11-12T08:00:00Z

# a single (user-account) node graph pattern
users = GET user-account
        FROM stixshifter://authlogs
        WHERE (user_id = 1001 AND account_login = "Tracy")
           OR  user_id = 0
           OR (user_id = 1003 AND is_privileged = true)
           OR (account_login = "JJ" AND is_privileged = true)
        START 2022-11-11T15:05:00Z STOP 2022-11-12T08:00:00Z

The result is a graph pattern that has a single node---the returned entity.

ECGP: Single Node Graph Pattern.

Centered Graph Pattern

Using references _ref/_refs[*] in STIX, one can describe edges in a graph pattern. This extends a pattern from a single node to a tree with a root. The tree is called the centered subgraph. The root is the returned entity.

ECGP: Centered Graph Pattern.

The above figure illustrates the centered graph pattern around the center node C (a process):

procs = GET process FROM stixshifter://edp1
        WHERE name = 'cmd.exe'                                     # blue attribute
          AND MATCHES '.+\.(exe|dll|bat)$'         # orange branch
          AND opened_connection_refs[*].dst_ref.value = '' # green branch
          AND ( ( = 'explorer.exe' AND             # yellow branch
         = 'explorer.exe'      # lightblue branch
                ) OR
                ( LIKE '%.exe' AND                 # yellow branch
         != 'powershell.exe'   # lightblue branch
        START 2022-11-11T15:05:00Z STOP 2022-11-12T08:00:00Z

Pattern Matching Explained

Kestrel matches an ECGP against each :ref:`record<language/tac:Record>`, retrieves the records that contain instances of the ECGP, returns the center entity of the ECGP to the Kestrel variable, and caches all entities in the retrieved records in firepit (in-memory/on-disk/remote store established for each Kestrel session).

More precisely, Kestrel generates one STIX Observation Expression from an ECGP and appends the time range qualifier (START/STOP) to create one STIX pattern before passing the STIX pattern to a Kestrel data source interface, e.g., :doc:`../source/kestrel_datasource_stixshifter.interface`, to match.

Currently, one STIX pattern generated by Kestrel only contain one STIX Observation Expression and only the START/STOP qualifier is used. Since one STIX observation expression is matched against one :ref:`record<language/tac:Record>` in STIX, we get to the conclusion given at the beginning of this subsection:

Kestrel matches an ECGP against each record.

What if someone describes a large pattern in ECGP but the data source only has tiny records? For example, one could write a ECGP as a :ref:`centered subgraph <language/ecgp:Centered Graph Pattern>` with three nodes---the centered process, the parent process, and the grandparent process:

procs = GET process FROM stixshifter://edp1
        WHERE name = 'cmd.exe'
          AND = 'explorer.exe'
          AND = 'abc.exe'

If the data source edp1 defines :ref:`records<language/tac:Record>` as individual system events or system calls---a record mostly has a process and its parent process, but not its grandparent process---the ECGP will match nothing since no single record in edp1 can satisfy the large pattern.

This is a fundamental limitation when we run Kestrel (:ref:`language/tac:Entity-Based Reasoning`) on top of the traditional record-based systems. A Kestrel runtime can potentially split one ECGP into multiple STIX Observation Expressions to match against multiple records, but:

  1. STIX does not define the size/boundary of a :ref:`record<language/tac:Record>` (STIX observation), and it is unknown into how many STIX Observation Expressions to split an ECGP.
  2. Each data source defines the size/boundary of :ref:`records<language/tac:Record>` differently, and the definition is not always well documented or retrievable by Kestrel via an API.

We suggest users write small Kestrel ECGP (subgraph with one-hop radius) to mitigate this issue in real-world uses, especially when users don't know how large a :ref:`record<language/tac:Record>` in a data source is. Users can explicitly split a large pattern into smaller patterns (in :ref:`language/commands:GET` commands) plus a few Kestrel :ref:`language/commands:FIND` to connect them. Each Kestrel command like :ref:`language/commands:GET` and :ref:`language/commands:FIND` generates one or more STIX patterns and assmebles results.

A graph database instead of record-based storing/retrieving is the ultimate solution to this problem. More is discussed at :doc:`../theory`.

Extended Centered Graph Pattern

Pattern Matching Explained concludes that Kestrel matches an ECGP against each :ref:`record<language/tac:Record>`. On one hand, records limit the matching. On the other hand, results could provide extra information to match the centered subgraph---there could be information in a :ref:`record<language/tac:Record>` that is not connected to the center entity (root of the :ref:`centered subgraph <language/ecgp:Centered Graph Pattern>`), but the information is useful/auxiliary in finding/matching the :ref:`centered subgraph <language/ecgp:Centered Graph Pattern>`.

Since everything is part of a graph in :ref:`language/tac:Entity-Based Reasoning` (more discussion in :doc:`../theory`), the auxiliary information should be able to express as subgraphs. Now we add the concept of extended subgraph to ECGP, so ECGP is called extended centered graph pattern.

ECGP: Extended Centered Graph Pattern.

The above figure illustrates the extended centered graph pattern (C is the root of the centered subgraph; E is the root of extended subgraph):

procs = GET process FROM stixshifter://edp1
        WHERE name = 'cmd.exe'                                     # blue attribute
          AND MATCHES '.+\.(exe|dll|bat)$'         # orange branch
          AND opened_connection_refs[*].dst_ref.value = '' # green branch
          AND ipv4-addr:value NOT ISSUBSET ''        # red subgraph
          AND ( ( = 'explorer.exe' AND             # yellow branch
         = 'explorer.exe'      # lightblue branch
                ) OR
                ( LIKE '%.exe' AND                 # yellow branch
         != 'powershell.exe'   # lightblue branch
          AND email-message:from_ref.value = ''       # purple subgraph
        START 2022-11-11T15:05:00Z STOP 2022-11-12T08:00:00Z

The centered subgraph in this pattern is the same as the one in Centered Graph Pattern, while this ECGP specifies extra constraints for the match: any matched record should contain an ipv4-addr in subnet and an email from Three rules for extended subgraph:

  1. The root entity type of an extended subgraph should be different than the root entity type of the centered subgraph. Otherwise, the generated STIX pattern will view the extended subgraph as a branch from the centered subgraph.
  2. The root entity type of an extended subgraph should be specified, followed by colon :, then the attribute, operator, and value(s). The syntax is consistent with a STIX path, and the entity type is mandatory to mean an extended subgraph root.
  3. The extended subgraphs can be spcified anywhere in the ECGP, which makes it possible to write complex logic, e.g., an extended subgraph is used when the centered graph is in one shape; otherwise, another extended subgraph or no extended subgraph is specified to help the match.

The example above is an extreme complex case to illustrate multiple unrelated extended subgraphs in an ECGP. In real uses, the most commonly used extended subgraph is host specification (only matching records on a specific host), e.g.,

x-oca-asset:hostname = 'endpoint101'

Standard STIX does not have an STIX Cyber Observable Objects (SCO) for host/pod/container, so OCA provides the customized SCO (entity) x-oca-asset as STIX extension at OCA/stix-extension (more description in :ref:`language/eav:Entities in Kestrel`). x-oca-asset is supported by most stix-shifter connector. It has no reference from standard STIX SCO (entity) so it is an isolated subgraph in a record, and the extended subgraph enables pattern matching using such information.

Referring to a Variable

Beyond static patterns, Kestrel allows references to variables in ECGP, i.e., one can use variable.attribute to pass in a list of values in a :ref:`comparison expression<language/ecgp:Single Comparison Expression Pattern>` (not the variable itself since a comparison expression does not take variable but values). This supports quick pattern building using existing results, and it enables building patterns for cross-data source hunts.

# basic usage
# `px` is a Kestrel variable of processes
py1 = GET process FROM stixshifter://edp
      WHERE pid =

# both `=` and `IN` are valid to use as operator for referred variable
# py2 returns the same as py1
py2 = GET process FROM stixshifter://edp
      WHERE pid IN

# nested list is valid to use
# all values will be flattened when parsed
py3 = GET process FROM stixshifter://edp
      WHERE pid IN (123,, (4, 10548))

When one or more variable references are used in an ECGP, Kestrel automatically

  1. Extracts the time ranges of entities (in the variables) from their :ref:`matched/retrieved records<language/ecgp:Pattern Matching Explained>`,
  2. Unions the time ranges,
  3. Adjusts the unioned time range with timerange_start/stop_offset in :doc:`../configuration`,
  4. Generates the STIX pattern with the adjusted time range,
  5. Passes the STIX pattern to a data source to match.

A user can override the generated time range by specifying START/STOP in the command where the the ECGP reside, e.g., :ref:`language/commands:GET`.

Two examples of variable references in an ECGP:

  1. A hunter is traking lateral movement across two endpoints edp1 and edp2. She already grabbed a bunch of suspicious processes on edp1 into a Kestrel variable procs1, and she retrieved all network traffic associated with processes into procs1. Some of the network traffic have destination IP associated with edp2, so she wants to trace the network traffic from procs1 on edp1 to a unknown list of processes on edp2 and print their command lines. Assume edp1 and edp2 are configured as two Kestrel data sources, and she can do:

    # hunting with data source `stixshifter://edp1`
    procs1 = ...
    nt1 = FIND network-traffic CREATED BY procs1
    # display the source/destination IP/port
    # this is for human inspection purpose
    DISP nt1 ATTR src_ref.value, src_port, dst_ref.value, dst_port
    # get the other end of the network traffic, not in edp1 data, but in edp2 data/view
    # use <src IP, src port, dst IP, dst port, time> to uniquely identify the traffic
    # time is automatically inferred by Kestrel due to variable reference
    nt2 = GET network-traffic
          FROM stixshifter://edp2
          WHERE src_ref.value = nt1.src_ref.value
            AND src_port      = nt1.src_port
            AND dst_ref.value = nt1.dst_ref.value
            AND dst_port      = nt1.dst_port
    # more generally, <src_port, time> is usually sufficient as the unique identifier
    # time is automatically inferred by Kestrel due to variable reference
    # `nt2x` usually gets the same results as `nt2`
    nt2x = GET network-traffic
           FROM stixshifter://edp2
           WHERE src_ref.value = nt1.src_ref.value
    # now get the processes handling the traffic on `edp2` and print their command line
    procs2 = FIND process CREATED nt2
    DISP procs2 ATTR command_line
  2. An endpoint edp is accessing the Internet through a proxy server pxy. The Kestrel data source stixshifter://edp is the EDR on edp, and another Kestrel data source stixshifter://pxy manages the proxy logs. Since all network traffic are proxyed, network traffic observed on edp all have remote IP as the proxy server, but not real remote IP. In order to get their real remote IP and run a Kestrel analytics to enrich the IP with some Threat Intelligence, the hunter needs to correlate the data first:

    # get the network traffic from `stixshifter://edp` to inspect
    nt_inner = ...
    # get the outter half of network traffic from the proxy using variable reference
    nt_outter = GET network-traffic
                FROM stixshifter://pxy
                WHERE src_ref.value = nt_inner.src_ref.value
                  AND src_port = nt_inner.src_port
    # display the real remote IP for human inspection
    DISP nt_outter ATTR dst_ref.value, dst_port
    # enrich the IPs in network-traffic with x-force threat intelligence
    APPLY python://xfeipenrich ON nt_outter

String and Raw String

Kestrel string literals in comparison expressions are like standard Python strings. It supports escaping for special characters, e.g., \n means new line.

String literals can be enclosed in matching single quotes (') or double quotes ("). The backslash (\\) character is used to escape characters that otherwise have a special meaning, such as newline, backslash itself, or the quote character.


# the following will generate a STIX pattern
# [process:command_line = 'powershell.exe "yes args"']
pe1 = GET process FROM stixshifter://edp1
      WHERE command_line = "powershell.exe \"yes args\""

# an easier way is to use single quote for string literal
# when there are double quotes in the string
# pe2 is the same as pe1
pe2 = GET process FROM stixshifter://edp1
      WHERE command_line = 'powershell.exe "yes args"'

# the following will generate a STIX pattern
# [process:command_line = 'powershell.exe \'yes args\'']
pe3 = GET process FROM stixshifter://edp1
      WHERE command_line = "powershell.exe 'yes args'"

# backslash always needs to be escaped
pe4 = GET process FROM stixshifter://edp1
      WHERE command_line = "C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe"

# `\.` is the dot character in regex
# use `\\.` since `\` needs to be escaped
ps5 = GET process FROM stixshifter://edp1
      WHERE name MATCHES 'cmd\\.exe'

# another regex escaping example that uses `\w` and `\.`
ps5 = GET process FROM stixshifter://edp1
      WHERE name MATCHES '\\w+\\.exe'

The escaped strings are not friendly to the use of regular expression, resulting one to write four backslashes \\\\ to mean a single exact backslash char, e.g., STIX pattern requires "[artifact:payload_bin MATCHES 'C:\\\\Windows\\\\system32\\\\svchost\\.exe']" to mean raw path C:\Windows\system32\svchost.exe. This is explained in Python re library.

To overcome the inconvenience, Kestrel provides raw string like Python does, meaning there is no escaping character in a Kestrel raw string (raw string is interpreted without escaping evaluation).

# f1 and f2 describes the same pattern:
# using regex to match an exact string 'C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe'

f1 = GET file FROM stixshifter://edp1
     WHERE name MATCHES 'C:\\\\Windows\\\\System32\\\\cmd\\.exe'

f2 = GET file FROM stixshifter://edp1
     WHERE name MATCHES r'C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd\.exe'

# raw string can be used not only in regex (keyword MATCHES), but any comparison expression
# f3/f4 will get the same results as f1/f2, yet they use exact match instead of regex

f3 = GET file FROM stixshifter://edp1
     WHERE name = 'C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe'

f4 = GET file FROM stixshifter://edp1
     WHERE name = r'C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe'

Time Range

Both absolute and relative time ranges are supported in Kestrel (commands :ref:`language/commands:GET` and :ref:`language/commands:FIND`).

Absolute Time Range

Absolute time range is specified as START isotime STOP isotime where isotime is a string following the basic rules:

  • ISO 8601 format should be used.

  • Both date and time are required. ISO 8601 requires letter T between the two parts.

  • UTC is the only timezone currently supported, which is indicated by the letter Z at the end.

  • The time should be at least specified to second:

    • standard precision to second: 2022-11-11T15:05:00Z
    • sub-second support: 2022-11-11T15:05:00.5Z
    • millisecond support: 2022-11-11T15:05:00.001Z
    • microsecond support: 2022-11-11T15:05:00.00001Z
  • Quoted or unquoted are both valid.

    • unquoted: 2022-11-11T15:05:00Z
    • single-quoted: '2022-11-11T15:05:00Z'
    • double-quoted: "2022-11-11T15:05:00Z"
  • STIX compatible stylings:

    • standard STIX timestamp: t'2022-11-11T15:05:00Z'
    • STIX variant (double quotes): t"2022-11-11T15:05:00Z"

Relative Time Range

Relative time range is specified as LAST int TIMEUNIT where TIMEUNIT are one of the keywords DAY, HOUR, MINUTE, or SECOND. When executing, the parser will generate the absoluate time range using the system time (where the Kestrel runtime executes) as the STOP time, and the START time goes back int TIMEUNIT according to the relative time range specified.