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Exports The Things Network gateway status as Prometheus metrics

Quick Start

  1. Create a file with the following contents and name it targets.yaml. This assumes you're running in the eu1 community cluster.
  - gateway_id: my-ttn-gateway # Your TTN Gateway ID
    api_key: NNSXS.[...redacted...] # Your TTN API Key that has access to this Gateway
  1. Run docker run -v $PWD/targets.yaml:/etc/ttn-exporter/targets.yaml -p 8080:8080
  2. Access the exported metrics at http://localhost:8080/metrics
  3. Point your Prometheus instance at the exporter
  - job_name: ttn-gateway
      - targets:


See the example docker-compose.yaml


ttn-gateway-exporter [--address ip:port] [--target-config-path /path/to/target/config.yaml]

The --address parameter changes the IP and port where the TTN gateway exporter binds and exposed the metrics. The default value :8080 will bind to port 8080 on all interfaces. You can specify the IP address of an interface to only listen to incoming requests on this IP. For example, to listen only on localhost, you can specify Changing the port is as easy as replacing the value behind the colon.

The --target-config-path parameter defaults to /etc/ttn-exporter/targets.yaml and expects a YAML file with the following structure:

default_base_url: # The API host that should apply to all targets if nothing else is specified. Defaults to the community eu1 cluster if not specified
  - gateway_id: my-ttn-gateway # Your TTN Gateway ID
    api_key: NNSXS.[...redacted...] # Your TTN API Key that has access to this Gateway
    base_url: # The API host that this Gateway is registered on. Overrides the default_base_url setting for this Gateway
  - gateway_id: my-north-america-ttn-gateway
    api_key: NNSXS.[...redacted...]
    base_url: # This overrides the default_base_url to the community North America cluster
  - gateway_id: my-second-ttn-gateway
    api_key: NNSXS.[...redacted...]
    # base_url intentionally not specified, to use th default_base_url from above

The Docker image uses the same defaults. That means, if you want mount your config file into the Docker container, mount it to /etc/ttn-exporter/targets.yaml.