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Language support

Oleg Lavrovsky edited this page Jan 3, 2020 · 1 revision

If you would like to change the language with which results from the multilingual portal are displayed, you need to set the endpoint URL with the language code, e.g.

  • ''
  • ''
  • ''
  • ''

And also search parameters may need to be tweaked, e.g. the title_string_de sorting code changed to title_string_it, etc.

Have a look in this example from the way we have currently configured the Thurgau Datenkatalog, set to German (de):

function embedGroup(group) {
  ck.datasets('#ckanEmbed', '', {
    fq:       'organization:kanton-thurgau groups:' + group,
    rows:     20,
    sort:     'title_string_de asc',
    noresult: 'Keine Daten gefunden',
    template: _.template(
      '<div class="ckan-dataset">' +
      '<a href="<%= ds.url %>" target="_blank">' +
      '<h4><%= ds.title %></h4>' +
      '</a>' +
      '<p><%= ck.truncate(ds.description, 250) %></p>' +
      '<small class="ckan-fmt"><%= ds.formats.toUpperCase() %></small><br>' +
      '<small class="ckan-fmt-nm"><%= ds.zeitliche_abdeckung %></small> ' +
$('#ckanEmbed').each(function(e) { embedGroup($(this).attr('data-group')) });
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