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Deploy Helm charts.

This tasks will install / upgrade a Helm chart into your Kubernetes / OpenShift cluster using Helm.

Helm has the plugins helm-diff and helm-secrets installed. A diff is performed before an upgrade is attempted. helm-secrets can be used to encrypt sensitive values in the underlying Git repository using age. Secrets are decrypted on the fly if the secret identified by the age-key-secret parameter exists and contains an age secret key which corresponding public key was used as one of the recipients to encrypt.

Based on the target environment, some values files are added automatically to the invocation of the helm command if they are present in the chart directory:

  • values.yaml: the values file (automatically considered by Helm).

  • secrets.yaml: a secrets file.

  • values.<NAMESPACE>.yaml: a values file named after the target namespace.

  • secrets.<NAMESPACE>.yaml: a secrets file named after the target namespace.

Further, the task automatically sets the image.tag value on the CLI which equals the Git commit SHA being built. This value can be used in your Helm templates to refer to images built via ods-package-image.

Before the Helm chart is applied, it is packaged, setting the appVersion to the checked out Git commit SHA.

If the pipeline runs for a repository defining subrepos in its ods.y(a)ml file, then any charts in those subrepos are packaged as well, and added as dependencies to the top-most chart under charts/. Note that values and secrets files are only collected from the repository for which the pipeline runs. Therefore, if you use an umbrella repository to promote an application consisting of multiple repositories, the umbrella repository needs to define the environment specific values for the subcomponents for instead of having those files in the subrepo.

In order to produce correct image.tag values for subcomponents, the task automatically sets <subcomponent>.image.tag equal to the Git commit SHA of the subcomponent. Further, if no release name is explicitly configured, the task also sets <subcomponent>.fullnameOverride equal to the respective subcomponent to avoid resources being prefixed with the umbrella repository component name (assuming your resources are named using the chart.fullname helper).

If you do not have an existing Helm chart yet, you can use the provided sample chart as a starting point. It is setup in a way that works with this task out of the box.

The following artifacts are generated by the task and placed into .ods/artifacts/

  • deployments/

    • diff-<namespace>.txt

    • release-<namespace>.txt


Parameter Default Description



Helm chart directory that will be deployed


The Helm release name. If empty, the release name is simply the name of the chart.

When this task is used in a repository which defines subcharts, and the parameter is not set, then the task sets <subcomponent>.fullnameOverride equal to the respective subcomponent to avoid resources being prefixed with the umbrella repository component name (assuming your resources are named using the chart.fullname helper). However, if the parameter is specified, <subcomponent>.fullnameOverride is not set. As a result the chart.fullname helper prefixes resources with the specfied release-name unless the chart’s name contains the release-name.



Flags to pass to helm diff upgrade in addition to the ones specified via the upgrade-flags parameter. Note that the flags --detailed-exitcode and --no-color are automatically set and cannot be removed. If flags unknown to helm diff are passed, they are ignored.


--install --wait

Flags to pass to helm upgrade.



Name of the secret containing the age key to use for helm-secrets. If the secret exists, it is expected to have a field named key.txt with the age secret key in its content.


API server of the target cluster, including scheme. Only required if the target namespace is outside the cluster in which the pipeline runs.


Name of the Secret resource holding the token of a serviceaccount (in field token). Only required when api-server is set.


Target K8s namespace (or OpenShift project) to deploy into. If empty, the task will be a no-op.


Hostname of the target registry to push images to. If not given, the registy host of the source image is used.



If set to true, the task will only perform a diff, and then stop. No images will be promoted or upgrades attempted.



If set to true, the task will query for the Helm release status and write the result to an artifact file.


Name Description


Target K8s namespace (or OpenShift project).