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⚠️ This project is archived and no longer maintained! ⚠️

Paladin is an implementation of the OAuth2 assertion spec. It is intended to provide service to service authentication by using JWT as the credential mechanism.

It uses Guardian for it's JWT processing.

Paladin is setup to use within an Umbrella application.

General concept

Setup your services

  1. Register you application with Paladin
  2. Register a second application with Paladin.
  3. Configure a connection from one to another (including max permissions and TTL)

Regular requests

  1. Create an assertion token signed with your secret
  2. Send the assertion token to Paladin to exchange for an access token signed with the other services secret.
  3. Use the access token to make requests to your other service.

All tokens in the exchange are JWT.

When you register a service with Paladin, you will be issued with:

  1. A service id (uuid)
  2. A Secret

The secret is used in your service as the signing secret of your JWTs. For Guardian this is the secret_key_base.


Lets say you add App1 and App2 to Paladin, and App1 would like to talk to App2. Add a connection from App1 to App2.

App1 now wants to make a request to App2. The first thing to do is generate a JWT and sign it with your Paladin provided secret.

Required claims that you must set are:

  • aud - The uuid of the service that you're intending on speaking to
  • sub - The subject. For user this could be: "User:#{user.token}". When there is no user you should use "anon"
  • iss - Your application id as the issuer
  • iat - When you issued the token
  • exp - The expiry of the assertion token. You should use short expiry times.

Any other options that you want to use are fair game, but Paladin will overwrite the following:

  • jti - The id of the JWT
  • iat - Issued at - Paladin issued it and it will determine the time
  • ttl - Expiry, currently not configurable - 10 minutes
  • nbf - Not before. Not before Paladin issued it
  • iss - The issuer. It was Paladin that issued it

To request an expiry for your token you can use the rexp key

  • rexp - The requested expiry. This must be less than or equal to paladins issue time + partnership.ttl_seconds

If you do not set the rexp key, the expiry will be set to the ttl for the service partnership.

To construct a token in Ruby

  def assertion_jwt(user, app_id_to_talk_to)
    claims = {
      aud: app_id_to_talk_to,
      sub: "User:#{}",
      iss: MY_PALADIN_APP_ID,
      exp: ( + 2.minutes).utc.to_i,

    JWT.encode(claims, MY_PALADIN_SECRET, 'HS256')

NOTE When generating the token you need to include the aud, sub, iss, iat, and the exp to be set. iat and exp should be UTC unix timestamp.

Now that you have your JWT, you'll need to request one that has been signed correctly for the other service.

  def access_token(user, app_to_talk_to_id)
    params = {
      "grant_type" => "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:sam12-bearer",
      "assertion" => assertion_jwt(user, app_to_talk_to_id),
      "client_id" => MY_PALADIN_APP_ID

    response =
      PALADIN_DOMAIN + "/authorize",
      body: params.to_json,
      headers: { "Content-Type" => "application/json" }

    json = JSON.parse(response.body)
    if json["token"]
      exp = response.headers("x-expiry").to_i
      { token: json["token"], exp: exp }
      raise "OH NO! #{json["error"]} - #{json["error_description"]}"

  token = access_token(user)[:token]

  # Now we have a token, lets
  profit = HTTParty.get(
    headers: {
      "Authorization" => "Bearer #{token}"

On the receiving side, if you're already using JWT for authentication (using the secret from Paladin) you have nothing more to do. You'll receive a valid token and you're away. If not, setting up JWT authentication can start simply.

Read from the Authorization header and strip out the part after "Bearer "

token = read_auth_header_and_strip_bearer(env)
decoded_token = JWT.decode(token, PALADIN_SECRET, true, { :algorithm => 'HS512' }).first

If you get to here... you have a winner. You can find out who the user is:

case decoded_token["sub"]
when "anon"
when /^User:.+$/
  raise "NOPE"

This covers the core part of what Paladin does. There's also a little more that you can do:


When you configure one service to connect to another, you have an opportunity to limit the permissions that may be granted. When generating the assertiong token, you should include permissions that you want to request encoded using Guardian.Permissions method (a map of bitstrings). Paladin will check the permissions requested against the maximum permissions granted in Paladin. The resulting access token will have the requested permissions, up to the limit of the maximum permissions.

Token expiry

When generating your assertion token, you should use a short time, seconds usually. Depending on your service, you may want the access token to be limited in it's expiry also. You can configure the maximum TTL of an acces token when setting up the connection in Paladin.

To request an expiry in your assertion token, set the expiry in the rexp key. Paladin will check this, and check the max TTL giving you the requested time unless it exceeds the max TTL. Then you will be given back an expiry of issued + max TTL. By default you are given issued + max TTL.

Installation and Setup

Paladin is configured to operate as part of an umbrella application. To start with paladin, generate an umbrella application and add a git-submodule for Paladin.

mix new paladin_umbrella --umbrella
cd paladin_umbrella
git init .
git submodule add apps/paladin
mix deps.get
cd apps/paladin
npm install
cd ../..
mix ecto.migrate -r Paladin.Repo

Required Umbrella configuration

There are some things that are required for your umbrella application to function.

Implement Paladin.UserLogin behaviour

You'll need to help Paladin find your user to allow access to the Paladin UI itself.

This behaviour requires 3 callbacks to be defined.

  • @callback find_and_verify_user(Ueberauth.Auth.t) :: {:ok, user} | {:error, atom | String.t}
    • Finds the user from an Ueberauth.Auth struct. It should find the user and authorize them for access to Paladin.
  • @callback user_display_name(user) :: String.t
    • Fetch the display name for the user found in find_and_verify_user
  • @callback user_paladin_permissions(user) :: Map.t
    • Provide a map of permissions (Guardian.Permissions) - including at least the Paladin permissions. If you intend all access return
          paladin: Guardian.Permissions.max

Once you've implemented your UserLogin behaviour, make sure to include it in your config

config :paladin, Paladin.UserLogin,
  module: MyUmbrellaApp.UserLogin

Implement Guardian.Serializer

This is just whatever you'd normally use for the Guardian Serializer based on the user that you found in the Paladin.UserLogin

config :guardian, Guardian,
  serializer: MyUmbrellaApp.GuardianSerializer


Your production configuration should have some additional information in it.

  1. Your host for the paladin endpoint
  2. The session signing salt.
use Mix.Config

config :paladin, Paladin.Endpoint,
  url: [scheme: "https", host: "", port: 433]

config :paladin, Plug.Session,
  signing_salt: "some_salt"

All other required configuration is exported as environment variables that need to be set. Here is a list of them:

  • PORT - The endpoint port
  • SECRET_KEY_BASE - The phoenix endpoint secret key
  • DATABASE_URL - The db url for the Paladin.Repo
  • GUARDIAN_SECRET_KEY_BASE - The Guardian secret for signing Paladins JWTs for accessing the UI.

All of these can of course be overwritten by overwriting the required config fields. The can all be found in apps/paladin/config/prod.exs

Now you can visit localhost:4000 from your browser.


Paladin is best kept behind a firewall if possible. It's not however required.

You can deploy to heroku if you want. To do this configure the url host in your umbrella application and use the following buildbacks:

You'll also need to setup a configuration file to compile assets correctly:



Example Python Client:

# Creating claims
now = dt.datetime.utcnow()
expires = now+dt.timedelta(minutes=2)
assert_jwt = jwt.encode(

# Requesting token
req_params = {
   "grant_type": "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:sam12-bearer",
   "assertion": assert_jwt.decode('ascii'),
   "client_id": ADDRESSES_UUID,

response =
token = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8'))['token']


token = read_auth_header_and_strip_bearer(request)
decoded_token = jwt.decode(
    algorithms=['HS512', 'HS256'])
# perform any app-specific validation on the sub or other token parts


Service to service protector. ⚠️ This project is archived and no longer maintained! ⚠️






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