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fix(restore): adding support to restore in an encrypted pool
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Encrypted pool does not allow the volume to be pre created for the
restore purpose. Here changing the design to do the restore first
and then create the ZFSVolume object which will bind the volume
already created while doing restore.

Signed-off-by: Pawan <>
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pawanpraka1 committed Feb 16, 2021
1 parent 36e0f69 commit f3eeb30
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Showing 6 changed files with 342 additions and 10 deletions.
145 changes: 145 additions & 0 deletions deploy/yamls/zfsrestore-crd.yaml
Expand Up @@ -76,6 +76,151 @@ spec:
- InProgress
- Invalid
type: string
description: VolumeInfo defines ZFS volume parameters for all modes in which
ZFS volumes can be created like - ZFS volume with filesystem, ZFS Volume
exposed as zfs or ZFS volume exposed as raw block device. Some of the
parameters can be only set during creation time (as specified in the details
of the parameter), and a few are editable. In case of Cloned volumes,
the parameters are assigned the same values as the source volume.
description: Capacity of the volume
minLength: 1
type: string
description: 'Compression specifies the block-level compression algorithm
to be applied to the ZFS Volume. The value "on" indicates ZFS to use
the default compression algorithm. The default compression algorithm
used by ZFS will be either lzjb or, if the lz4_compress feature is
enabled, lz4. Compression property can be edited after the volume
has been created. The change will only be applied to the newly-written
data. For instance, if the Volume was created with "off" and the next
day the compression was modified to "on", the data written prior to
setting "on" will not be compressed. Default Value: off.'
pattern: ^(on|off|lzjb|gzip|gzip-[1-9]|zle|lz4)$
type: string
description: 'Deduplication is the process for removing redundant data
at the block level, reducing the total amount of data stored. If a
file system has the dedup property enabled, duplicate data blocks
are removed synchronously. The result is that only unique data is
stored and common components are shared among files. Deduplication
can consume significant processing power (CPU) and memory as well
as generate additional disk IO. Before creating a pool with deduplication
enabled, ensure that you have planned your hardware requirements appropriately
and implemented appropriate recovery practices, such as regular backups.
As an alternative to deduplication consider using compression=lz4,
as a less resource-intensive alternative. should be enabled on the
zvol. Dedup property can be edited after the volume has been created.
Default Value: off.'
- "on"
- "off"
type: string
description: 'Enabling the encryption feature allows for the creation
of encrypted filesystems and volumes. ZFS will encrypt file and zvol
data, file attributes, ACLs, permission bits, directory listings,
FUID mappings, and userused / groupused data. ZFS will not encrypt
metadata related to the pool structure, including dataset and snapshot
names, dataset hierarchy, properties, file size, file holes, and deduplication
tables (though the deduplicated data itself is encrypted). Default
Value: off.'
pattern: ^(on|off|aes-128-[c,g]cm|aes-192-[c,g]cm|aes-256-[c,g]cm)$
type: string
description: 'FsType specifies filesystem type for the zfs volume/dataset.
If FsType is provided as "zfs", then the driver will create a ZFS
dataset, formatting is not required as underlying filesystem is ZFS
anyway. If FsType is ext2, ext3, ext4 or xfs, then the driver will
create a ZVOL and format the volume accordingly. FsType can not be
modified once volume has been provisioned. Default Value: ext4.'
type: string
description: KeyFormat specifies format of the encryption key The supported
KeyFormats are passphrase, raw, hex.
- passphrase
- raw
- hex
type: string
description: KeyLocation is the location of key for the encryption
type: string
description: OwnerNodeID is the Node ID where the ZPOOL is running which
is where the volume has been provisioned. OwnerNodeID can not be edited
after the volume has been provisioned.
minLength: 1
type: string
description: poolName specifies the name of the pool where the volume
has been created. PoolName can not be edited after the volume has
been provisioned.
minLength: 1
type: string
description: 'Specifies a suggested block size for files in the file
system. The size specified must be a power of two greater than or
equal to 512 and less than or equal to 128 Kbytes. RecordSize property
can be edited after the volume has been created. Changing the file
system''s recordsize affects only files created afterward; existing
files are unaffected. Default Value: 128k.'
minLength: 1
type: string
description: Shared specifies whether the volume can be shared among
multiple pods. If it is not set to "yes", then the ZFS-LocalPV Driver
will not allow the volumes to be mounted by more than one pods.
- "yes"
- "no"
type: string
description: SnapName specifies the name of the snapshot where the volume
has been cloned from. Snapname can not be edited after the volume
has been provisioned.
type: string
description: 'ThinProvision describes whether space reservation for
the source volume is required or not. The value "yes" indicates that
volume should be thin provisioned and "no" means thick provisioning
of the volume. If thinProvision is set to "yes" then volume can be
provisioned even if the ZPOOL does not have the enough capacity. If
thinProvision is set to "no" then volume can be provisioned only if
the ZPOOL has enough capacity and capacity required by volume can
be reserved. ThinProvision can not be modified once volume has been
provisioned. Default Value: no.'
- "yes"
- "no"
type: string
description: 'VolBlockSize specifies the block size for the zvol. The
volsize can only be set to a multiple of volblocksize, and cannot
be zero. VolBlockSize can not be edited after the volume has been
provisioned. Default Value: 8k.'
minLength: 1
type: string
description: volumeType determines whether the volume is of type "DATASET"
or "ZVOL". If fstype provided in the storageclass is "zfs", a volume
of type dataset will be created. If "ext4", "ext3", "ext2" or "xfs"
is mentioned as fstype in the storageclass, then a volume of type
zvol will be created, which will be further formatted as the fstype
provided in the storageclass. VolumeType can not be modified once
volume has been provisioned.
type: string
- capacity
- ownerNodeID
- poolName
- volumeType
type: object
- spec
- status
Expand Down
145 changes: 145 additions & 0 deletions deploy/zfs-operator.yaml
Expand Up @@ -1022,6 +1022,151 @@ spec:
- InProgress
- Invalid
type: string
description: VolumeInfo defines ZFS volume parameters for all modes in which
ZFS volumes can be created like - ZFS volume with filesystem, ZFS Volume
exposed as zfs or ZFS volume exposed as raw block device. Some of the
parameters can be only set during creation time (as specified in the details
of the parameter), and a few are editable. In case of Cloned volumes,
the parameters are assigned the same values as the source volume.
description: Capacity of the volume
minLength: 1
type: string
description: 'Compression specifies the block-level compression algorithm
to be applied to the ZFS Volume. The value "on" indicates ZFS to use
the default compression algorithm. The default compression algorithm
used by ZFS will be either lzjb or, if the lz4_compress feature is
enabled, lz4. Compression property can be edited after the volume
has been created. The change will only be applied to the newly-written
data. For instance, if the Volume was created with "off" and the next
day the compression was modified to "on", the data written prior to
setting "on" will not be compressed. Default Value: off.'
pattern: ^(on|off|lzjb|gzip|gzip-[1-9]|zle|lz4)$
type: string
description: 'Deduplication is the process for removing redundant data
at the block level, reducing the total amount of data stored. If a
file system has the dedup property enabled, duplicate data blocks
are removed synchronously. The result is that only unique data is
stored and common components are shared among files. Deduplication
can consume significant processing power (CPU) and memory as well
as generate additional disk IO. Before creating a pool with deduplication
enabled, ensure that you have planned your hardware requirements appropriately
and implemented appropriate recovery practices, such as regular backups.
As an alternative to deduplication consider using compression=lz4,
as a less resource-intensive alternative. should be enabled on the
zvol. Dedup property can be edited after the volume has been created.
Default Value: off.'
- "on"
- "off"
type: string
description: 'Enabling the encryption feature allows for the creation
of encrypted filesystems and volumes. ZFS will encrypt file and zvol
data, file attributes, ACLs, permission bits, directory listings,
FUID mappings, and userused / groupused data. ZFS will not encrypt
metadata related to the pool structure, including dataset and snapshot
names, dataset hierarchy, properties, file size, file holes, and deduplication
tables (though the deduplicated data itself is encrypted). Default
Value: off.'
pattern: ^(on|off|aes-128-[c,g]cm|aes-192-[c,g]cm|aes-256-[c,g]cm)$
type: string
description: 'FsType specifies filesystem type for the zfs volume/dataset.
If FsType is provided as "zfs", then the driver will create a ZFS
dataset, formatting is not required as underlying filesystem is ZFS
anyway. If FsType is ext2, ext3, ext4 or xfs, then the driver will
create a ZVOL and format the volume accordingly. FsType can not be
modified once volume has been provisioned. Default Value: ext4.'
type: string
description: KeyFormat specifies format of the encryption key The supported
KeyFormats are passphrase, raw, hex.
- passphrase
- raw
- hex
type: string
description: KeyLocation is the location of key for the encryption
type: string
description: OwnerNodeID is the Node ID where the ZPOOL is running which
is where the volume has been provisioned. OwnerNodeID can not be edited
after the volume has been provisioned.
minLength: 1
type: string
description: poolName specifies the name of the pool where the volume
has been created. PoolName can not be edited after the volume has
been provisioned.
minLength: 1
type: string
description: 'Specifies a suggested block size for files in the file
system. The size specified must be a power of two greater than or
equal to 512 and less than or equal to 128 Kbytes. RecordSize property
can be edited after the volume has been created. Changing the file
system''s recordsize affects only files created afterward; existing
files are unaffected. Default Value: 128k.'
minLength: 1
type: string
description: Shared specifies whether the volume can be shared among
multiple pods. If it is not set to "yes", then the ZFS-LocalPV Driver
will not allow the volumes to be mounted by more than one pods.
- "yes"
- "no"
type: string
description: SnapName specifies the name of the snapshot where the volume
has been cloned from. Snapname can not be edited after the volume
has been provisioned.
type: string
description: 'ThinProvision describes whether space reservation for
the source volume is required or not. The value "yes" indicates that
volume should be thin provisioned and "no" means thick provisioning
of the volume. If thinProvision is set to "yes" then volume can be
provisioned even if the ZPOOL does not have the enough capacity. If
thinProvision is set to "no" then volume can be provisioned only if
the ZPOOL has enough capacity and capacity required by volume can
be reserved. ThinProvision can not be modified once volume has been
provisioned. Default Value: no.'
- "yes"
- "no"
type: string
description: 'VolBlockSize specifies the block size for the zvol. The
volsize can only be set to a multiple of volblocksize, and cannot
be zero. VolBlockSize can not be edited after the volume has been
provisioned. Default Value: 8k.'
minLength: 1
type: string
description: volumeType determines whether the volume is of type "DATASET"
or "ZVOL". If fstype provided in the storageclass is "zfs", a volume
of type dataset will be created. If "ext4", "ext3", "ext2" or "xfs"
is mentioned as fstype in the storageclass, then a volume of type
zvol will be created, which will be further formatted as the fstype
provided in the storageclass. VolumeType can not be modified once
volume has been provisioned.
type: string
- capacity
- ownerNodeID
- poolName
- volumeType
type: object
- spec
- status
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions pkg/apis/
Expand Up @@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ type ZFSRestore struct {
metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`
metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"` // set name to restore name + volume name + something like csp tag
Spec ZFSRestoreSpec `json:"spec"`
VolSpec VolumeInfo `json:"volSpec,omitempty"`
// +kubebuilder:validation:Required
// +kubebuilder:validation:Enum=Init;Done;Failed;Pending;InProgress;Invalid
Status ZFSRestoreStatus `json:"status"`
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions pkg/apis/

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions pkg/builder/restorebuilder/build.go
Expand Up @@ -99,6 +99,12 @@ func (b *Builder) WithVolume(name string) *Builder {
return b

// WithVolSpec copies volume spec to ZFSRestore Object
func (b *Builder) WithVolSpec(vspec apis.VolumeInfo) *Builder {
b.rstr.Object.VolSpec = vspec
return b

// WithNode sets the node id for ZFSRestore
func (b *Builder) WithNode(node string) *Builder {
if node == "" {
Expand Down

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