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Update LMS setup instructions
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gsong committed Feb 16, 2017
1 parent 6a70280 commit 60dcc3e
Showing 1 changed file with 155 additions and 47 deletions.
202 changes: 155 additions & 47 deletions en_us/install_operations/source/ecommerce/test_ecommerce.rst
Expand Up @@ -137,74 +137,180 @@ Configure the LMS

To configure the LMS, follow these steps.

#. Verify that the following settings in ``lms.env.json`` are correct.
#. Ensure devstack Vagrant virtual machine ("**VM**") is up and running.

.. code-block:: bash
.. code:: sh
"ECOMMERCE_API_URL": "http://localhost:8002/api/v2/"
"ECOMMERCE_PUBLIC_URL_ROOT": "http://localhost:8002/"
"JWT_ISSUER": "" // Must match the E-Commerce JWT_ISSUER setting
vagrant up
#. Verify that the following settings in ``lms.auth.json`` are correct.
#. Login into the VM.

.. code-block:: bash
.. code:: sh
"EDX_API_KEY": "replace-me" // Must match the E-Commerce EDX_API_KEY setting
"ECOMMERCE_API_SIGNING_KEY": "insecure-secret-key" // Must match the E-Commerce JWT_SECRET_KEY setting
vagrant ssh
#. Become the ``edxapp`` user.

.. code:: sh
sudo su edxapp
#. Verify that the following settings in ``/edx/app/edxapp/lms.env.json`` are
correct. ::

"ECOMMERCE_API_URL": "http://localhost:8002/api/v2/"
"ECOMMERCE_PUBLIC_URL_ROOT": "http://localhost:8002"
"JWT_ISSUER": "" // Must match the E-Commerce JWT_ISSUER setting

#. Verify that the following settings in ``/edx/app/edxapp/lms.auth.json`` are
correct. ::

"ECOMMERCE_API_SIGNING_KEY": "lms-secret" // Must match the E-Commerce JWT_SECRET_KEY setting
"EDX_API_KEY": "PUT_YOUR_API_KEY_HERE" // Must match the E-Commerce EDX_API_KEY setting

#. Verify that an LMS account with staff and superuser permissions exists.

By default, most devstack and fullstack LMS instances include a user account
that has staff permissions. This account has the username ``staff``, the
email address ````, and the password ``edx``. Run the
following commands to grant the account superuser permissions.
By default, most devstack and fullstack LMS instances include a user
account that has staff permissions. This account has the username
``staff``, the email address ````, and the password
``edx``. Run the following commands to grant the account superuser

.. code:: sh
cd ~/edx-platform
./ lms set_superuser staff --settings=devstack
.. code-block:: bash
#. Start LMS.

$ ``./ lms shell --settings=devstack``
>>> from django.contrib.auth.models import User
>>> u = User.objects.get(username='staff')
>>> u.is_superuser = True
.. code:: sh
#. In the Django administration panel, verify that an OAuth2 client with the
following attributes exists. If one does not already exist, :ref:`create a
new one <Create Register Client>`. The client ID and secret must match the
values of the E-Commerce ``SOCIAL_AUTH_EDX_OIDC_KEY`` and
``SOCIAL_AUTH_EDX_OIDC_SECRET`` settings, respectively.
cd ~/edx-platform
paver devstack lms
.. code-block:: bash
#. Navigate to the `Oauth2 Clients section`_ of `Django adminstration`_, at
http://localhost:8000/admin/oauth2/client/. Login using th staff account
designated in step 5.

URL: http://localhost:8002/
Redirect URI: http://localhost:8002/complete/edx-oidc/
Client ID: 'replace-me'
Client Secret: 'replace-me'
Client Type: Confidential
Verify that an OAuth2 client with the following attributes exists. If one
does not already exist, :ref:`create a new one <Create Register Client>`.
The client ID and secret must match the values of the E-Commerce
respectively. ::

#. In the Django administration panel, verify that the OAuth2 client referred
to above is designated as a trusted client. If this isn't already the case,
add the client created above as a new trusted client.
Name: ecommerce
URL: http://localhost:8002/
Redirect URI: http://localhost:8002/complete/edx-oidc/
Client ID: 'ecommerce-key'
Client Secret: 'ecommerce-secret'
Client Type: Confidential (Web applications)
Logout url: http://localhost:8002/logout/

#. In the Django administration panel, create a new access token for the
superuser account. Set the client to the OAuth2 client referred to above.
Make note of this token; it is required to run the acceptance tests.
#. Navigate to the `Edx\_Oauth2\_Provider Trusted clients section`_
of `Django administration`_, at

Verify that the OAuth2 client referred to above is designated as a
trusted client (look for the Redirect URI). If this isn't already
the case, add the client created above as a new trusted client.

#. In the Django administration panel, create a new access token for
the superuser account. Set the client to the OAuth2 client referred
to above. Make note of this token; it is required to run the
acceptance tests.

#. Make sure that the LMS instance that you will use for testing has at
least two courses that learners could enroll in. By default, most
LMS instances include the edX demonstration course. Use Studio to
create a second course.

.. _Django administration: http://localhost:8000/admin/
.. _Django adminstration: http://localhost:8000/admin/
.. _Edx\_Oauth2\_Provider Trusted clients section: http://localhost:8000/admin/edx_oauth2_provider/trustedclient/
.. _Oauth2 Clients section: http://localhost:8000/admin/oauth2/client/

#. Make sure that the LMS instance that you will use for testing has at least
two courses that learners could enroll in. By default, most LMS instances
include the edX demonstration course. Use Studio to create a second course.

Configure E-Commerce

You use the CAT to finish configuring the two courses in your LMS instance.
You use the Course Administration Tool ("**CAT**") to finish configuring the
two courses in your LMS instance.

#. Become the ``ecommerce`` user.

.. code:: sh
sudo su ecommerce
#. Verify the following keys in ``/edx/etc/ecommerce.yml`` match your
settings in ``/edx/app/edxapp/lms.env.json`` and

#. In your browser, go to ``http://localhost:8002/courses/`` to access the CAT.
- One of the ``JWT_AUTH:JWT_ISSUERS`` entries should match
``/edx/app/edxapp/lms.env.json:JWT_ISSUER``, default value is
- ``JWT_AUTH:JWT_SECRET_KEY`` should match
default value is ``lms-secret``.
- ``EDX_API_KEY`` should match
``/edx/app/edxapp/lms.auth.json:EDX_API_KEY``, default value is

#. In the CAT, add both of the courses present on your LMS instance to
E-Commerce. Configure one as a "Free (Audit)" course, and the second as a
"Verified" course.
#. Set up the E-Commerce environment.

.. code:: sh
cd /edx/app/ecommerce/ecommerce
source ../ecommerce_env
source ../venvs/ecommerce/bin/activate
make requirements
make static
make migrate
#. Create a new site linking to LMS.

.. code:: sh
./ create_or_update_site \
--site-id=1 \
--site-domain=localhost:8002 \
--partner-code=edX \
--partner-name='Open edX' \
--lms-url-root=http://localhost:8000 \
--theme-scss-path=sass/themes/edx.scss \
--payment-processors=cybersource,paypal \
--client-id=ecommerce-key \
--client-secret=ecommerce-secret \
#. Start the E-Commerce Django development server.

.. code:: sh
./ runserver
#. Get the course key from LMS by navigating to a course and examining
its URL. It should looks something like

#. Navigate to `E-Commerce Courses section`_ and add a new course. Leave
all fields at default, with the exception of the following.


Course ID: The course key from LMS
Course Name: Use any name
Course Type: Verified
Include Honor Seat: No

#. Navigate to `LMS Dashboard`_ and verify the course you added in
E-Commerce now has a green "Upgrade to Verified" badge, which you can
click on.

#. In the CAT, add the second course present on your LMS instance to
E-Commerce. Configure it as a "Free (Audit)" course.

#. So that you can test integration with external payment processors, update
the contents of the ``PAYMENT_PROCESSOR_CONFIG`` dictionary found in the
Expand All @@ -217,8 +323,10 @@ You use the CAT to finish configuring the two courses in your LMS instance.
:ref:`set up your virtual environment <Set Up a Virtual Environment>`, you
can use that same ```` file.

.. _Configure Acceptance Tests:
.. _E-Commerce Courses section: http://localhost:8002/courses/
.. _LMS Dashboard: http://localhost:8000/dashboard

Configure Acceptance Tests
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