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Emmanuel Blondel edited this page Feb 13, 2014 · 6 revisions

How to install RFigisGeo in R

The package installation requires at least R 2.15 and installing the devtools package


Once the devtools package loaded, you can use the install_github as follows:

install_github("RFigisGeo", "openfigis")

Examples of application

This example shows how to read data from WFS, perform an intersection and export features.

Read data from OGC Web Feature Service (WFS GetFeature)

  • Read data from WFS
features1 <- readWFS("")
features2 <- readWFS("")

Compute geographic intersections

  • use custom CRS for area computation
eckert4CRS<-CRS("+proj=eck4 +lon_0=Central Meridian+x_0=False Easting+y_0=False Northing")
  • perform intersection (keeping attributes)
intersect <- getIntersection(features1, features2, areaCRS = eckert4CRS)

Export geographic data

  • export features to zipped shapefile
exportFeatures(intersect, outputFormat="SHAPE-ZIP") #to a zipped shapefile
exportFeatures(intersect, outputFormat="GML") #to a GML

Compute Spatial reallocation of data (SPREAD)

  • read statistical data (In this example, we used FAO fishery capture data in SDMX format, and read the data in R with the [rsdmx] ( package)
sdmx <- readSDMX("")
stats <-
  • read intersection data (FAO AREAS vs. EEZs)
intersections <- readWFS("")
  • proceed to an areal data reallocation (from FAO MAJOR areas, to EEZs)

#reallocate the time series (data disaggregation)
spread <- reallocate(x = stats, y = intersections, area.x = "FAO_MAJOR_AREA", area.y = "FAO_AREAS",
                     by.x = NULL, by.y = NULL, data = "obsValue", warea = "INT_AREA", wprob = NULL)

#analyse one subset & check calculation
test <- spread[spread$SPECIES == "CAA" & spread$UN_COUNTRY=="352" & spread$obsTime == 2006,]
sum(test$spread) == unique(test$obsValue)