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OpenFL Animate Plugin

Adds OpenFL custom platform support to Adobe Animate CC.

Development Builds

Uninstall the release version of the OpenFL Animate plugin from Creative Cloud.

Clone the OpenFL Animate Plugin repository:

git clone --recursive


In order to see the "Publish Settings" dialog, you must enable "PlayerDebugMode".

Open regedit and browse to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Adobe\CSXS.7. Create a String key called "PlayerDebugMode" and give it a value 1.

To compile the plugin, you need Haxe, HXCPP and Visual Studio C++ installed. You can use "build.bat" (included in the project) to build and install the plugin locally:

cd openfl-animate-plugin

You can use build.bat clean as well, if you want a clean build.

Making changes to the "Publish Settings" dialog will be available the next time the dialog is opened. Making other changes usually requires closing and re-opening Animate.


In order to use a development copy of the plugin, you need to enable "PlayerDebugMode".

Run the following command:

defaults write com.adobe.CSXS.7 PlayerDebugMode 1

To compile the plugin, you need Haxe, HXCPP and Xcode installed. You can use "" (included in the project) to build and install the plugin locally:

cd openfl-animate-plugin

You can use ./ clean as well, if you want a clean build.

Making changes to the "Publish Settings" dialog will be available the next time the dialog is opened. Making other changes usually requires closing and re-opening Animate.