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Lighthouse API Client

The client is tightly tied to the Lighthouse RESTful API RAML specification, which can be found here.


The Lighthouse API Client expects the following environment variables:

  • (required) OGLH_API_USER a valid Lighthouse user
  • (required) OGLH_API_PASS a valid Lighthouse user's password
  • (required) OGLH_API_URL the Lighthouse API URL without /api/v3.4

They can be combined with optional parameters at instantiation:

api = LighthouseApiClient(url = "",
                          username = "root",
                          password = "myP@ssw0rd")


All the methods follow the convention that a call to an URL like:

GET /system/global_enrollment_token HTTP/1.0

would be performed through the client as:

>>> from oglhclient import LighthouseApiClient
>>> api = LighthouseApiClient()
>>> client = api.get_client()
>>> client.system.global_enrollment_token.get()

Basically, all / are replaced by . followed by an action as specified below.

GET: find()

Used when asking for a specific object.


GET /nodes/smartgroups/myGrouId HTTP/1.0


smartgroup = client.nodes.smartgroups.find(id='myGrouId')


smartgroup = client.nodes.smartgroups.find('myGrouId')

In case of a child object like in /nodes/{id}/tags/{tag_value_id}, with a possible call like:

GET /nodes/nodes-13/tags/London HTTP/1.0

the Python call should be:

tag = client.nodes.tags.find(id='London', parent_id='nodes-13')

It is also possible to use:

tag = client.nodes.tags.find(id='London', node_id='nodes-13')

Always paying attention to the simple plural formatting removal:

  • nodes: node
  • properties: property

GET: list()

Used when asking for a list of objects.


GET /nodes/smartgroups HTTP/1.0


smartgroups = client.nodes.smartgroups.list()

Parameters may apply, like page, per_page, and so on:

smartgroups = client.nodes.smartgroups.list(page=1, per_page=5)

GET: get()

Only used when the two previous do not apply, like:

GET /system/webui_session_timeout HTTP/1.0

which becomes:

timeout = client.system.webui_session_timeout.get()

POST: create()

It is used to create objects or trigger actions (like a firmware upgrade), for instance:

POST /tags/node_tags HTTP/1.0
Content-Type: application/json
{"nodeTag": {"name": "Location", "values": [{"value": "USA.NewYork"}, {"value": "UK.London"}]}}

could be performed as:

data = {
  "nodeTag": {
    "name": "Location",
    "values": [
          "value": "USA.NewYork"
          "value": "UK.London"
result = client.tags.node_tags.create(data)

PUT: update()

It is used to update a given object.


PUT /tags/node_tags/nodes_tags-1 HTTP/1.0
Content-Type: application/json
{"nodeTag": {"name": "Location", "values": [{"id": "tags_node_tags_values_5", "value": "UK.Cambridge"}, {"value": France.Paris"}]}}

is performed as:

data = {
  "nodeTag": {
    "name": "Location",
    "values": [
          "id": "tags_node_tags_values_5",
          "value": "UK.Cambridge"
          "value": "France.Paris"
result = client.tags.node_tags.update(id='tags_node_tags-1', data=data)

DELETE: delete()

It is used to delete an object by its id, for instance:

DELETE /tags/node_tags/nodes_tags-1 HTTP/1.0

is performed as:

result = client.tags.node_tags.delete(id='tags_node_tags-1')