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0.14.0 (Major Release)

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@fredkingham fredkingham released this 22 Apr 11:52
· 17 commits to v0.15.0 since this release

v0.14.0 A major release changes.

A User's UserProfile is now automatically created when you create a user in a post save signal.

RecordEditor.editItem, RecordEditor.editItem and RecordEditor.openEditItemModal to take a url argument.
This is the url of the template that should be opened with the edit item controller.

RecordEditor.editItem also will now take an item or an index rather than just an index.
Taking an index has been deprecated and will be removed in v0.15.0

The PatientListCtrl now does the logic of whether to create a new item or edit an item within the
controller before it calls the record editor.