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openIMIS Frontend Policy Holder reference module

This repository holds the files of the openIMIS Frontend Policy Holder reference module. It is dedicated to be deployed as a module of openimis-fe_js.

License: AGPL v3

Main Menu Contributions


Other Contributions

  • core.Router: registering policyHolders, policyHolders/policyHolder routes in openIMIS client-side router

  • insuree.MainMenu:

    Policy Holders (menu.policyHolders translation key)

  • invoice.SubjectAndThirdpartyPicker: providing Policy Holder picker for Invoice module

Available Contribution Points

  • policyHolder.TabPanel.label ability to extend Policy Holder tab panel with a label
  • policyHolder.TabPanel.panel ability to extend Policy Holder tab panel with a panel displayed on click on an appropriate label
  • policyHolder.PolicyHolderInsuree.calculation placeholder for Calculation module contributions

Published Components

  • policyHolder.ConfigBasedPicker, generic picker, which can display options from JSON object
  • policyHolder.LegalFormPicker, picker for Legal Form (from JSON stored in the module configuration)
  • policyHolder.ActivityCodePicker, picker for Activity Code (from JSON stored in the module configuration)
  • policyHolder.PolicyHolderPicker, picker for Policy Holder
  • policyHolder.PolicyHolderInsureePicker, picker for Policy Holder Insuree
  • policyHolder.PolicyHolderContributionPlanBundlePicker, picker for Policy Holder Contribution Plan Bundle

Dispatched Redux Actions

  • POLICYHOLDER_POLICYHOLDERS_{REQ|RESP|ERR}, fetching Policy Holders (as triggered by the searcher)
  • POLICYHOLDER_POLICYHOLDER_CLEAR, clearing Policy Holder when unmounting form
  • POLICYHOLDER_POLICYHOLDERINSUREES_{REQ|RESP|ERR}, fetching Policy Holder Insurees (as triggered by the searcher)
  • POLICYHOLDER_PICKERPOLICYHOLDERINSUREES_{REQ|RESP|ERR}, fetching Policy Holder Insurees for Policy Holder Insurees Picker
  • POLICYHOLDER_POLICYHOLDERCONTRIBUTIONPLANBUNDLES_{REQ|RESP|ERR}, fetching Policy Holder Contribution Plan Bundles (as triggered by the searcher)
  • POLICYHOLDER_PICKERPOLICYHOLDERCONTRIBUTIONPLANBUNDLES_{REQ|RESP|ERR}, fetching Policy Holder Contribution Plan Bundles for Policy Holder Contribution Plan Bundle Picker
  • POLICYHOLDER_CODE_FIELDS_VALIDATION_{REQ|RESP|ERR}, validating Policy Holder code field
  • POLICYHOLDER_CODE_FIELDS_VALIDATION_CLEAR, clearing validation state of Policy Holder code
  • POLICYHOLDER_CODE_FIELDS_VALIDATION_SET_VALID, setting Policy Holder code as a valid one
  • POLICYHOLDER_MUTATION_{REQ|ERR}, sending a mutation
  • POLICYHOLDER_CREATE_POLICYHOLDER_RESP, receiving a result of create Policy Holder mutation
  • POLICYHOLDER_UPDATE_POLICYHOLDER_RESP, receiving a result of update Policy Holder mutation
  • POLICYHOLDER_DELETE_POLICYHOLDER_RESP, receiving a result of delete Policy Holder mutation
  • POLICYHOLDER_CREATE_POLICYHOLDERINSUREE_RESP, receiving a result of create Policy Holder Insuree mutation
  • POLICYHOLDER_UPDATE_POLICYHOLDERINSUREE_RESP, receiving a result of update Policy Holder Insuree mutation
  • POLICYHOLDER_DELETE_POLICYHOLDERINSUREE_RESP, receiving a result of delete Policy Holder Insuree mutation
  • POLICYHOLDER_REPLACE_POLICYHOLDERINSUREE_RESP, receiving a result of replace Policy Holder Insuree mutation
  • POLICYHOLDER_CREATE_POLICYHOLDERCONTRIBUTIONPLANBUNDLE_RESP, receiving a result of create Policy Holder Contribution Plan Bundle mutation
  • POLICYHOLDER_UPDATE_POLICYHOLDERCONTRIBUTIONPLANBUNDLE_RESP, receiving a result of update Policy Holder Contribution Plan Bundle mutation
  • POLICYHOLDER_DELETE_POLICYHOLDERCONTRIBUTIONPLANBUNDLE_RESP, receiving a result of delete Policy Holder Contribution Plan Bundle mutation
  • POLICYHOLDER_REPLACE_POLICYHOLDERCONTRIBUTIONPLANBUNDLE_RESP, receiving a result of replace Policy Holder Contribution Plan Bundle mutation

Other Modules Listened Redux Actions


Other Modules Redux State Bindings

  • state.core.user, to access user info (rights,...)
  • state.insuree, retrieving Insurees when creating Policy Holder Insuree
  • state.contributionPlan, retrieving Contribution Plan Bundles when creating Policy Holder Contribution Plan Bundle

Configurations Options

  • policyHolderFilter.rowsPerPageOptions: pagination page size options in PolicyHolderSearcher component (Default: [10, 20, 50, 100])
  • policyHolderFilter.defaultPageSize: pagination pre-selected page size options in PolicyHolderSearcher component (Default: 10)
  • policyHolderFilter.legalFormOptions: options for LegalFormPicker component (Default:
        "value": "1", 
        "label": {
            "en": "Personal Company",
            "fr": "Persone physique"
    }, {
        "value": "2",
        "label": {
            "en": "Limited Risk Company",
            "fr": "Société à risque limité"
    }, {
        "value": "3",
        "label": {
            "en": "Association",
            "fr": "Association"
    }, {
        "value": "4",
        "label": {
            "en": "Government",
            "fr": "Gouvernement"
    }, {
        "value": "5",
        "label": {
            "en": "Union",


  • policyHolderFilter.activityCodeOptions: options for ActivityCodePicker component (Default:
        "value": "1", 
        "label": {
            "en": "Retail", 
            "fr": "Vente au détails"
    }, {
        "value": "2",
        "label": {
            "en": "Industry", 
            "fr": "Industrie"
    }, {
        "value": "3",
        "label": {
            "en": "Building", 
            "fr": "Construction"
    }, {
        "value": "4",
        "label": { 
            "en": "Sailing", 
            "fr": "Maritime"
    }, {
        "value": "5",
        "label": { 
            "en": "Services",


  • policyHolderForm.phoneValidation: Phone field validation (regex + error message when regex does not match) (Default:
    "phoneValidation": {
        "regex": /^[0-9]*$/,
        "regexMsg": {
            "en": "Invalid phone number",
            "fr": "Numéro de téléphone invalide"


  • policyHolderForm.faxValidation: Fax field validation (regex + error message when regex does not match) (Default:
    "faxValidation", {
        "regex": /^[0-9]{8,9}$/,
        "regexMsg": {
            "en": "Invalid fax number",
            "fr": "Numéro de fax invalide"


  • policyHolderForm.paymentReferenceValidation: PaymentReference field validation (regex + error message when regex does not match) (Default:
    "paymentReferenceValidation", {
        "regex": /.+/,
        "regexMsg": {
            "en": "Invalid payment reference",
            "fr": "Référence de payement invalide"


  • policyHolderForm.accountancyAccountValidation: AccountancyAccount field validation (regex + error message when regex does not match) (Default:
    "accountancyAccountValidation", {
        "regex": /.+/,
        "regexMsg": {
            "en": "Invalid accountancy account",
            "fr": "Numéro de compte comptable invalide"
