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Core configuration settings

Edward powell edited this page Jul 6, 2013 · 8 revisions

Below is a list of all known configuration options for the core bot. In the config file, lists are separated by commas without spaces. True/False values can be specified with the word True or False.

Settings list

Name Purpose Example
nick The nickname for the bot Willie
user The "user" for your bot (the part that comes before the @ in the hostname) willie
name The "real name" of you bot for WHOIS responses Willie Embosbot,
host The server to connect to
port the port to connect to 6667
use_ssl Whether to use a SSL secured connection False
verify_ssl Whether to require a trusted SSL certificate True
ca_certs The path of the CA Certs pem file /etc/pki/tls/cert.pem
bind_host Bind the connection to a specific IP None
channels A list of the channels to join when the bot connects #tech,#YourPants
owner The IRC name of the owner of the bot. Embolalia
debug_target The name of the channel to print debugging messages to, or stdio to print to the terminal stdio
verbose Verbosity level. If None, all debug messages are discarded. Valid options are warning, verbose, and None verbose
nickserv_password The bot's NickServ password cecinestpasunepassword
server_password The password to connect to the server None
oper_name The OPER username for the bot, if it is being given those privileges Willie
oper_pass The OPER password for the bot, if it is being given those privileges password1234
admins The list of people (other than the owner) who can administer the bot elad,Tyrope
exclude A list of modules which should not be loaded bucket,reddit
enable A whitelist of the only modules you want to enable admin,url
extra A list of other directories you'd like to include modules from /home/you/willie/other_modules
nick_blocks A list of nicks which Willie should ignore. Regular expression syntax is used. sp[aA]me?r*
host_blocks A list of hostmasks which Willie should ignore. Regular expression syntax is used. .*@.*\.spam\.net
prefix The prefix to add to the beginning of commands. (i.e, the . in .t) Regular expression syntax is used. \.
modes User modes to set on connection. BT
logdir Directory in which to place logs. /home/you/.willie/logs/or/something
log_raw False if you do not want to keep a log of the raw lines as sent to and received from the server False