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elemoine edited this page Dec 4, 2014 · 48 revisions

2014-12-04 Meeting Summary

WebGL vector rendering

Camptocamp's webgl-point branch is merged. The Camptocamp developers have started working on hit detection.

Releasing 3.1.0

We discussed releasing 3.1.0. The plan is to cut the release before the Christmas break. We went through the issues and PRs that were open for 3.1.0 and did some triage. We're now down to 5 issues, which are more or loss blockers for the release:

2014-11-28 Meeting Summary

Code sprint

The venue is secured. The participants so far are: Andreas Hocevar (Boundless), Bart van der Eijnden (Boundless), Éric Lemoine (Camptocamp), Guillaume Béraudo (Camptocamp), Tim Schaub (Planet labs), Tobias Sauerwein (Camptocamp). Others may attend, but they're not confirmed.

MapQuest source bug

Andreas found a bug in the MapQuest source. He expected a major bug in the tile renderer, but it turns out to just be a configuration error for the MapQuest OSM layer. Andreas created a PR:

WebGL vector rendering

Éric mentioned that reviews are still very welcome. Guillaume from Camptocamp is looking at improving the performance. But this shouldn't block the merge of the PR.

Custom interactions and controls

We don't currently provide a clear API for creating custom controls and interactions. We discussed what the API could be.

Currently, methods that can be implemented/overridden by developers of custom controls/interactions are declared in the oli.js externs file. See setMap and handleMapBrowserEvent in that externs file.

Another option is to rely on constructor options. For example, a custom interaction could look like this:

app.CustomInteraction = function() {, {
    handleEventFunction: app.CustomInteraction.prototype.handleEvent.bind(this)
ol.inherits(app.CustomInteraction, ol.interaction.Interaction);

app.CustomInteraction.prototype.handleEvent = function(e) {
  // …

var customInteraction = new app.CustomInteraction();

or even this (for simple cases):

var customInteraction = new ol.interaction.Interaction({
  handleEventFunction: function(e) {
    // …

We think this is better than relying on externs (in oli.js) as done currently. In particular we don't need to extend the docs tools, as constructor options are used for customization. This is also consistent with the tileUrlFunction and tileLoadingFunction options we have for tile sources.

Use different CRS/SRS parameter in ImageWMS

Andreas discussed There are cases where the view is configured with a projection whose code is not supported by the WMS server. In that case you want to be able to configure the ImageWMS source with the projection code supported by the WMS server, and expect that everything will work correctly. We hope that @relet will look into that.

2014-11-20 Meeting Summary

WebGL vector rendering

Eric discussed Camptocamp's ongoing effort to bring vector support to the WebGL renderer. Initial work on rendering points has been completed, and a pull request will be created soon. Hit detection will not be covered initially, but will be the focus of a future round of work.

Layer extent support

We discussed #2937 which results in rendering clipped to a layer extent for tile & image layers using the Canvas renderer. This addresses a rendering bug reported in #2920. Tim is going to look into making the same behavior apply to vector layers, and will merge with or without this extra bit.


We agreed that we like answering questions tagged with openlayers on StackExchange. Though this doesn't completely remove the need for a mailing list, we're going to continue to focus on answering user questions there.

2014-11-06 Meeting Summary

Code Sprint

We plan to have a code sprint in April, 2015. It will be in Austria. The potential venue is: More information will be provided later.

Stack Exchange

We discussed using Stack Exchange rather than a Google Group for user questions, and use a mailing list for dev discussions only. The OpenLayers core developers are going to start answering questions on Stack Exchange and see if it can work for OpenLayers.


We get more and more feature requests and bug reports from the user community. It may make sense to use something like @elemoine to look into that.

GitHub Issues and PRs

A major tile rendering bug was reported: @tschaub is going to look into it.

Agenda and meeting minutes for 2013-04-11

  • Alpha release
  • What PRs to merge before releasing?
  • Where to host ol.js/ol.css?
  • What about

Agenda and meeting minutes for 2013-04-04

  • API doc status
  • Plovr-free development
  • Vector Architecture and Map/Layer/Source data model (Use-Cases wiki page)
  • Cesium (status and future of cesium branch)
  • First alpha release (10 April)

Agenda and meeting minutes for 2013-03-21

Agenda and meeting minutes for 2013-03-14

Meeting minutes

Community Infrastructure

  1. Central place to get information

    Chris Holmes: We need to have a central place to get information about ol3 (where newcomers can be pointed to to get started and understand what is going on). Let’s decide where and how and take action.

    Decision: landing page on github page. Wiki for “getting started”, examples with explanation, …

    Who: Bart proposes to take care of this.

  2. Getting Started / how to contribute guide

    Based on the current Readme. Let’s extend and complete it (ex: examples should be added for each new feature)

    Target: contributors (getting started guide for application developer will come later)

    Who: Eric and Bart

  3. First Public release

    April 10: first public alpha release. -> communication and information for app developer who wants to try things.

  4. Roadmap

    Publish the Roadmap, without date

    Who: Benoît

  5. API doc

    Work on API doc. Check if we use the right tool.

    Who: Andreas.

  6. Getting application developer in:

    Eric to check how application developers (not OL3 contributor) can help (probably mostly by testing)

Technical Stuff

  1. Eric opens the discussion about issue 340 regarding map API. Working on it. Comments welcome.

  2. Discussion regarding the vector work is postponed until we can get Andreas and/or Tim in.


Agenda for 2013-02-07

Meeting dedicated to discussing vector.

  • Talk about opening up this dev meeting to other folks.

Agenda for 2013-01-31


  • Small feedback from yesterday's management conference call (between the directors of the companies) and process discussion

Work done:

  • Single Image layer, DOM and Canvas renderers, attribution (see below)
  • Kinetic panning (@bbinet)
  • Test fixes (@elemoine)
  • Initial Cesium integration (@bagnell, @elemoine)
  • Miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements

Ongoing work:

  • Touch interaction (@fredj)
  • WebGL Single Image layer renderer (@elemoine, @twpayne, @bbinet, @fredj)
  • Canvas renderer optimization (@twpayne)
  • WMTS data source (@bbinet)
  • Zoom slider (@marcjansen)
  • Vector (@tschaub, @ahocevar)
  • WMS GetCapabilities parser (@bartvde)

Any other business:

Agenda for 2013-01-24

Work done:

  • Heapify-based tile queue (now dropping tiles)
  • Tile cache expiration
  • Texture cache expiration
  • Animated zooming

Ongoing work:

  • Touch interaction (@fredj)
  • Kinetic pan (@bbinet)
  • Single image source/layer (@elemoine)
  • Canvas renderer optimization (@twpayne)
  • Zoom slider (@marcjansen)
  • Vector (@tschaub, @ahocevar)
  • ...

Things to discuss:

Agenda for 2013-01-17

  • Work done by Camptocamp: tile queue, animation framework, canvas renderer, postrender events, mouse position control, attribution control, interaction hints, animated zoom, WebGL renderer performance improvements, Trello, miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements
  • Work done by OpenGeo: validity extent
  • Work done by Terrestris
  • Work in progress by Camptocamp: touch interactions, tile queue improvements, kinetic panning, Cesium integration
  • Work in progress by OpenGeo: vector
  • Work in progress by Terrestris: pan zoom bar control
  • Next steps

Agenda for 2013-01-10

  • Work done by Camptocamp: view, WebGL renderer clean-ups, Plovr, pure transform DOM renderer, beyond image tiles, frame state and animation
  • Work done by OpenGeo
  • Work done by Terrestris
  • Project tracking (Trello?)
  • Next steps
  • Cesium integration

Agenda for 2012-12-13

OpenLayers 3 Cesium Integration.

  • Where can OL3 help Cesium?
  • When can AGI help? (renderer architecture review, etc.)
  • What an OL3 Cesium integration can look like?
  • Will OL3 expose Cesium objects?
  • "Bringing 3D to OpenLayers 3 with Cesium" presentation at FOSS4G NA? (target submission deadline is mid-feb)

Agenda for 2012-11-15

Done since previous meeting (not much):

  • Merged Pake (#76)
  • Fixed DOM renderer issue in FF (#84)

Agenda for 2012-11-08

  • Animation and Camera, based on Tim's and Tom's documents. Tom has just added a document describing what he's started implementing for the Camera.

  • Symbol, property and config object exports. Tom and I wrote to explain how exports work. Feel free to ask us questions if you have any.

  • I've ported Tim's "append tiles to DOM after load" patch to master, and I'm interested to know if we want to merge this.

  • Tom has developed across-platform system named pake aimed to replace make for ol3. We need to decide whether we're merging Tom's work.

  • Discuss the brightness, contrast, hue, and saturation pull request.