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Ryan Layton edited this page Oct 17, 2022 · 2 revisions

Setting up Wi-Fi

Wi-Fi configuration is done via the sdcard.

On the sdcard create the directories /config/overlay/etc:

Overlay Filesystem

In the etc directory copy the file wpa_supplicant.conf. Edit this file and plug in your Wi-Fi SSID name and password.

Insert the sdcard into the camera and reboot. OpenMiko will copy this directory over to the /config partition (which is persistent flash storage)*.

Wi-Fi Module Change to get WyzeCam Pan and Dafang working

WyzeCam Pan or Dafang cameras need a different Wi-Fi module configured rather than the stock Wi-Fi module. If this change is not made, your camera won't connect to Wi-Fi. This change is made using the openmiko.conf config file that resides in /config/overlay/etc.

Per above, you should have already created the /config/overlay/etc directory when creating the wpa_supplicant.conf file to configure Wi-Fi. Create another file in the same place named openmiko.conf. Copy the minimal config from and change the line that says WIFI_MODULE=8189fs to WIFI_MODULE=8189es.

*This process of editing overlays can also be used to overwrite other files. For example:

  • /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow can be overwritten to make sure password changes are persistent
  • /config/overlay/etc/dropbear/dropbear_ecdsa_host_key can be used to have a persistent SSH signature