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gideonite committed May 3, 2021
2 parents e5cb995 + da32aa6 commit 4ff21dc
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Showing 6 changed files with 534 additions and 2 deletions.
214 changes: 214 additions & 0 deletions copt/
100644 → 100755
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Expand Up @@ -324,3 +324,217 @@ def lmo(self, u, x, active_set=None):
ut, _, vt = splinalg.svds(u_mat, k=1)
vertex = self.alpha * np.outer(ut, vt).ravel()
return vertex - x, None, None, 1.

class TraceSpectrahedron:
"""Projection of a square, symmetric matrix onto the set of
positive-semidefinite matrices with bounded trace norm.
alpha: float
radius of the spectrahedron.
dim: int
The ambient space is of dimension dim x dim
def __init__(self, alpha, dim):
assert type(dim) == int
self.alpha = alpha
self.dim = dim
self._shape = (dim,dim)

def __call__(self, x):
X = x.reshape(self._shape)
eigvals = linalg.eigvalsh(X)
# check that all non-zero eigenvalues are greater than zero
is_psd = np.all(eigvals[~np.isclose(0, eigvals)] > 0)
is_in_ball = eigvals.sum() <= self.alpha + np.finfo(np.float32).eps
if is_psd and is_in_ball:
return 0
return np.inf

def prox(self, x, step_size):
X = x.reshape(self._shape)
X = .5*(X + X.T)
s, U = linalg.eigh(X)
s_psd = np.maximum(s, 0)
s_psd_threshold = euclidean_proj_l1ball(s_psd, self.alpha)
ret = (U * s_psd_threshold).dot(U.T).ravel()
assert np.all(ret == ret.T)
return ret

def lmo(self, u, x, active_set=None):
r"""Linear Maximization Oracle.
Returns s - x with s solving the following
max_{s\in D} <u,s>
where D := {X | X is p.s.d.; ||X||_nuc <= alpha}
u: usually -gradient
x: usually the iterate of the considered algorithm
active_set: ignored
update_direction: s - x, where s is the vertex of the constraint most correlated with u
None: not used here
None: not used here
max_step_size: 1. for a Frank-Wolfe step.
u_mat = u.reshape(self._shape)
u_mat = .5*(u_mat + u_mat)
s, ut = splinalg.eigsh(u_mat, k=1, which='LA')

if s < 0:
vertex = np.zeros(self._shape).ravel()
vertex = self.alpha * np.outer(ut,ut).ravel()
return vertex - x, None, None, 1.

class RowEqualityConstraint:
"""Row equality constraint for a matrix-valued decision variable.
Homotopy smoothing is also implemented.
Row equality constraints are of the form
Xv = b
where we call :math:`v` an operator since it maps the decision variable
:math:`X` to a vector.
Homotopy smoothing changes this constraint into a distance of the current
:math:`X` to the `offset` value, :math:`b`:
\|Xv - b\|^2
shape: tuple of ints (n,m)
Describes the underlying of the decision variable x.
operator: vector of size (m,)
offset: vector of size (n,)
beta_scaling: ignored
name: string, optional
Used by other codes (e.g. trace objects) to identify this particular
def __init__(self, shape, operator, offset, beta_scaling=1.0, name='row_equality_constraint'):
# TODO incorporate beta_scaling. Currently not done because it is only
# used by element wise constraints.
assert len(shape) == 2
assert len(offset.shape) == 1
assert len(operator.shape) == 1
assert operator.shape[0] == shape[1]
assert offset.shape[0] == shape[0]
self.shape = shape
self.operator = operator
self.offset = offset = name
self.offset_norm = np.linalg.norm(self.offset)

def __call__(self, x):
X = x.reshape(self.shape)
z = np.matmul(X, self.operator)
if np.all(z == self.offset):
return 0
return np.inf

def apply_operator(self, x):
"""Evaluates A(x). In this case, `x * operator` where '*' denotes
matrix multiplication.
X = x.reshape(self.shape)

def smoothed_grad(self, x):
"""Returns the value and the gradient of the homotopy smoothed
x: decision variable
X = x.reshape(self.shape)
err = - self.offset
val = np.linalg.norm(err) ** 2
grad = 2*np.outer(err, self.operator)
# import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
return val, grad.ravel()

def feasibility(self, x):
"""Returns a normalized distance of the current iterate, x, to the
constraint specified by the offset. Intended usage is for tracking
the progress of the algorithm (e.g. by a trace object)
x: decision variable
X = x.reshape(self.shape)
err = - self.offset
val = np.linalg.norm(err)
return val / self.offset_norm

class ElementWiseInequalityConstraint:
"""Element-wise inequality constraint for vector or matrix-valued
decision variables. Homotopy smoothing is also implemented.
X_{ij} \geq c
where :math:`c\in\mathbb R`
Homotopy changes this constraint into a simple distance
\|X - c\|^2
which is used to compute gradients and feasibility
shape: 2-ple.
Shape of the underlying matrix.
operator: ignored
offset: ignored
beta_scaling: float
The relative scaling of this constraint with respect to other constraints.
def __init__(self, shape, operator, offset, beta_scaling=1000.,
name='elementwise_inequality_constraint', eps=np.finfo(np.float32).eps):
assert len(shape) == 2
assert operator.shape == shape
self.offset = offset
self.beta_scaling = beta_scaling = name
self.eps = eps

def __call__(self, x):
if np.all(x + self.eps >= 0):
return 0
return np.inf

def smoothed_grad(self, x):
"""Returns the value and gradient (flattened) of the smoothed
constraint, i.e. (np.float-like, np.array-like).
x: decision variable
mask = (x+self.eps>=0)
grad = x.copy()
grad[mask] = 0
val = linalg.norm(grad)**2
return val, self.beta_scaling*grad

def feasibility(self, x):
"""Returns the norm of the elements of x which do not satisfy the
constraint. Elements which satisfy the constraint are not included.
mask = (x+self.eps>=0)
grad = x.copy()
grad[mask] = 0
return linalg.norm(grad)
40 changes: 40 additions & 0 deletions copt/
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Expand Up @@ -465,3 +465,43 @@ def load_criteo(md5_check=True):
X = sparse.csr_matrix((X_data, X_indices, X_indptr))
y = np.load(data_target)
return X, y

def load_sdp_mnist(md5_check=True, subset='reduced', data_dir=DATA_DIR):
"""Download (TODO) if necessary and return the preprocessed MNIST dataset as described in [MVW16].
md5_check: bool (TODO)
Whether to do an md5 check on the downloaded files.
C : np.array-like
n_labels: int
the number of labels in this subset of the data
opt_val: float
the optimal objective value
[MVW16] D. G. Mixon, S. Villar, and R. Ward, “Clustering subgaussian
mixtures by semidefinite programming,” May 2016.
GitHub Repo: <>
import as sio # lazy import

if subset == 'reduced':
file_path = os.path.join(data_dir,
elif subset == 'full':
file_path = os.path.join(data_dir,
raise ValueError("invalid dataset choice <" + subset + ">")

mat = sio.loadmat(file_path)
mat = sio.loadmat(file_path)

C = mat['Problem']['C'][0][0]
opt_val = mat['Problem']['opt_val'][0][0][0][0]
labels = mat['Problem']['labels'][0][0][0]
n_labels = len(np.unique(labels))
return C, n_labels, opt_val
102 changes: 102 additions & 0 deletions copt/
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@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
"""Homotopy Methods."""
import json
import os
import sys
import warnings
from collections import defaultdict

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy import io as sio
from scipy import linalg, optimize

import copt
from copt import datasets, utils

EPS = np.finfo(np.float32).eps

# TODO :ref:`hcgm`
def minimize_homotopy_cgm(objective_fun, smoothed_constraints, x0, shape,
lmo, beta0, max_iter, tol, callback):
r"""(H)omotopy CGM
Implements HCGM. See :ref:`hcgm` for more details
objective_fun: callable
Takes an x0-like and return a tuple (value, gradient) corresponding
to the value and gradient of the objective function at x,
smoothed_constraints: [list of obj]
Each object should support a `smoothed_grad` method. This method
takes an x0-like and returns a tuple (value, gradient)
corresponding to the value of the smoothed constraint at x and the
smoothed gradient, respectively.
x0: array-like
Initial guess for solution.
shape: tuple
The underlying shape of each iterate, e.g. (n,m) for an n x m matrix.
beta0: float
Initial value for the smoothing parameter beta.
max_iter: integer, optional
Maximum number of iterations.
tol: float
Tolerance for the objective and homotopy smoothed constraints.
callback: callable, optional
Callback to execute at each iteration. If the callable returns False
then the algorithm with immediately return.
lmo: callable
The optimization result represented as a
``scipy.optimize.OptimizeResult`` object. Important attributes are:
``x`` the solution array, ``success`` a Boolean flag indicating if
the optimizer exited successfully and ``message`` which describes
the cause of the termination. See `scipy.optimize.OptimizeResult`
for a description of other attributes.
[YURT2018] A. Yurtsever, O. Fercoq, F. Locatello, and V. Cevher. “A Conditional Gradient Framework for Composite Convex Minimization with Applications to Semidefinite Programming” <> _ ICML 2018

x0 = np.asanyarray(x0, dtype=np.float)
beta0 = np.asanyarray(beta0, dtype=np.float128)
if tol < 0:
raise ValueError("'tol' must be non-negative")
x = x0.copy()

for it in range(max_iter):
step_size = 2. / (it+2.)
beta_k = beta0 / np.sqrt(it+2)

total_constraint_grad = sum(c.smoothed_grad(x)[1] for c in smoothed_constraints)
f_t, f_grad = objective_fun(x)
grad = beta_k*f_grad + total_constraint_grad

active_set = None # vanilla FW
update_direction, _, _, _ = lmo(-grad, x, active_set)

feasibilities = [c(x) < tol for c in smoothed_constraints]
if f_t < tol and np.all(feasibilities):

x += step_size*update_direction

if callback is not None:
if callback(locals()) is False: # pylint: disable=g-bool-id-comparison

if callback is not None:

return optimize.OptimizeResult(x=x, nit=it)
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Expand Up @@ -296,3 +296,32 @@ def f_grad(self, x, return_gradient=True):
def lipschitz(self):
s = splinalg.svds(self.A, k=1, return_singular_vectors=False)[0]
return (s * s) / self.A.shape[0] + self.alpha

class LinearLoss:
r"""Linear objective function.
A linear objective is defined as
.. math::
f(X) = \langle M,X \rangle
where :math:`\langle\cdot\rangle` is the dot product for
finite-dimensional vector and :math:`\tr(MX)` for matrices.
def __init__(self, M, shape):
self.shape = shape
self.m = M.flatten()

def __call__(self, X):
loss,_ = self.f_grad(X)
return loss

def f_grad(self, X):
x = X.flatten()
loss =, self.m)
return loss, self.m

def lipschitz(self):
raise NotImplementedError

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