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Setting up a Shareabouts Web instance

Step 0: Create a Dataset

You'll need an account on a Shareabouts API server.

Log in to the API manager and create a new dataset. Remember the slug for your dataset, as you'll use it later. You will also need the API key for this dataset, which you can get from the "API Keys" tab of the manage UI.

If you're using the OpenPlans API server, it's and the API manager is

Step 1: Create a flavor

A "flavor" is a particular configuration of Shareabouts.

Copy the flavors/default_config folder to a new subdirectory of flavors/. Name it whatever you want.

Step 2: Set up your local settings

Copy the project/ file to project/

Edit the new file, changing SHAREABOUTS_FLAVOR to the name of the flavor directory you just created.

Also update DATASET_ROOT, and DATASET_KEY. Get this info from your API server.

NOTE: You don't want to check the API key information in to your repository, as anyone would be able to write to your data using your API key.

Step 3: Edit your flavor

Your flavor directory contains a config.yml file that you will be editing throughout the rest of these instructions. Once you're done with config and local testing, deploy.

The Map

The map options are for initial map setup and match the Leaflet Map options.

Option Type Default Description
center Object None Latitude and longitude for the initial center. eg. "lat: 39.9523524" and "lng: -75.1636075"
zoom Integer None The initial zoom level.
minZoom Integer None The minimum zoom level supported.
maxZoom Integer None The maximum zoom level supported.
maxBounds Array None Restricts the map area to this bounding box, an array of arrays defining the southwest corner and the northeast corner. ie. [ [swLat, swLng], [neLat, neLng] ] or [ [39.786, -75.463], [40.118, -74.864] ]

Base Layer Options

The base_layer value configures a single TileLayer as the base layer for the map. This section is completely optional and defaults to MapBox Streets tiles based on OpenStreetMap. Common options are listed below, and all options are defined here.

Option Type Default Description
url String None The URL template to the tile server. eg. http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png. See this description for details.
attribution String None The string used to describe the layer data.

Extra Layer Options

You can add additional overlays on top of your base layer. To do so, add to the "layers" array. This array should match the configuration format for Argo layer options.

A sample configuration for Argo layers can be found in the overlays flavor config file. The data used in that example can also be found in the flavor under the /static/layers/ folder.

Place Types

Shareabouts can handle multiple types of Place. To set up the types syou're interested in, edit config.yml and add an item to the place_types mapping, like so:

    default: blue
    focused: red

The name of this type is "Landmark", and we've identified by name two icon configurations to use when this place type is selected or not. These icons are configured in the separate place_type_icons section, like so:

    iconUrl: /static/css/images/feature-point.png
      width: 17
      height: 18
      x: 9
      y: 9

The properties of icons are as per the Leaflet docs, see But briefly:

The iconUrl is relative to the root of the website. Put the corresponding image file in src/sa_web/static/css/images/. The iconSize you specify in config.yml should match that of the image.

iconAnchor is measured in pixels, and specifies where relative to the map point the center of the icon is placed; useful for eg. place markers that look best sticking up from the point rather than centered on it.

Input forms

Users can do basically three things with places:

  • Create one
  • Add some information to an existing one
  • Support or Like one

All of this happens in the 'place' section of the config.yml file.

Creating places

The 'place' section of the config file starts like this:

  adding_supported: true
  title: The title of the form.

If adding_supported is set to false, users cannot add places, and can only comment on or support the places you provide.

Next you can have any number of input widgets to appear on the place adding form. These go in the items subsection, under place. Each one looks like:

  - prompt: Your Name
    type: text
    name: submitter_name
    optional: true
      - key: placeholder
        value: Type Your Name Here
      - key: size
        value: 30

The prompt is used to label the form. The type, name, and any attrs are used directly as HTML attributes. This example would generate the following HTML:

<label for="place-submitter_name">Your Name (optional)</label>
<input id="place-submitter_name type="text"
 size="30" placeholder="Type Your Name Here">

The optional setting adds some text to the form label, but it also is used when validating your form, so if optional is omitted or set to false, the user will get an error if they don't provide a value.

The label setting can also be used for a place item. It is used as the label for that input value when it is displayed in the place detail view after it has been saved.

NOTE There are three special place input properties: submitter_name, name, and location_type. These are specially displayed on the place detail view and therefore ignore the label setting.

Attaching images to places

You can attach images to places by configuring an input of type file. The configuration should look like this:

  - inputfile_label: Add an Image
    type: file
    name: my_image
      - key: accept
        value: image/*

This will generate markup that looks similar to this:

<label for="place-my_image"></label>
<span class="fileinput-container ">
  <span>Add an Image</span>
  <input id="place-my_image" name="my_image" type="file" accept="image/*">

You can restyle the image input by overriding the .fileinput-container class in custom.css in your flavor.

NOTE This does not currently support multiple file inputs or inputs types other than images.

NOTE All images are proportionally resized with a max size of 800 pixels and converted to JPEGs.

Choosing a place type

If you have only one place type (see above), you'll want to specify it as a hidden input named location_type, like so:

- type: hidden
  name: location_type
    - key: value
      value: <your place type name goes here>

(Yes, it's odd that the names are inconsistent. Needs to be fixed; see

If you have more than one place type, and want your users to be able to choose which type they're adding, then use a select input, like so:

- prompt: Location Type
  type: select
    - Landmark
    - Park
    - School

Once a Place has been created, users can click on it and see a form to add more information. There are two parts to this: a simple Support section, and a section with one or more inputs to add more info. Both parts are configurable, see below.

Survey Form Configuration

The survey form is configured in the survey section. First you can configure display of existing submissions. The options you can set are:

Option Type Description
submission_type string What type of submissions these are, eg. "comments"
show_responses boolean Whether previous submissions should be shown with the form.
response_name string Label to use when displaying previous submissions.
response_plural_name string Plural label for displaying previous submissions.
action_text string For example, "commented on"

Next is the survey form itself. This is much like the Place creation form described above. You can supply an arbitrary number of form items. Here's an example:

# Survey form config
title: Leave a Comment
form_link_text: Leave a Comment
submit_btn_text: Comment
  - prompt: Comment
    label: Comment
    type: textarea
    name: comment
  - prompt: Your Name
    type: text
    name: submitter_name
  - prompt: Your Email
    type: text
    name: private-submitter_email
Collecting Private Data

Sometimes you'll want to collect data from users that you don't want to make available to the world (e.g., users' email addresses). You can mark data that is meant to be private with a private- prefix. This data will be available to you through the Shareabouts admin interface, but will not be shown through in your map. See the section on survey form configuration for an example.

Support Form Configuration

This is a simple form with a single button, in the support section. The options you can set are:

Option Type Description
submission_type string Name for a type of submission a "support" is saved as, eg. "support"
submit_btn_txt string Text on the submit button itself.
action_text string Past-tense verb for display in the activity view, eg. "supported"

Translating Interface Text

The text in Shareabouts can be translated via the Django localization (translation) machinery.

To mark text in your configuration (flavor) as available to be translated, wrap the text in _( and ). For example, in the following snippet, Button Label will be available for translation, but survey_type will not:

label: _(Button Label)
type_name: survey_type

You can also translate the content in your pages. Surround any text that you would like to be translatable with {{#_}} and {{/_}}. For example:


To generate a translation template, run the following from your flavor directory:

<project_src_root>/ flavormessages --locale en_US

Do this for each language you want your map to be available in. For the locale, use a locale name as specified in Django's documentation:

Once your messages files are generated, fill in any translations that should be made. If you leave a translation blank, the original string will be used.

To apply your translations, run the following from your flavor directory:

<project_src_root>/ compilemessages

That's it! The compilemessages task is run automatically for the DotCloud and Heroku deployments.

Choosing a Language

By default, Shareabouts will try to infer the target user's language from their browser settings. If you would like them to be able to explicitly select the interface language, you can configure a language selector in the application's title bar.

Specify the available languages by adding this section to your configuration:

  - code: en
    label: I Speak English

  - code: es
    label: Hablo Español

  - code: hi
    label: मैं हिंदी बोलते हैं

The code should be one of the ISO-639-1 language codes, and the label should be the string that you want to appear in the language selector drop-down menu. Note that the language labels should not be marked for translation, and should be written in the target language.

Don't forget to translate your interface text into each of your desired target languages.

For more information on language codes, see the Django documentation.

Pages and Links

Shareabouts allows you to create multiple static pages, linked from the top navigation bar. To create a page:

  • To add a page to the navigaton bar, first add a title, and slug to the "pages" array in config.yml. For example:

      - title: About
        slug: about
    	  start_page: true

    The start_page option allows specifying that this page should be open when people first visit the site. If omitted, it defaults to false.

  • Create the page content (as HTML). Shareabouts will look for your content in a file in your flavor called jstemplates/pages/about.html. The filename matches the slug by default. If you want to use a different name for your page file, you can specify a name attribute as well, e.g.:

      - title: About
        slug: about
        name: new
    	  start_page: true

    In this example, your file will be found at jstemplates/pages/new.html.

You can also add links to external sites to the navigation bar. To do this, simply add a title and url to the "pages" array in config.yml, and set the "external" property to "true". For example:

- title: OpenPlans
  external: true

Note: Do not include <script> tags in your pages. If you want to do custom scripting from within your flavor, add your scripts to the includes template (templates/includes.html).


See Customizing the Theme