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I documenti ufficiali dei parlamentari e dei membri del governo su redditi, beni mobili e immobili, contributi e spese elettorali per gli anni 2013 e 2014.

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Openpolis patrimoni

Private repo for Openpolis patrimoni APIs Rest & utils.

cmd stores commands built using main incomes package.

incomes-importer command line tool that imports data from Google Drive.

Import all declarations:

incomes-importer -client-secret <google-privete-id>

Import notes files:

incomes-importer -client-secret <google-privete-id> -parse-notes

Update political data from (these shoud be a cronjob):

$ ./bin/incomes-updater

incomes-rest system daemon that exposes private and public REST APIs for incomes service.

After installing provided upstart conf in /etc/init to start/stop rest service:

# service incomes-rest start
# service incomes-rest stop

Resize imgages and pu them on S3:

export CFGP_FILE_PATH=./config/conf.cfg; ./bin/incomes-images-resizer

Set all files in a bucket/dir public using s3cmd:

s3cmd setacl --acl-public --recursive s3://op_openparlamento_images/big

Conf file:


To navigate and read full documentation use Go builtin doc system. Once cloned this repo in a proper installed go environment just run:

$ godoc -http=:8001

and point your browser to http://localhost:8001/pkg/ and choose desider package/command.

Generate the dos using importing end exportingi doc in json format (swagger.json).

Put the file in html/api-docs/

From ./mongo-queries:

$ ./
$ ./

Create text index on all fields:

db.all.createIndex({ "$**": "text" }, { name: "TextIndex" })

Remove political data:

db.all.update({},{$unset: {incarichi:1}},false,true)

Use transporter (

./transporter run --config patrimoni-trasparenti/transporter-conf/config.yaml ./patrimoni-trasparenti/transporter-conf/application.js

It's not possible! We must reimport data or copy to a new index where we have changed mapping in advance.

Get auto generated map settings:

curl localhost:9200/declarations/all/_mapping?pretty=true > mapping.json

Edit mapping as you like (es. add "index" : "not_analyzed") to avoid ES to index sigle words in sentences), remove original one (!this will erase all data!) and import the new:

curl -X DELETE localhost:9200/declarations/_mapping/all
curl -X PUT localhost:9200/declarations/_mapping/all -d @mapping.json

Verify that is what we want:

curl localhost:9200/declarations/all/_mapping?pretty=true | less

Reimport/copy data.

An example mapping with "index" : "not_analyzed" is provided in conf dir in this repo.

There is nothing to install on the host (except nginx), binaries are bin and html data in html folder. Copy only the latest revision:

git clone --depth 1

For every commands this will build the debug version:

cd cmd/incomes-rest
go build -tags debug

Use scripts mongo-queries/ and mongo-queries/

This code is alpha quality because test coverage is too poorly.

To run the few tests (where present):

$ go test -cover


I documenti ufficiali dei parlamentari e dei membri del governo su redditi, beni mobili e immobili, contributi e spese elettorali per gli anni 2013 e 2014.




