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289 lines (192 loc) · 6.34 KB


File metadata and controls

289 lines (192 loc) · 6.34 KB


create procedure

Let’s create some procedure:

Success! Now we can see that new object has been created. Response code is 201 and Location response header reports the location of the created object. The body of response reveals the information about the created auction: its internal id (that matches the Location segment), its official auctionID and dateModified datestamp stating the moment in time when auction has been last modified. Pay attention to the procurementMethodType. Note that auction is created with draft status.

status: draft

get procedure

You can GET the auction as long as it's been created

two-phase commit

For the procedure to be activated you should apply a two-phase commit (manually switch procedure to active.rectification status)

We can see what new fields were generated in auction:

it lasts for 2 days. During this period, you can change some fields
this period ends at 8:00 pm 3 business days before the auction starts. During this period, it is allowed to add documents, work with bids & questions
this period ends at 8:00 pm the days before the auction starts During this period, it is allowed to add documents, work with bids & questions

status: active.rectification


change fields

After the procedure is activated, it receives active.rectification status. During this term you can edit the next data:

  • title
  • description
  • tenderAttempts
  • lotIdentifier
  • value
  • minimalStep
  • guarantee
  • items
  • budgetSpent
  • registrationFee
  • procuringEntity
  • lotHolder
  • bankAccount
  • contractTerms


auctions documents

add document


status: active.tendering

In active.tendering we can:

work with questions

ask question

Bidders can ask questions within the enquiryPeriod:

answer question

The Organizer can provide the answer:

We can see the answer field appeared

work with bids

add bid

In active.tendering status, we can add bids:

get bid

You can also GET the created bid:


The bid is created in draft status. Use pending status for its activation:

We can see that the following fields have been generated:

  • date
  • id
  • owner
  • qualified: false

make active status

As long as a pre-qualification process has been performed out of the system, bid owner should add the next data

  • attach document with documentType: eligibilityDocuments
  • patch bid, set qualified: true
  • patch bid, set bidNumber - integer
  • patch bid, set status - active

The last 3 actions can be performed either using separate PATCHs, or applying the one

Let's complete bid activation

Attach document with documentType: eligibilityDocuments:

Patch with required data for a complete bid activation:

Now we can see completely activated bid:

We can delete bid:

status: active.enquiry

In active.enquiry we can:


After auction is scheduled anybody can visit it to watch. The auction can be reached at Auction.auctionUrl:

We can see what auctionUrl were generated in procedure

And bidders can find out their participation URLs via their bids:

We can see what participationUrl were generated in bid

status: active.qualification

Auction owner can upload auction protocol:

Bidder owner can upload auction protocol:

Auction owner can activate award:

Award after its activation:

Contract after award activation:

Auction after award activation:

status: active.awarded

Auction owner have to patch contract with dateSigned to activate contract:

Auction owner can activate contract, after patching contract with dateSigned :

Contract after its activation:

Auction after award activation: