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File metadata and controls

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Exploring basic rules

Let's try exploring the /tenders endpoint:

Just invoking it reveals empty set.

Now let's attempt creating some tender:

Error states that the only accepted Content-Type is application/json.

Let's satisfy the Content-type requirement:

Error states that no data has been found in JSON body.

.. index:: Tender

Creating tender on first stage

Let's provide the data attribute in the submitted body :

Success! Now we can see that new object was created. Response code is 201 and Location response header reports the location of the created object. The body of response reveals the information about the created tender: its internal id (that matches the Location segment), its official tenderID and dateModified datestamp stating the moment in time when tender was last modified. Note that tender is created with active.tendering status.

The peculiarity of the CompetitiveDialogue procedure is that procurementMethodType can be CompetitiveDialogueEU or CompetitiveDialogueUA.

If you choice CompetitiveDialogueEU on second stage will be created procedure which similar on Open EU, if CompetitiveDialogueUA then on Open UA.

Also there is no opportunity to set up enquiryPeriod, it will be assigned automatically.

Let's access the URL of the created object (the Location header of the response):

We can see the same response we got after creating tender.

Let's see what listing of tenders reveals us:

We do see the internal id of a tender (that can be used to construct full URL by prepending and its dateModified datestamp.

Modifying tender

Let's update tender by supplementing it with all other essential properties:

We see the added properies have merged with existing tender data. Additionally, the dateModified property was updated to reflect the last modification datestamp.

Checking the listing again reflects the new modification date:

Procuring entity can not change tender if there are less than 7 days before tenderPeriod ends. Changes will not be accepted by API.

That is why tenderPeriod has to be extended by 7 days.

Procuring entity can set bid guarantee:

.. index:: Document

Uploading documentation

Procuring entity can upload PDF files into the created tender. Uploading should follow the :ref:`upload` rules.

201 Created response code and Location header confirm document creation. We can additionally query the documents collection API endpoint to confirm the action:

And again we can confirm that there are two documents uploaded.

And we can see that it is overriding the original version:

.. index:: Enquiries, Question, Answer


When tender has active.tendering status and Tender.enqueryPeriod.endDate hasn't come yet, interested parties can ask questions:

Procuring entity can answer them:

One can retrieve either questions list:

or individual answer:

Enquiries can be made only during Tender.enqueryPeriod

.. index:: Bidding

Registering bid

Tender status active.tendering allows registration of bids.

Bidder can register a bid with draft status:

and approve to pending status:

Proposal Uploading

Then bidder should upload proposal technical document(s):

Document can be type descriptive decision. If you want that document be descriptive decision need set isDescriptionDecision

First upload file

Then set isDescriptionDecision


Documents can be either public or private:

  1. Privacy settings can be changed only for the latest version of the document.
  2. When you upload new version of the document, privacy settings are copied from the previous version.
  3. Privacy settings can be changed only during tenderPeriod (with active.tendering status).
  4. If tender has status active.qualification winner can upload only public documents.

Let's upload private document:

To define the document as "private" - confidentiality and confidentialityRationale fields should be set.

confidentiality field value can be either buyerOnly (document is private) or public (document is publicly accessible).

Content of private documents (buyerOnly) can be accessed only by procuring entity or by participant who uploaded them.

confidentialityRationale field is required only for private documents and should contain at least 30 characters.

Let's mark the document as "private":

When documents with parameter isDescriptionDecision set to privacy confidentialityRationale must be missed.

Let's mark the document as "private":

It is possible to check the uploaded documents:

Bid invalidation

If tender is modified, status of all bid proposals will be changed to invalid. Bid proposal will look the following way after tender has been modified:

Bid confirmation

Bidder should confirm bid proposal:

Competitive Dialogue procedure demands at least three bidders:

Register two more bid:

Batch-mode bid registration

Register one more bid with documents using single request (batch-mode):

.. index:: Qualification

Bid Qualification

Competitive Dialogue procedure requires bid qualification.

Let's list qualifications:

Approve first three bids through qualification objects:

We can also reject bid:

And check that qualified bids are switched to active:

Rejected bid is not shown in bids/ listing.

We can access rejected bid by id:

Procuring entity approves qualifications by switching to next status:

You may notice 10 day stand-still time set in qualificationPeriod.

Ready to stage2

When qualification period end tender will has status active.stage2.pending

Lets look on your tender

Hoт purchasing can set that he is ready for second stage, by setting status to active.stage2.waiting.

Get token for second stage

When tender status is complete, we can get id new stage.

First lets look on tender and find field stage2TenderID

Form making changes in second stage we need token

Make changes second stage

Good, now we get token, and can make changes, so lets change status from draft.stage2 to active.tendering

Stage2 EU

.. toctree::
    :maxdepth: 1


Stage2 UA

.. toctree::
    :maxdepth: 1


Cancelling tender

Tender creator can cancel tender anytime. The following steps should be applied:

  1. Prepare cancellation request.
  2. Fill it with the protocol describing the cancellation reasons.
  3. Cancel the tender with the prepared reasons.

Only the request that has been activated (3rd step above) has power to cancel tender. I.e. you have to not only prepare cancellation request but to activate it as well.

See :ref:`cancellation` data structure for details.

Preparing the cancellation request

You should pass reason, status defaults to pending.

id is autogenerated and passed in the Location header of response.

There are two possible types of cancellation reason: tender was cancelled or unsuccessful. By default reasonType value is cancelled.

You can change reasonType value to unsuccessful.

Filling cancellation with protocol and supplementary documentation

Upload the file contents

Change the document description and other properties

Upload new version of the document

Activating the request and cancelling tender