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Given the root of a binary tree, return the preorder traversal of its nodes' values.


Example 1:

Input: root = [1,null,2,3]
Output: [1,2,3]

Example 2:

Input: root = []
Output: []

Example 3:

Input: root = [1]
Output: [1]

Example 4:

Input: root = [1,2]
Output: [1,2]

Example 5:

Input: root = [1,null,2]
Output: [1,2]



  • The number of nodes in the tree is in the range [0, 100].
  • -100 <= Node.val <= 100


Follow up: Recursive solution is trivial, could you do it iteratively?

Related Topics

[Stack] [Tree] [Depth-First Search] [Binary Tree]

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