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Merge pull request #769 from joepvd/remove-osbs1-build-method
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Remove non-existing osbs1 build method
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vfreex committed May 15, 2023
2 parents 68220e4 + 9def38f commit e1e872b
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Showing 2 changed files with 44 additions and 232 deletions.
270 changes: 41 additions & 229 deletions doozerlib/
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Expand Up @@ -535,7 +535,7 @@ def _generate_osbs_image_config(self, version: str) -> Dict:
pkg_managers = self.config.content.source.pkg_managers.primitive()
elif self.config.content.source.pkg_managers in [Missing, None]:
# Auto-detect package managers
pkg_managers = self._detect_package_manangers()
pkg_managers = self._detect_package_managers()
raise ValueError(f"Invalid content.source.pkg_managers config for image {}: {self.config.content.source.pkg_managers}")
# Configure Cachito flags
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -644,7 +644,7 @@ def _generate_osbs_image_config(self, version: str) -> Dict:
return config

def _detect_package_manangers(self):
def _detect_package_managers(self):
""" Detect and return package managers used by the source
:return: a list of package managers
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1036,59 +1036,46 @@ def wait(n):
# or we would overwrite the image tag when pushing to the registry.
# `targets` is defined as an array just because we want to keep consistency with RPM build.
raise DoozerFatalError("Building images against multiple targets is not currently supported.")
target = self.metadata.targets[0]

if self.image_build_method == "osbs2": # use OSBS 2
osbs2 = OSBS2Builder(self.runtime, scratch=scratch, dry_run=dry_run)
task_id, task_url, build_info =, profile, retries=retries))
record["task_id"] = task_id
record["task_url"] = task_url
if build_info:
record["nvrs"] = build_info["nvr"]
if not dry_run:
self.update_build_db(True, task_id=task_id, scratch=scratch)
if comment_on_pr:
comment_on_pr_obj = CommentOnPr(distgit_dir=self.distgit_dir,
# Message to be posted to the comment
message = Template("**[ART PR BUILD NOTIFIER]**\n\n"
"This PR has been included in build "
"?buildID=$build_id) "
"for distgit *$distgit_name*. \n All builds following this will "
"include this PR.")
except Exception as e:
self.logger.error(f"Error commenting on PR for build task id {task_id} for distgit"
f"{}: {e}")
if not scratch:
push_version = build_info["version"]
push_release = build_info["release"]
except OSBS2BuildError as build_err:
record["task_id"], record["task_url"] = build_err.task_id, build_err.task_url
if not dry_run:
self.update_build_db(False, task_id=build_err.task_id, scratch=scratch)
else: # use OSBS 1
retries=retries, wait_f=wait,
task_f=lambda: self._build_container(
target_image, target, profile["signing_intent"], profile["repo_type"], profile["repo_list"], terminate_event,
scratch, record, dry_run=dry_run))
# Just in case someone else is building an image, go ahead and find what was just
# built so that push_image will have a fixed point of reference and not detect any
# subsequent builds.
if not dry_run and not scratch:
nvr_dict = parse_nvr(record["nvrs"].split(",")[0])
push_version = nvr_dict["version"]
push_release = nvr_dict["release"]
if self.image_build_method != "osbs2":
raise DoozerFatalError(f"Do not understand image build method {self.image_build_method}. Only osbs2 exists")
osbs2 = OSBS2Builder(self.runtime, scratch=scratch, dry_run=dry_run)
task_id, task_url, build_info =, profile, retries=retries))
record["task_id"] = task_id
record["task_url"] = task_url
if build_info:
record["nvrs"] = build_info["nvr"]
if not dry_run:
self.update_build_db(True, task_id=task_id, scratch=scratch)
if comment_on_pr:
comment_on_pr_obj = CommentOnPr(distgit_dir=self.distgit_dir,
# Message to be posted to the comment
message = Template("**[ART PR BUILD NOTIFIER]**\n\n"
"This PR has been included in build "
"?buildID=$build_id) "
"for distgit *$distgit_name*. \n All builds following this will "
"include this PR.")
except Exception as e:
self.logger.error(f"Error commenting on PR for build task id {task_id} for distgit"
f"{}: {e}")
if not scratch:
push_version = build_info["version"]
push_release = build_info["release"]
except OSBS2BuildError as build_err:
record["task_id"], record["task_url"] = build_err.task_id, build_err.task_url
if not dry_run:
self.update_build_db(False, task_id=build_err.task_id, scratch=scratch)
record["message"] = "Success"
record["status"] = 0
self.build_status = True
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1258,187 +1245,12 @@ def update_build_db(self, success_flag, task_id=None, scratch=False):
self.logger.error(f'Unable to extract brew task information for {task_id}')

def _build_container(self, target_image, target, signing_intent, repo_type, repo_list, terminate_event,
scratch, record, dry_run=False):
The part of `build_container` which actually starts the build,
separated for clarity. Brew build version.
""""Building image: %s" % target_image)
cmd_list = ["rhpkg"]
if self.runtime.rhpkg_config_lst:

cmd_list.append("--path=%s" % self.distgit_dir)

if self.runtime.user is not None:
cmd_list.append("--user=%s" % self.runtime.user)

cmd_list += (
"--nowait", # Run the build with --nowait so that we can immediately get information about the brew task

if target:

# Determine if ODCS is enabled by looking at container.yaml.
odcs_enabled = False
osbs_image_config_path = os.path.join(self.distgit_dir, "container.yaml")
if os.path.isfile(osbs_image_config_path):
with open(osbs_image_config_path, "r") as f:
image_config = yaml.safe_load(f)
odcs_enabled = "compose" in image_config

if odcs_enabled:"About to build image in ODCS mode with signing intent {}.".format(signing_intent))
if repo_type and not repo_list: # If --repo was not specified on the command line
repo_file = f".oit/{repo_type}.repo"
if not dry_run:
existence, repo_url = self.cgit_file_available(repo_file)
self.logger.warning("[DRY RUN] Would have checked if cgit repo file is present.")
existence, repo_url = True, f"{repo_file}"
if not existence:
raise FileNotFoundError(f"Repo file {repo_file} is not available on cgit; cgit cache may not be reflecting distgit in a timely manner.")
repo_list = [repo_url]

if repo_list:
# rhpkg supports --repo-url [URL [URL ...]]

if scratch:

if dry_run:
# `rhpkg --dry-run container-build` doesn't really work. Print the command instread.
self.logger.warning("[Dry Run] Would have run command " + " ".join(cmd_list))"[Dry Run] Successfully built image: {}".format(target_image))
return True


# Run the build with --nowait so that we can immediately get information about the brew task
rc, out, err = exectools.cmd_gather(cmd_list)

if rc != 0:
# Probably no point in continuing.. can't contact brew?"Unable to create brew task: out={} ; err={}".format(out, err))
self.update_build_db(False, scratch=scratch)
return False

# Otherwise, we should have a brew task we can monitor listed in the stdout.
out_lines = out.splitlines()

# Look for a line like: "Created task: 13949050" . Extract the identifier.
task_id = next((created_line.split(":")[1]).strip() for created_line in out_lines if
created_line.startswith("Created task:"))

record["task_id"] = task_id

# Look for a line like: "Task info:"
task_url = next((info_line.split(":", 1)[1]).strip() for info_line in out_lines if
info_line.startswith("Task info:"))"Build running: {}".format(task_url))

record["task_url"] = task_url

# Now that we have the basics about the task, wait for it to complete
error = watch_task(self.runtime.build_retrying_koji_client(),, task_id, terminate_event)

# Looking for something like the following to conclude the image has already been built:
# BuildError: Build for openshift-enterprise-base-v3.7.0- already exists, id 588961
# Note it is possible that a Brew task fails with a build record left (
# Didn't find a variable in the context to get the Brew NVR or ID. Extracting the build ID from the error message.
# Hope the error message format will not change.
match = None
if error:
match ="already exists, id (\d+)", error)
if match:
with self.runtime.shared_koji_client_session() as kcs:
builds = get_build_objects([int(match[1])], kcs)
if builds and builds[0] and builds[0].get('state') == 1: # State 1 means complete."Image already built against this dist-git commit (or version-release tag): {}".format(target_image))
error = None

# Gather brew-logs
logs_rc, _, logs_err = exectools.cmd_gather(["brew", "download-logs", "-d", self._logs_dir(), task_id])

if logs_rc != 0:"Error downloading build logs from brew for task %s: %s" % (task_id, logs_err))
if error is None:
# even if the build completed without error, check the logs for problems
error = self._detect_permanent_build_failures(self.runtime.group_config.image_build_log_scanner)

if error is not None:
# An error occurred. We don't have a viable build.
self.update_build_db(False, task_id=task_id, scratch=scratch)"Error building image: {}, {}".format(task_url, error))
return False

with self.runtime.shared_koji_client_session() as koji_api:
if not koji_api.logged_in:
# Unlike rpm build, koji_api.listBuilds(taskID=...) doesn't support image build. For now, let's use a different approach.
taskResult = koji_api.getTaskResult(task_id)
build_id = int(taskResult["koji_builds"][0])
build_info = koji_api.getBuild(build_id)
record["nvrs"] = build_info["nvr"]
if self.runtime.hotfix:
# Tag the image so they don't get garbage collected.'Tagging {self.metadata.get_component_name()} build {build_info["nvr"]} with {self.metadata.hotfix_brew_tag()} to prevent garbage collection')
koji_api.tagBuild(self.metadata.hotfix_brew_tag(), build_info["nvr"])

self.update_build_db(True, task_id=task_id, scratch=scratch)"Successfully built image: {} ; {}".format(target_image, task_url))
return True
with Dir(self.distgit_dir):
exectools.cmd_assert(['git', 'push', '--tags', '--force'], retries=3)
self.logger.error('Unable to push tags to distgit!')

def _logs_dir(self, task_id=None):
segments = [self.runtime.brew_logs_dir, self.metadata.distgit_key]
if task_id is not None:
segments.append("noarch-" + task_id)
return os.path.join(*segments)

def _extract_container_build_logs(self, task_id):
Look through build logs and extract the part that's just the actual docker or imagebuilder build
so that devs do not have to wade through the full atomic_reactor logs.
If found in a log, the extracted text is written to the same filename with prefix "container-build-"
:param task_id: string with the build task so we can find the downloaded logs
logs_dir = self._logs_dir(task_id)
for filename in os.listdir(logs_dir):
rc, output, _ = exectools.cmd_gather([
"sed", "-nEe",
# look in logs for either of the build plugins to start,
# and look for the plugin runner to declare the plugin done to end.
# strip off all the noise at the front of log lines.
"/plugins.(imagebuilder|docker_api)/,/atomic_reactor.plugin / { s/^.*?- (DEBUG|INFO) - //; p }",
os.path.join(logs_dir, filename)
if rc == 0 and output:
extracted = os.path.join(logs_dir, "container-build-" + filename)
with, "w", encoding="utf-8") as extracted_file:
except OSError as e:
self.logger.warning("Exception while trying to extract build logs in {}: {}".format(logs_dir, e))

def _add_missing_pkgs(self, pkg_name):
add missing packages to runtime.missing_pkgs set
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions tests/test_distgit/test_image_distgit/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -545,7 +545,7 @@ def test_detect_package_manangers_without_git_clone(self):
dg.logger = logging.getLogger()

with self.assertRaises(FileNotFoundError):

@patch("pathlib.Path.is_dir", autospec=True)
@patch("pathlib.Path.is_file", autospec=True)
Expand All @@ -567,7 +567,7 @@ def test_detect_package_manangers(self, is_file: Mock, is_dir: Mock):
is_dir.return_value = True
is_file.side_effect = lambda f: in ["go.mod", "package-lock.json"]

actual = dg._detect_package_manangers()
actual = dg._detect_package_managers()
self.assertEqual(set(actual), {"gomod", "npm"})

@patch("pathlib.Path.is_dir", autospec=True, return_value=True)
Expand All @@ -592,7 +592,7 @@ def test_generate_osbs_image_config_with_cachito_enabled(self, is_dir: Mock):
dg.dg_path = Path(dg.distgit_dir)
dg.actual_source_url = ""
dg.source_full_sha = "deadbeef"
dg._detect_package_manangers = MagicMock(return_value=["gomod"])
dg._detect_package_managers = MagicMock(return_value=["gomod"])

actual = dg._generate_osbs_image_config("v4.10.0")
self.assertEqual(actual["remote_sources"][0]["remote_source"]["repo"], "")
Expand Down

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