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OpenShift Appliance User Guide

What is OpenShift Appliance

The openshift-appliance utility enables self-contained OpenShift cluster installations, meaning that it does not rely on Internet connectivity or external registries. It is a container-based utility that builds a disk image that includes the Agent-based installer. That disk image can then be used to install multiple OpenShift clusters.


OpenShift Appliance is available for download at:

High-Level Flow Overview



  • This is where openshift-appliance gets used to create a raw sparse disk image.
    • raw: so it can be copied as-is to multiple servers.
    • sparse: to minimize the physical size.
  • The end result is a generic disk image with a partition layout as follows:
    Name       Type        VFS      Label       Size  Parent
    /dev/sda2  filesystem  vfat     EFI-SYSTEM  127M  -
    /dev/sda3  filesystem  ext4     boot        350M  -
    /dev/sda4  filesystem  xfs      root        180G  -
    /dev/sda5  filesystem  ext4     agentboot   1.2G  -
    /dev/sda6  filesystem  iso9660  agentdata   18G   -
  • The two additional partitions:
    • agentboot: Agent-based installer ISO:
      • Allows a first boot.
      • Used as a recovery / re-install partition (with an added GRUB menu entry).
    • agentdata: OCP release images payload.
  • Note that sizes may change, depending on the configured diskSizeGB and the selected OpenShift version configured in appliance-config.yaml (described below).


  • This is where the disk image is written to the disk using tools such as dd.
  • As mentioned above, the image is generic. Thus, the same image can be used on multiple servers for multiple clusters, assuming they have the same disk size.

User site

  • This is where the cluster will be deployed.
  • The user boots the machine and mounts the configuration ISO (cluster configuration).
  • The OpenShift installation will run until completion.

Disk Image Build - Lab

Set Environment

⚠️ Use absolute directory paths.

export APPLIANCE_ASSETS="/home/test/appliance_assets"

Get openshift-appliance container image:

podman pull $APPLIANCE_IMAGE

Generate a template of the appliance config

A configuration file named appliance-config.yaml is required for running openshift-appliance.

podman run --rm -it --pull newer -v $APPLIANCE_ASSETS:/assets:Z $APPLIANCE_IMAGE generate-config


INFO Generated config file in assets directory: appliance-config.yaml

Set appliance-config

  • Initially, the template will include comments about each option and will look as follows:
  • Check the appliance-config details on how to set each parameter.
# Note: This is a sample ApplianceConfig file showing
# which fields are available to aid you in creating your
# own appliance-config.yaml file.
apiVersion: v1beta1
kind: ApplianceConfig
  # OCP release version in major.minor or major.minor.patch format
  # (in case of major.minor - latest patch version will be used)
  # If the specified version is not yet available, the latest supported version will be used.
  version: ocp-release-version
  # OCP release update channel: stable|fast|eus|candidate
  # Default: stable
  # [Optional]
  channel: ocp-release-channel
  # OCP release CPU architecture: x86_64|aarch64|ppc64le
  # Default: x86_64
  # [Optional]
  cpuArchitecture: cpu-architecture
# Virtual size of the appliance disk image.
# If specified, should be at least 150GiB.
# If not specified, the disk image should be resized when
# cloning to a device (e.g. using virt-resize tool).
# [Optional]
diskSizeGB: disk-size
# PullSecret required for mirroring the OCP release payload
pullSecret: pull-secret
# Public SSH key for accessing the appliance during the bootstrap phase
# [Optional]
sshKey: ssh-key
# Password of user 'core' for connecting from console
# [Optional]
userCorePass: user-core-pass
# Local image registry details (used when building the appliance)
# [Optional]
  # The URI for the image
  # Default:
  # Alternative:
  # [Optional]
  uri: uri
  # The image registry container TCP port to bind. A valid port number is between 1024 and 65535.
  # Default: 5005
  # [Optional]
  port: port
# Enable all default CatalogSources (on openshift-marketplace namespace).
# Should be disabled for disconnected environments.
# Default: false
# [Optional]
enableDefaultSources: enable-default-sources
# Stop the local registry post cluster installation.
# Note that additional images and operators won't be available when stopped.
# Default: false
# [Optional]
stopLocalRegistry: stop-local-registry
# Additional images to be included in the appliance disk image.
# [Optional]
   - name: image-url
# Operators to be included in the appliance disk image.
# See examples in
# [Optional]
  - catalog: catalog-uri
      - name: package-name
          - name: channel-name
  • Modify it based on your needs. Note that:
    • diskSizeGB: Must be set according to the actual server disk size. If you have several server specs, you need an appliance image per each spec.
    • OCP release update channel (stable|fast|eus|candidate)
    • pullSecret: May be obtained from (requires registration).
    • imageRegistry.uri: Change it only if needed, otherwise the default should work.
    • imageRegistry.port: Change the port number in case another app uses TCP 5005.

appliance-config.yaml Example:

apiVersion: v1beta1
kind: ApplianceConfig
  version: 4.14
  channel: candidate
  cpuArchitecture: x86_64
diskSizeGB: 200
pullSecret: '{"auths":{<redacted>}}'
sshKey: <redacted>
userCorePass: <redacted>

Add custom manifests (Optional)

  1. Create the openshift manifests directory
mkdir ${APPLIANCE_ASSETS}/openshift
  1. Add one or more custom manifests under ${APPLIANCE_ASSETS}/openshift.

MachineConfig example:

kind: MachineConfig
  labels: master
  name: 50-master-custom-file-factory
      version: 3.2.0
        - contents:
            source: data:text/plain;charset=utf-8;base64,dGhpcyBjb250ZW50IGNhbWUgZnJvbSBidWlsZGluZyB0aGUgYXBwbGlhbmNlIGltYWdlCg==
          mode: 420
          path: /etc/custom_factory1.txt
          overwrite: true

Include additional images (Optional)

Add any additional images that should be included as part of the appliance disk image. These images will be pulled during the oc-mirror procedure that downloads the release images.

E.g. Use the additionalImages array in appliance-config.yaml as follows:

  - name:
  - name:

After installing the cluster, images should be available for pulling using the image digest. To fetch the digest, use skopeo from inside the node. E.g.

skopeo inspect docker:// | jq .Digest
podman pull

The image can be used, for example, to create a new application:

oc --kubeconfig auth/kubeconfig new-app --name httpd --image --allow-missing-images
oc --kubeconfig auth/kubeconfig get deployment
httpd   1/1     1            1

Include and install operators (Optional)

Include operators in the appliance

Operators packages can be included in the appliance disk image using the operators property in appliance-config.yaml. The relevant images will be pulled during the oc-mirror procedure, and the appropriate CatalogSources and ImageContentSourcePolicies will be automatically created in the installed cluster.

E.g. To include the elasticsearch-operator from redhat-operators catalog:

  - catalog:
      - name: elasticsearch-operator
          - name: stable-5.8

Note: for each operator, ensure the name and channel are correct by listing the available operators in catalog:

oc-mirror list operators

Install operators in cluster

To automatically install the included operators during cluster installation, add the relevant custom manifests to ${APPLIANCE_ASSETS}/openshift.

Note: these manifests will deploy the operators for any cluster installation. I.e. the manifests will be incorporated in the appliance disk image.

E.g. Cluster manifests to install OpenShift Elasticsearch Operator:


apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  name: operators
    name: operators


kind: OperatorGroup
  name: operator-group
  namespace: operators
  - operators


kind: Subscription
  name: elasticsearch
  namespace: operators
  installPlanApproval: Automatic
  name: elasticsearch-operator
  source: cs-redhat-operator-index
  channel: stable
  sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace

Note: each file should contain a single object.

Build the disk image

  • Make sure you have enough free disk space.
    • The amount of space needed is defined by the configured diskSizeGB value mentioned above, which is at least 150GiB.
  • Building the image may take several minutes.
  • The option --privileged is used because the openshift-appliance container needs to use guestfish to build the image.
  • The option --net=host is used because the openshift-appliance container needs to use the host networking for the image registry container it runs as a part of the build process.
sudo podman run --rm -it --pull newer --privileged --net=host -v $APPLIANCE_ASSETS:/assets:Z $APPLIANCE_IMAGE build


INFO Successfully downloaded CoreOS ISO
INFO Successfully generated recovery CoreOS ISO
INFO Successfully pulled container registry image
INFO Successfully pulled OpenShift 4.14.0-rc.0 release images required for bootstrap
INFO Successfully pulled OpenShift 4.14.0-rc.0 release images required for installation
INFO Successfully generated data ISO
INFO Successfully downloaded appliance base disk image
INFO Successfully extracted appliance base disk image
INFO Successfully generated appliance disk image
INFO Time elapsed: 8m0s
INFO Appliance disk image was successfully created in assets directory: assets/appliance.raw
INFO Create configuration ISO using: openshift-install agent create config-image
INFO Download openshift-install from:


Before rebuilding the appliance, e.g. for changing diskSizeGB or ocpRelease, use the clean command. This command removes the temp folder and prepares the assets folder for a rebuild.

sudo podman run --rm -it -v $APPLIANCE_ASSETS:/assets:Z $APPLIANCE_IMAGE clean

Note: the command keeps the cache folder under assets intact, use the --cache flag to clean the entire cache as well.

sudo podman run --rm -it -v $APPLIANCE_ASSETS:/assets:Z $APPLIANCE_IMAGE clean --cache



Clone appliance disk image to a device (Factory)

Baremetal servers

Clone disk image as-is (when 'diskSizeGB' is specified in appliance-config)

Use a tool like dd to clone the disk image. E.g.

dd if=appliance.raw of=/dev/sdX bs=1M status=progress

This will clone the appliance disk image onto sdX. To initiate the cluster installation, boot the machine from the sdX device.

Resize and clone disk image (when 'diskSizeGB' is not specified in appliance-config)

Use virt-resize tool to resize and clone the disk image. E.g.

export APPLIANCE_ASSETS="/home/test/appliance_assets"
export TARGET_DEVICE="/dev/sda"
sudo podman run --rm -it --privileged --net=host -v $APPLIANCE_ASSETS:/assets --entrypoint virt-resize $APPLIANCE_IMAGE --expand /dev/sda4 /assets/appliance.raw $TARGET_DEVICE --no-sparse

This will resize and clone the disk image onto the specified TARGET_DEVICE. To initiate the cluster installation, boot the machine from the TARGET_DEVICE.

⚠️ Note: if the target device is empty (zeroed) before cloning, the --no-sparse flag can be removed (which will improve the cloning speed).

Boot from deployment ISO

As an alternative to manually cloning the disk image, see Deployment ISO section for instructions to generate an ISO that automates the flow.

Virtual machines

Configure the disk to use /path/to/appliance.raw

OpenShift cluster installation (User Site)

Download openshift-install

Generate a Cluster Configuration Image

Create config yamls

  • Create a configuration directory

⚠️ Use absolute directory paths.

export CLUSTER_CONFIG=/home/test/cluster_config


  • For disconnected environments, specify a dummy pull-secret in install-config.yaml (e.g. '{"auths":{"":{"auth":"dXNlcjpwYXNz"}}}').
  • The SSH public key for core user can be specified in install-config.yaml under sshKey property. It can be used for logging in to the machines post cluster installation.

Add custom manifests (Optional)

  1. Create the openshift manifests directory
mkdir $CLUSTER_CONFIG/openshift
  1. Add one or more custom manifests under $CLUSTER_CONFIG/openshift. Same as in this MachineConfig example

Install operators in cluster (Optional)

To automatically install operators during cluster installation, add the relevant custom manifests (see example) to $CLUSTER_CONFIG/openshift.

Note: for disconnected environment, the operators should be included in the appliance.

Generate config-image

When ready, generate the config ISO.

⚠️ The following command will delete the install-config.yaml and agent-config.yaml files - back them up first.

./openshift-install agent create config-image --dir $CLUSTER_CONFIG

The content of cluster_config directory should be

├── agentconfig.noarch.iso
├── auth
│   ├── kubeadmin-password
│   └── kubeconfig

Note: The config ISO contains configurations and cannot be used as a bootable ISO.


⚠️ Ensure nodes have sufficient vCPUs and memory, see requirements.

  • Mount the agentconfig.noarch.iso as a CD-ROM on every node, or attach it using a USB stick.
  • Start the machine(s)



Monitor installation

Use openshift-install to monitor the bootstrap and installation process

Monitor the bootstrap process

./openshift-install --dir $CLUSTER_CONFIG agent wait-for bootstrap-complete

Monitor the installation process

./openshift-install --dir $CLUSTER_CONFIG agent wait-for install-complete

Access Cluster

⚠️ Ensure the server domain in $CLUSTER_CONFIG/auth/kubeconfig is resolvable.

export KUBECONFIG=$CLUSTER_CONFIG/auth/kubeconfig

Confirm that the cluster version is available:

oc get clusterverison

Confirm that all cluster components are available:

oc get clusteroperator

Recovery / Reinstall

  • To reinstall the cluster using the above-mentioned agentboot partition, reboot all the nodes and select the Recovery: Agent-Based Installer option. grub.png

Deployment ISO

To simplify the deployment process of the appliance disk image (appliance.raw), the deployment ISO can be used. Upon booting a machine with this ISO, the appliance disk image would be automatically cloned into the specified target device.

To build the ISO, appliance.raw disk image should be available under assets directory. I.e. the appliance disk image should be first built.

⚠️ Note: the appliance.raw should be built without specifying diskSizeGB property in appliance-config.yaml


Use the 'build iso' command for generating the ISO:

export APPLIANCE_ASSETS="/home/test/appliance_assets"
sudo podman run --rm -it --privileged -v $APPLIANCE_ASSETS:/assets:Z $APPLIANCE_IMAGE build iso --target-device /dev/sda

The result should be an appliance.iso file under assets directory. To initiate the deployment, attach/mount the ISO to the machine and boot it. After the deployment is completed, boot from the target device to start cluster installation.

The command supports the following flags:

--target-device string    Target device name to clone the appliance into (default "/dev/sda")
--post-script string      Script file to invoke on completion (should be under assets directory)
--sparse-clone            Use sparse cloning - requires an empty (zeroed) device
--dry-run                 Skip appliance cloning (useful for getting the target device name)



To perform post deployment operations create a bash script file under assets directory.

E.g. shutting down the machine post deployment


echo Shutting down the machine...
shutdown -a
sudo podman run --rm -it --privileged -v $APPLIANCE_ASSETS:/assets:Z $APPLIANCE_IMAGE build iso --post-script

