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UPSTREAM: <carry>: Move k8s-specific rules to our fork
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soltysh authored and bertinatto committed Apr 11, 2023
1 parent 8c06b8f commit 644105f
Showing 1 changed file with 129 additions and 1 deletion.
130 changes: 129 additions & 1 deletion openshift-hack/e2e/annotate/rules.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ var (
`\[sig-scheduling\] GPUDevicePluginAcrossRecreate \[Feature:Recreate\]`,

`\[Feature:ImageQuota\]`, // Quota isn't turned on by default, we should do that and then reenable these tests
`\[Feature:Audit\]`, // Needs special configuration
`\[Feature:LocalStorageCapacityIsolation\]`, // relies on a separate daemonset?
`\[sig-cloud-provider-gcp\]`, // these test require a different configuration - note that GCE tests from the sig-cluster-lifecycle were moved to the sig-cloud-provider-gcpcluster lifecycle see

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -111,7 +110,40 @@ var (
`Netpol \[LinuxOnly\] NetworkPolicy between server and client using UDP should enforce policy based on Ports`,
`Netpol \[LinuxOnly\] NetworkPolicy between server and client using UDP should enforce policy to allow traffic only from a pod in a different namespace based on PodSelector and NamespaceSelector`,

// The new NetworkPolicy test suite is extremely resource
// intensive and causes itself and other concurrently-running
// tests to be flaky.
`\[sig-network\] Netpol `,

`Topology Hints should distribute endpoints evenly`,

`\[sig-network\] Networking Granular Checks: Services should function for service endpoints using hostNetwork`,
`\[sig-network\] Networking Granular Checks: Services should function for pod-Service\(hostNetwork\)`,

`\[sig-network\] LoadBalancers should be able to preserve UDP traffic when server pod cycles for a LoadBalancer service on different nodes`,
`\[sig-network\] LoadBalancers should be able to preserve UDP traffic when server pod cycles for a LoadBalancer service on the same nodes`,

`\[sig-network\] Firewall rule control plane should not expose well-known ports`,

`\[sig-network\] Networking should provide Internet connection for containers \[Feature:Networking-IPv6\]`,
`\[sig-network\] Networking should provider Internet connection for containers using DNS`,

`\[sig-node\] Container Runtime blackbox test when running a container with a new image should be able to pull from private registry with secret`,

`\[sig-node\] crictl should be able to run crictl on the node`,

`\[sig-storage\] Dynamic Provisioning Invalid AWS KMS key should report an error and create no PV`,

`\[sig-scheduling\] SchedulerPreemption \[Serial\] validates pod disruption condition is added to the preempted pod`,
// tests that need to be temporarily disabled while the rebase is in progress.
"[Disabled:RebaseInProgress]": {
Expand All @@ -126,6 +158,16 @@ var (
`\[Driver: gluster\]`, // OpenShift 4.x does not support Gluster
`Volumes GlusterFS`, // OpenShift 4.x does not support Gluster
`GlusterDynamicProvisioner`, // OpenShift 4.x does not support Gluster

// Skip vSphere-specific storage tests. The standard in-tree storage tests for vSphere
// (prefixed with `In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere]`) are enough for testing this plugin.
// Also, our CI doesn't support topology, so disable those tests
`\[sig-storage\] In-tree Volumes \[Driver: vsphere\] \[Testpattern: Dynamic PV \(delayed binding\)\] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies`,
`\[sig-storage\] In-tree Volumes \[Driver: vsphere\] \[Testpattern: Dynamic PV \(delayed binding\)\] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies`,
`\[sig-storage\] In-tree Volumes \[Driver: vsphere\] \[Testpattern: Dynamic PV \(immediate binding\)\] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies`,
`\[sig-storage\] In-tree Volumes \[Driver: vsphere\] \[Testpattern: Dynamic PV \(immediate binding\)\] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies`,
// tests too slow to be part of conformance
"[Slow]": {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -159,6 +201,13 @@ var (

`\[sig-network\] IngressClass \[Feature:Ingress\] should set default value on new IngressClass`, //
// Tests that don't pass on disconnected, either due to requiring
// internet access for GitHub (e.g. many of the s2i builds), or
// because of pullthrough not supporting ICSP (
"[Skipped:Disconnected]": {
// Internet access required
`\[sig-network\] Networking should provide Internet connection for containers`,
"[Skipped:azure]": {
"Networking should provide Internet connection for containers", // Azure does not allow ICMP traffic to internet.
// Azure CSI migration changed how we treat regions without zones.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -229,6 +278,85 @@ var (
`NetworkPolicy between server and client should support a 'default-deny-all' policy`, // uses egress feature
`NetworkPolicy between server and client should stop enforcing policies after they are deleted`, // uses egress feature

// These tests are skipped when openshift-tests needs to use a proxy to reach the
// cluster -- either because the test won't work while proxied, or because the test
// itself is testing a functionality using it's own proxy.
"[Skipped:Proxy]": {
// These tests setup their own proxy, which won't work when we need to access the
// cluster through a proxy.
`\[sig-cli\] Kubectl client Simple pod should support exec through an HTTP proxy`,
`\[sig-cli\] Kubectl client Simple pod should support exec through kubectl proxy`,

// Kube currently uses the x/net/websockets pkg, which doesn't work with proxies.
// See:
`\[sig-node\] Pods should support retrieving logs from the container over websockets`,
`\[sig-cli\] Kubectl Port forwarding With a server listening on localhost should support forwarding over websockets`,
`\[sig-cli\] Kubectl Port forwarding With a server listening on should support forwarding over websockets`,
`\[sig-node\] Pods should support remote command execution over websockets`,

// These tests are flacky and require internet access
// See
`\[sig-network\] DNS should resolve DNS of partial qualified names for services`,
`\[sig-network\] DNS should provide DNS for the cluster`,
// This test does not work when using in-proxy cluster, see
`\[sig-network\] Networking should provide Internet connection for containers`,

"[Skipped:SingleReplicaTopology]": {
`\[sig-apps\] Daemon set \[Serial\] should rollback without unnecessary restarts \[Conformance\]`,
`\[sig-node\] NoExecuteTaintManager Single Pod \[Serial\] doesn't evict pod with tolerations from tainted nodes`,
`\[sig-node\] NoExecuteTaintManager Single Pod \[Serial\] eventually evict pod with finite tolerations from tainted nodes`,
`\[sig-node\] NoExecuteTaintManager Single Pod \[Serial\] evicts pods from tainted nodes`,
`\[sig-node\] NoExecuteTaintManager Single Pod \[Serial\] removing taint cancels eviction \[Disruptive\] \[Conformance\]`,
`\[sig-node\] NoExecuteTaintManager Multiple Pods \[Serial\] evicts pods with minTolerationSeconds \[Disruptive\] \[Conformance\]`,
`\[sig-node\] NoExecuteTaintManager Multiple Pods \[Serial\] only evicts pods without tolerations from tainted nodes`,
`\[sig-cli\] Kubectl client Kubectl taint \[Serial\] should remove all the taints with the same key off a node`,
`\[sig-network\] LoadBalancers should be able to preserve UDP traffic when server pod cycles for a LoadBalancer service on different nodes`,
`\[sig-network\] LoadBalancers should be able to preserve UDP traffic when server pod cycles for a LoadBalancer service on the same nodes`,

// Tests which can't be run/don't make sense to run against a cluster with all optional capabilities disabled
"[Skipped:NoOptionalCapabilities]": {
// Requires CSISnapshot capability
// Requires Storage capability
`\[Driver: aws\]`,

// tests that don't pass under openshift-sdn multitenant mode
"[Skipped:Network/OpenShiftSDN/Multitenant]": {
`\[Feature:NetworkPolicy\]`, // not compatible with multitenant mode
// tests that don't pass under OVN Kubernetes
"[Skipped:Network/OVNKubernetes]": {
// ovn-kubernetes does not support named ports
`NetworkPolicy.*named port`,

"[Skipped:ibmroks]": {
// Calico is allowing the request to timeout instead of returning 'REFUSED'
// - ROKS: calico SDN results in a request timeout when accessing services with no endpoints
`\[sig-network\] Services should be rejected when no endpoints exist`,

// Nodes in ROKS have access to secrets in the cluster to handle encryption
// - ROKS: worker nodes have access to secrets in the cluster
`\[sig-auth\] \[Feature:NodeAuthorizer\] Getting a non-existent configmap should exit with the Forbidden error, not a NotFound error`,
`\[sig-auth\] \[Feature:NodeAuthorizer\] Getting a non-existent secret should exit with the Forbidden error, not a NotFound error`,
`\[sig-auth\] \[Feature:NodeAuthorizer\] Getting a secret for a workload the node has access to should succeed`,
`\[sig-auth\] \[Feature:NodeAuthorizer\] Getting an existing configmap should exit with the Forbidden error`,
`\[sig-auth\] \[Feature:NodeAuthorizer\] Getting an existing secret should exit with the Forbidden error`,

// Access to node external address is blocked from pods within a ROKS cluster by Calico
// - e2e: NodeAuthenticator tests use both external and internal addresses for node
`\[sig-auth\] \[Feature:NodeAuthenticator\] The kubelet's main port 10250 should reject requests with no credentials`,
`\[sig-auth\] \[Feature:NodeAuthenticator\] The kubelet can delegate ServiceAccount tokens to the API server`,

// Mode returned by RHEL7 worker contains an extra character not expected by the test: dgtrwx vs dtrwx
// - e2e: Failing test - HostPath should give a volume the correct mode
`\[sig-storage\] HostPath should give a volume the correct mode`,

ExcludedTests = []string{
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