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Merge pull request kubernetes#113927 from alculquicondor/job-wait-finish
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Add e2e test to ignore failures with 137 exit code
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k8s-ci-robot committed Nov 15, 2022
2 parents 591fc0d + f40debc commit e39a0af
Showing 1 changed file with 65 additions and 49 deletions.
114 changes: 65 additions & 49 deletions test/e2e/apps/job.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -185,22 +185,57 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("Job", func() {
// 4. Make sure the 0-indexed pod is running
// 5. Evict the 0-indexed pod
// 6. Await for the job to successfully complete
ginkgo.It("should allow to use the pod failure policy to not count pod disruption towards the backoffLimit", func() {
mode := batchv1.IndexedCompletion

// We set the backoffLimit to 0 so that any pod failure would trigger
// job failure if not for the pod failure policy to ignore the failed
// pods from counting them towards the backoffLimit.
backoffLimit := int32(0)

ginkgo.By("Looking for a node to schedule job pods")
node, err := e2enode.GetRandomReadySchedulableNode(f.ClientSet)

ginkgo.By("Creating a job")
job := e2ejob.NewTestJobOnNode("notTerminateOnce", "pod-disruption-failure-ignore", v1.RestartPolicyNever, parallelism, completions, nil, backoffLimit, node.Name)
job.Spec.CompletionMode = &mode
job.Spec.PodFailurePolicy = &batchv1.PodFailurePolicy{
ginkgo.DescribeTable("Using a pod failure policy to not count some failures towards the backoffLimit",
func(policy *batchv1.PodFailurePolicy) {
mode := batchv1.IndexedCompletion

// We set the backoffLimit to 0 so that any pod failure would trigger
// job failure if not for the pod failure policy to ignore the failed
// pods from counting them towards the backoffLimit.
backoffLimit := int32(0)

ginkgo.By("Looking for a node to schedule job pods")
node, err := e2enode.GetRandomReadySchedulableNode(f.ClientSet)

ginkgo.By("Creating a job")
job := e2ejob.NewTestJobOnNode("notTerminateOnce", "pod-disruption-failure-ignore", v1.RestartPolicyNever, parallelism, completions, nil, backoffLimit, node.Name)
job.Spec.CompletionMode = &mode
job.Spec.PodFailurePolicy = policy
job, err = e2ejob.CreateJob(f.ClientSet, f.Namespace.Name, job)
framework.ExpectNoError(err, "failed to create job in namespace: %s", f.Namespace.Name)

ginkgo.By("Awaiting for all non 0-indexed pods to succeed to ensure the marker file is created")
err = e2ejob.WaitForJobPodsSucceeded(f.ClientSet, f.Namespace.Name, job.Name, completions-1)
framework.ExpectNoError(err, "failed to await for all non 0-indexed pods to succeed for job: %s/%s", job.Name, job.Namespace)

ginkgo.By("Awaiting for the 0-indexed pod to be running")
err = e2ejob.WaitForJobPodsRunning(f.ClientSet, f.Namespace.Name, job.Name, 1)
framework.ExpectNoError(err, "failed to await for the 0-indexed pod to be running for the job: %s/%s", job.Name, job.Namespace)

pods, err := e2ejob.GetAllRunningJobPods(f.ClientSet, f.Namespace.Name, job.Name)
framework.ExpectNoError(err, "failed to get running pods for the job: %s/%s", job.Name, job.Namespace)
framework.ExpectEqual(len(pods), 1, "Exactly one running pod is expected")
pod := pods[0]
ginkgo.By(fmt.Sprintf("Evicting the running pod: %s/%s", pod.Name, pod.Namespace))
evictTarget := &policyv1.Eviction{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: pod.Name,
Namespace: pod.Namespace,
f.ClientSet.CoreV1().Pods(pod.Namespace).EvictV1(context.TODO(), evictTarget)
framework.ExpectNoError(err, "failed to evict the pod: %s/%s", pod.Name, pod.Namespace)

ginkgo.By(fmt.Sprintf("Awaiting for the pod: %s/%s to be deleted", pod.Name, pod.Namespace))
err = e2epod.WaitForPodNotFoundInNamespace(f.ClientSet, pod.Name, pod.Namespace, f.Timeouts.PodDelete)
framework.ExpectNoError(err, "failed to await for the pod to be deleted: %s/%s", pod.Name, pod.Namespace)

ginkgo.By("Ensuring job reaches completions")
err = e2ejob.WaitForJobComplete(f.ClientSet, f.Namespace.Name, job.Name, completions)
framework.ExpectNoError(err, "failed to ensure job completion in namespace: %s", f.Namespace.Name)
ginkgo.Entry("Ignore DisruptionTarget condition", &batchv1.PodFailurePolicy{
Rules: []batchv1.PodFailurePolicyRule{
// Ignore failures of the non 0-indexed pods which fail until the marker file is created
Expand All @@ -221,40 +256,21 @@ var _ = SIGDescribe("Job", func() {
job, err = e2ejob.CreateJob(f.ClientSet, f.Namespace.Name, job)
framework.ExpectNoError(err, "failed to create job in namespace: %s", f.Namespace.Name)

ginkgo.By("Awaiting for all non 0-indexed pods to succeed to ensure the marker file is created")
err = e2ejob.WaitForJobPodsSucceeded(f.ClientSet, f.Namespace.Name, job.Name, completions-1)
framework.ExpectNoError(err, "failed to await for all non 0-indexed pods to succeed for job: %s/%s", job.Name, job.Namespace)

ginkgo.By("Awaiting for the 0-indexed pod to be running")
err = e2ejob.WaitForJobPodsRunning(f.ClientSet, f.Namespace.Name, job.Name, 1)
framework.ExpectNoError(err, "failed to await for the 0-indexed pod to be running for the job: %s/%s", job.Name, job.Namespace)

pods, err := e2ejob.GetAllRunningJobPods(f.ClientSet, f.Namespace.Name, job.Name)
framework.ExpectNoError(err, "failed to get running pods for the job: %s/%s", job.Name, job.Namespace)
framework.ExpectEqual(len(pods), 1, "Exactly one running pod is expected")
pod := pods[0]
ginkgo.By(fmt.Sprintf("Evicting the running pod: %s/%s", pod.Name, pod.Namespace))
evictTarget := &policyv1.Eviction{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: pod.Name,
Namespace: pod.Namespace,
ginkgo.Entry("Ignore exit code 137", &batchv1.PodFailurePolicy{
Rules: []batchv1.PodFailurePolicyRule{
// Ignore failures of the non 0-indexed pods which fail until the marker file is created
// And the 127 in the 0-indexed pod due to eviction.
Action: batchv1.PodFailurePolicyActionIgnore,
OnExitCodes: &batchv1.PodFailurePolicyOnExitCodesRequirement{
Operator: batchv1.PodFailurePolicyOnExitCodesOpIn,
Values: []int32{1, 137},
f.ClientSet.CoreV1().Pods(pod.Namespace).EvictV1(context.TODO(), evictTarget)
framework.ExpectNoError(err, "failed to evict the pod: %s/%s", pod.Name, pod.Namespace)

ginkgo.By(fmt.Sprintf("Awaiting for the pod: %s/%s to be deleted", pod.Name, pod.Namespace))
err = e2epod.WaitForPodNotFoundInNamespace(f.ClientSet, pod.Name, pod.Namespace, f.Timeouts.PodDelete)
framework.ExpectNoError(err, "failed to await for the pod to be deleted: %s/%s", pod.Name, pod.Namespace)

ginkgo.By("Ensuring job reaches completions")
err = e2ejob.WaitForJobComplete(f.ClientSet, f.Namespace.Name, job.Name, completions)
framework.ExpectNoError(err, "failed to ensure job completion in namespace: %s", f.Namespace.Name)

ginkgo.It("should not create pods when created in suspend state", func() {
ginkgo.By("Creating a job with suspend=true")
Expand Down

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