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Known issues

These limitations exist in {SMProductName}:

  • {SMProductName} does not yet support IPv6, as it is not yet fully supported by the upstream Istio project. As a result, {SMProductName} does not support dual-stack clusters.

  • Graph layout - The layout for the Kiali graph can render differently, depending on your application architecture and the data to display (number of graph nodes and their interactions). Because it is difficult if not impossible to create a single layout that renders nicely for every situation, Kiali offers a choice of several different layouts. To choose a different layout, you can choose a different Layout Schema from the Graph Settings menu.

  • The first time you access related services such as {JaegerShortName} and Grafana, from the Kiali console, you must accept the certificate and re-authenticate using your {product-title} login credentials. This happens due to an issue with how the framework displays embedded pages in the console.

  • The Bookinfo sample application cannot be installed on IBM Z and IBM Power.

  • WebAssembly extensions are not supported on IBM Z and IBM Power.

  • LuaJIT is not supported on IBM Power.

{SMProductShortName} known issues

These are the known issues in {SMProductName}:

  • Istio-14743 Due to limitations in the version of Istio that this release of {SMProductName} is based on, there may be applications that are currently incompatible with {SMProductShortName}. See the linked community issue for details.

  • OSSM-2221 Gateway injection does not work in control plane namespace. If you use the Gateway injection feature to create a gateway in the same location as the control plane, the injection fails and OpenShift generates this message:

    Warning Failed 10s kubelet, ocp-wide-vh8fd-worker-vhqm9 Failed to pull image "auto": rpc error: code = Unknown desc = reading manifest latest in errors

    To create a gateway in the control plane namespace, use the gateways parameter in the SMCP spec to configure ingress and egress gateways for the mesh.

  • OSSM-2042 Deployment of SMCP named default fails. If you are creating an SMCP object, and set its version field to v2.3, the name of the object cannot be default. If the name is default, then the control plane fails to deploy, and OpenShift generates a Warning event with the following message:

    Error processing component mesh-config: error: [mesh-config/templates/telemetryv2_1.6.yaml: Internal error occurred: failed calling webhook "": Post "https://istiod-default.istio-system.svc:443/validate?timeout=10s": x509: certificate is valid for istiod.istio-system.svc, istiod-remote.istio-system.svc, istio-pilot.istio-system.svc, not istiod-default.istio-system.svc, mesh-config/templates/enable-mesh-permissive.yaml

  • OSSM-1655 Kiali dashboard shows error after enabling mTLS in SMCP.

    After enabling the setting in the SMCP, the Kiali console displays the following error message No subsets defined.

  • OSSM-1505 This issue only occurs when using the ServiceMeshExtension resource on OpenShift Container Platform 4.11. When you use ServiceMeshExtension on OpenShift Container Platform 4.11 the resource never becomes ready. If you inspect the issue using oc describe ServiceMeshExtension you will see the following error: stderr: Error creating mount namespace before pivot: function not implemented.

    Workaround: ServiceMeshExtension was deprecated in {SMProductShortName} 2.2. Migrate from ServiceMeshExtension to the WasmPlugin resource. For more information, see Migrating from ServiceMeshExtension to WasmPlugin resources.

  • OSSM-1396 If a gateway resource contains the spec.externalIPs setting, instead of being recreated when the ServiceMeshControlPlane is updated, the gateway is removed and never recreated.

  • OSSM-1168 When service mesh resources are created as a single YAML file, the Envoy proxy sidecar is not reliably injected into pods. When the SMCP, SMMR, and Deployment resources are created individually, the deployment works as expected.

  • OSSM-1052 When configuring a Service ExternalIP for the ingressgateway in the {SMProductShortName} control plane, the service is not created. The schema for the SMCP is missing the parameter for the service.

    Workaround: Disable the gateway creation in the SMCP spec and manage the gateway deployment entirely manually (including Service, Role and RoleBinding).

  • OSSM-882 This applies for {SMProductShortName} 2.1 and earlier. Namespace is in the accessible_namespace list but does not appear in Kiali UI. By default, Kiali will not show any namespaces that start with "kube" because these namespaces are typically internal-use only and not part of a mesh.

    For example, if you create a namespace called 'akube-a' and add it to the Service Mesh member roll, then the Kiali UI does not display the namespace. For defined exclusion patterns, the software excludes namespaces that start with or contain the pattern.

    Workaround: Change the Kiali Custom Resource setting so it prefixes the setting with a carat (^). For example:

        - "^istio-operator"
        - "^kube-.*"
        - "^openshift.*"
        - "^ibm.*"
        - "^kiali-operator"
  • MAISTRA-2692 With Mixer removed, custom metrics that have been defined in {SMProductShortName} 2.0.x cannot be used in 2.1. Custom metrics can be configured using EnvoyFilter. Red Hat is unable to support EnvoyFilter configuration except where explicitly documented. This is due to tight coupling with the underlying Envoy APIs, meaning that backward compatibility cannot be maintained.

  • MAISTRA-2648 ServiceMeshExtensions are currently not compatible with meshes deployed on IBM Z Systems.

  • MAISTRA-1959 Migration to 2.0 Prometheus scraping (spec.addons.prometheus.scrape set to true) does not work when mTLS is enabled. Additionally, Kiali displays extraneous graph data when mTLS is disabled.

    This problem can be addressed by excluding port 15020 from proxy configuration, for example,

              - 15020
  • MAISTRA-1314 {SMProductName} does not yet support IPv6.

  • MAISTRA-453 If you create a new project and deploy pods immediately, sidecar injection does not occur. The operator fails to add the before the pods are created, therefore the pods must be deleted and recreated for sidecar injection to occur.

  • MAISTRA-158 Applying multiple gateways referencing the same hostname will cause all gateways to stop functioning.

Kiali known issues


New issues for Kiali should be created in the OpenShift Service Mesh project with the Component set to Kiali.

These are the known issues in Kiali:

  • KIALI-2206 When you are accessing the Kiali console for the first time, and there is no cached browser data for Kiali, the “View in Grafana” link on the Metrics tab of the Kiali Service Details page redirects to the wrong location. The only way you would encounter this issue is if you are accessing Kiali for the first time.

  • KIALI-507 Kiali does not support Internet Explorer 11. This is because the underlying frameworks do not support Internet Explorer. To access the Kiali console, use one of the two most recent versions of the Chrome, Edge, Firefox or Safari browser.