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Creating a ContainerRuntimeConfig CR to edit CRI-O parameters

You can change some of the settings associated with the {product-title} CRI-O runtime for the nodes associated with a specific machine config pool (MCP). Using a ContainerRuntimeConfig custom resource (CR), you set the configuration values and add a label to match the MCP. The MCO then rebuilds the crio.conf and storage.conf configuration files on the associated nodes with the updated values.


To revert the changes implemented by using a ContainerRuntimeConfig CR, you must delete the CR. Removing the label from the machine config pool does not revert the changes.

You can modify the following settings by using a ContainerRuntimeConfig CR:

  • PIDs limit: Setting the PIDs limit in the ContainerRuntimeConfig is expected to be deprecated. If PIDs limits are required, it is recommended to use the podPidsLimit field in the KubeletConfig CR instead. The default value of the podPidsLimit field is 4096.


    The CRI-O flag is applied on the cgroup of the container, while the Kubelet flag is set on the cgroup of the pod. Please adjust the PIDs limit accordingly.

  • Log level: The logLevel parameter sets the CRI-O log_level parameter, which is the level of verbosity for log messages. The default is info (log_level = info). Other options include fatal, panic, error, warn, debug, and trace.

  • Overlay size: The overlaySize parameter sets the CRI-O Overlay storage driver size parameter, which is the maximum size of a container image.

  • Maximum log size: Setting the maximum log size in the ContainerRuntimeConfig is expected to be deprecated. If a maximum log size is required, it is recommended to use the containerLogMaxSize field in the KubeletConfig CR instead.

  • Container runtime: The defaultRuntime parameter sets the container runtime to either runc or crun. The default is runc.

You should have one ContainerRuntimeConfig CR for each machine config pool with all the config changes you want for that pool. If you are applying the same content to all the pools, you only need one ContainerRuntimeConfig CR for all the pools.

You should edit an existing ContainerRuntimeConfig CR to modify existing settings or add new settings instead of creating a new CR for each change. It is recommended to create a new ContainerRuntimeConfig CR only to modify a different machine config pool, or for changes that are intended to be temporary so that you can revert the changes.

You can create multiple ContainerRuntimeConfig CRs, as needed, with a limit of 10 per cluster. For the first ContainerRuntimeConfig CR, the MCO creates a machine config appended with containerruntime. With each subsequent CR, the controller creates a new containerruntime machine config with a numeric suffix. For example, if you have a containerruntime machine config with a -2 suffix, the next containerruntime machine config is appended with -3.

If you want to delete the machine configs, you should delete them in reverse order to avoid exceeding the limit. For example, you should delete the containerruntime-3 machine config before deleting the containerruntime-2 machine config.


If you have a machine config with a containerruntime-9 suffix, and you create another ContainerRuntimeConfig CR, a new machine config is not created, even if there are fewer than 10 containerruntime machine configs.

Example showing multiple ContainerRuntimeConfig CRs
$ oc get ctrcfg
Example output
NAME         AGE
ctr-pid      24m
ctr-overlay  15m
ctr-level    5m45s
Example showing multiple containerruntime machine configs
$ oc get mc | grep container
Example output
01-master-container-runtime                        b5c5119de007945b6fe6fb215db3b8e2ceb12511   3.2.0             57m
01-worker-container-runtime                        b5c5119de007945b6fe6fb215db3b8e2ceb12511   3.2.0             57m
99-worker-generated-containerruntime               b5c5119de007945b6fe6fb215db3b8e2ceb12511   3.2.0             26m
99-worker-generated-containerruntime-1             b5c5119de007945b6fe6fb215db3b8e2ceb12511   3.2.0             17m
99-worker-generated-containerruntime-2             b5c5119de007945b6fe6fb215db3b8e2ceb12511   3.2.0             7m26s

The following example raises the pids_limit to 2048, sets the log_level to debug, sets the overlay size to 8 GB, and sets the log_size_max to unlimited:

Example ContainerRuntimeConfig CR
kind: ContainerRuntimeConfig
 name: overlay-size
   matchLabels: '' (1)
   pidsLimit: 2048 (2)
   logLevel: debug (3)
   overlaySize: 8G (4)
   logSizeMax: "-1" (5)
   defaultRuntime: "crun" (6)
  1. Specifies the machine config pool label.

  2. Optional: Specifies the maximum number of processes allowed in a container.

  3. Optional: Specifies the level of verbosity for log messages.

  4. Optional: Specifies the maximum size of a container image.

  5. Optional: Specifies the maximum size allowed for the container log file. If set to a positive number, it must be at least 8192.

  6. Optional: Specifies the container runtime to deploy to new containers. The default is runc.


To change CRI-O settings using the ContainerRuntimeConfig CR:

  1. Create a YAML file for the ContainerRuntimeConfig CR:

    kind: ContainerRuntimeConfig
     name: overlay-size
       matchLabels: '' (1)
     containerRuntimeConfig: (2)
       pidsLimit: 2048
       logLevel: debug
       overlaySize: 8G
       logSizeMax: "-1"
    1. Specify a label for the machine config pool that you want you want to modify.

    2. Set the parameters as needed.

  2. Create the ContainerRuntimeConfig CR:

    $ oc create -f <file_name>.yaml
  3. Verify that the CR is created:

    $ oc get ContainerRuntimeConfig
    Example output
    NAME           AGE
    overlay-size   3m19s
  4. Check that a new containerruntime machine config is created:

    $ oc get machineconfigs | grep containerrun
    Example output
    99-worker-generated-containerruntime   2c9371fbb673b97a6fe8b1c52691999ed3a1bfc2  3.2.0  31s
  5. Monitor the machine config pool until all are shown as ready:

    $ oc get mcp worker
    Example output
    worker  rendered-worker-169  False    True      False     3             1                  1                    0                     9h
  6. Verify that the settings were applied in CRI-O:

    1. Open an oc debug session to a node in the machine config pool and run chroot /host.

      $ oc debug node/<node_name>
      sh-4.4# chroot /host
    2. Verify the changes in the crio.conf file:

      sh-4.4# crio config | egrep 'log_level|pids_limit|log_size_max'
      Example output
      pids_limit = 2048
      log_size_max = -1
      log_level = "debug"
    3. Verify the changes in the `storage.conf`file:

      sh-4.4# head -n 7 /etc/containers/storage.conf
      Example output
        driver = "overlay"
        runroot = "/var/run/containers/storage"
        graphroot = "/var/lib/containers/storage"
          additionalimagestores = []
          size = "8G"