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OpenShift Origin Cartridge Guide

Table of Contents

This guide documents all of the cartridges that are distributed with OpenShift Origin. You can learn about creating your own cartridges by referring to the Cartridge Developers Guide.


Cartridges and Persistent Storage: Every time you push, everything in your remote repo directory is recreated. Store long term items (like an sqlite database) in the OpenShift data directory, which will persist between pushes of your repo. The OpenShift data directory can be found via the environment variable $OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR.

[[10gen-mms-agent]] == 10gen MMS Agent This cartridge provides the 10gen MMS agent on OpenShift.

A few necessary steps have to be done, in order to embed the 10gen-mms-agent into your application:

  1. Register at

  2. Go to the Settings → Monitoring Agent → Other Linux

  3. Curl tarball link that is there

  4. Copy the tarball into the .openshift/mms/ folder and git push it

  5. Set environment variable called OPENSHIFT_MMS_API_KEY with the API Key which is in the Settings → API Settings

    rhc set-env OPENSHIFT_MMS_API_KEY=your_mms_api_key -a app
  6. Embed the 10gen cartridge.

  7. Go to and add your host, by adding MongoDB host, port and credentials into the formular.

1. Cron

This cartridge adds periodic job execution functionality to your OpenShift application.

1.1. Installation

To add this cartridge to your application, you can either add it when you create your application:

rhc app create <APP> ruby-1.9 cron

Or add it to your existing application:

rhc cartridge add cron -a <APP>

1.2. Creating a job

The jobs are organized in .openshift/cron directory of your application’s source. Depending on how often you would like to execute the job, you place them in minutely, hourly, daily, monthly, monthly.

The jobs are executed directly. If it is a script, use the "shebang" line to specify the interpreter to execute it.

#! /bin/bash
date > $OPENSHIFT_RUBY_LOG_DIR/last_date_cron_ran

The jobs need to be executable:

chmod +x .openshift/cron/minutely/awesome_job

1.3. Installing the job

Once you have created the job, add it to your application repository, commit and push.

git add .openshift/cron/minutely/awesome_job
git commit -m 'Execute bit set for cron job'
git push

1.4. Execution timing

The jobs are run by the node’s cron at a specified frequency, however the exact timing is not guaranteed. If this unpredictability is not desirable, you can instrument your job to inspect the date and/or time when your job runs.

For example, the following minutely job would do anything useful only at 12 minutes after the hour.

minute=$(date '+%M')
if [ $minute != 12 ]; then
# rest of the script

2. DIY

The diy cartridge provides a minimal, free-form scaffolding which leaves all details of the cartridge to the application developer.

2.1. Get started

  1. Add framework of choice to your repo.

  2. Modify .openshift/action_hooks/start to start your application. The application is required to bind to $OPENSHIFT_DIY_IP:$OPENSHIFT_DIY_PORT.

  3. Modify .openshift/action_hooks/stop to stop your application.

  4. Commit and push your changes.

2.2. Repo layout

static/           Externally exposed static content goes here
    action_hooks/ See the Action Hooks documentation (1)
        start     Custom action hook used to start your application
        stop      Custom action hook to stop your application
  1. Action Hooks documentation

Please leave the static directory in place (alter but do not delete) but feel free to create additional directories if needed.

2.3. Environment Variables

The diy cartridge provides the following environment variables to reference for ease of use:


The IP address assigned to the application


The port assigned to the the application

For more information about environment variables, consult the Users Guide

3. JBossAS

Provides the JBossAS application server on OpenShift.

3.1. Template Repository Layout

deployments/       Location for built WARs (details below)
src/               Example Maven source structure
pom.xml            Example Maven build file
.openshift/        Location for OpenShift specific files
    config/          location for configuration files such as standalone.xml
    action_hooks/    See the Action Hooks documentation (1)
    markers/         See the Markers section below
  1. Action Hooks documentation

3.2. Layout and Deployment Options

There are two options for deploying content to the JBoss Application Server within OpenShift. Both options can be used together (i.e. build one archive from source and others pre-built)


Under most circumstances the .dodeploy file markers should not be added to the deployments directory. These lifecycle files will be created in the runtime deployments directory (can be seen by SSHing into the application), but should not be added to the git repo.

Method 1 (Preferred)
You can upload your content in a Maven src structure as is this sample project and on git push have the application built and deployed. For this to work you’ll need your pom.xml at the root of your repository and a maven-war-plugin like in this sample to move the output from the build to the deployments directory. By default the warName is ROOT within pom.xml. This will cause the webapp contents to be rendered at If you change the warName in pom.xml to app_name, your base url would then become

If you are building locally you’ll also want to add any output wars/ears under deployments from the build to your .gitignore file.
If you are running scaled AS7 then you need an application deployed to the root context (i.e. for the HAProxy load-balancer to recognize that the AS7 instance is active.

Method 2
You can git push pre-built wars into deployments/. To do this with the default repo you’ll want to first run git rm -r src/ pom.xml from the root of your repo.

Basic workflows for deploying pre-built content (each operation will require associated git add/commit/push operations to take effect):

  1. Add new zipped content and deploy it: cp target/example.war deployments/

  2. Add new unzipped/exploded content and deploy it:

    1. cp -r target/example.war/ deployments/

    2. edit .openshift/config/standalone.xml and replace

      <deployment-scanner path="deployments" relative-to="jboss.server.base.dir" scan-interval="5000" deployment-timeout="300"/>


      <deployment-scanner path="deployments" relative-to="jboss.server.base.dir" scan-interval="5000" deployment-timeout="300" auto-deploy-exploded="true"/>
  3. Undeploy currently deployed content: git rm deployments/example.war

  4. Replace currently deployed zipped content with a new version and deploy it: cp target/example.war deployments/ .Replace currently deployed unzipped content with a new version and deploy it:

    1. git rm -rf deployments/example.war/

    2. cp -r target/example.war/ deployments/

You can get the information in the uri above from running 'rhc domain show'

If you have already committed large files to your git repo, you rewrite or reset the history of those files in git to an earlier point in time and then 'git push --force' to apply those changes on the remote OpenShift server. A git gc on the remote OpenShift repo can be forced with (Note: tidy also does other cleanup including clearing log files and tmp dirs):

rhc app tidy -a appname

Whether you choose option 1) or 2) the end result will be the application deployed into the deployments directory. The deployments directory in the JBoss Application Server distribution is the location end users can place their deployment content (e.g. war, ear, jar, sar files) to have it automatically deployed into the server runtime.

3.3. Environment Variables

The jbossas cartridge provides several environment variables to reference for ease of use:

Variable Description


The IP address used to bind JBossAS


The JBossAS listening port










Appended to JAVA_OPTS prior to invoking the Java VM.

For more information about environment variables, consult the Users Guide

3.4. Markers

Adding marker files to .openshift/markers will have the following effects:

Marker Effect


Will enable the JPDA socket based transport on the java virtual machine running the JBoss AS 7 application server. This enables you to remotely debug code running inside the JBoss AS 7 application server.


Maven build step will be skipped


Will start the build process by removing all non-essential Maven dependencies. Any current dependencies specified in your pom.xml file will then be re-downloaded.


Will prevent a JBoss container restart during build/deployment. Newly build archives will be re-deployed automatically by the JBoss HDScanner component.


Will run JBossAS with Java7 if present. If no marker is present then the baseline Java version will be used (currently Java6)

3.5. JBoss CLI

The jbossas cartridge provides an OpenShift compatible wrapper of the JBoss CLI tool on the gear PATH, located at $OPENSHIFT_JBOSSAS_DIR/tools/ Use the following command to connect to the JBoss instance with the CLI tool: -c --controller=${OPENSHIFT_JBOSSAS_IP}:${OPENSHIFT_JBOSSAS_MANAGEMENT_NATIVE_PORT}

4. JBossEAP

Provides the JBossEAP application server on OpenShift.

4.1. Template Repository Layout

    deployments/       Location for built WARs (details below)
    src/               Example Maven source structure
    pom.xml            Example Maven build file
    .openshift/        Location for OpenShift specific files
      config/          location for configuration files such as standalone.xml
      action_hooks/    See the Action Hooks documentation (1)
      markers/         See the Markers section below
  1. Action Hooks documentation

4.2. Layout and Deployment Options

There are two options for deploying content to the JBoss Application Server within OpenShift. Both options can be used together (i.e. build one archive from source and others pre-built)


Under most circumstances the .dodeploy file markers should not be added to the deployments directory. These lifecycle files will be created in the runtime deployments directory (can be seen by SSHing into the application), but should not be added to the git repo.

Method 1 (Preferred)
You can upload your content in a Maven src structure as is this sample project and on git push have the application built and deployed. For this to work you’ll need your pom.xml at the root of your repository and a maven-war-plugin like in this sample to move the output from the build to the deployments directory. By default the warName is ROOT within pom.xml. This will cause the webapp contents to be rendered at If you change the warName in pom.xml to app_name, your base url would then become

If you are building locally you’ll also want to add any output wars/ears under deployments from the build to your .gitignore file.
If you are running scaled EAP6.0 then you need an application deployed to the root context (i.e. for the HAProxy load-balancer to recognize that the EAP6.0 instance is active.

Method 2
You can git push pre-built wars into deployments/. To do this with the default repo you’ll want to first run git rm -r src/ pom.xml from the root of your repo.

Basic workflows for deploying pre-built content (each operation will require associated git add/commit/push operations to take effect):

  1. Add new zipped content and deploy it: cp target/example.war deployments/

  2. Add new unzipped/exploded content and deploy it:

    1. cp -r target/example.war/ deployments/

    2. edit .openshift/config/standalone.xml and replace

      <deployment-scanner path="deployments" relative-to="jboss.server.base.dir" scan-interval="5000" deployment-timeout="300"/>


      <deployment-scanner path="deployments" relative-to="jboss.server.base.dir" scan-interval="5000" deployment-timeout="300" auto-deploy-exploded="true"/>
  3. Undeploy currently deployed content: git rm deployments/example.war

  4. Replace currently deployed zipped content with a new version and deploy it: cp target/example.war deployments/

  5. Replace currently deployed unzipped content with a new version and deploy it:

    1. git rm -rf deployments/example.war/

    2. cp -r target/example.war/ deployments/

You can get the information in the uri above from running 'rhc domain show'

If you have already committed large files to your git repo, you rewrite or reset the history of those files in git to an earlier point in time and then 'git push --force' to apply those changes on the remote OpenShift server. A git gc on the remote OpenShift repo can be forced with (Note: tidy also does other cleanup including clearing log files and tmp dirs):

rhc app tidy -a appname

Whether you choose option 1) or 2) the end result will be the application deployed into the deployments directory. The deployments directory in the JBoss Application Server distribution is the location end users can place their deployment content (e.g. war, ear, jar, sar files) to have it automatically deployed into the server runtime.

4.3. Environment Variables

The jbosseap cartridge provides several environment variables to reference for ease of use:

Variable Description


The IP address used to bind JBossAS


The JBossAS listening port










Appended to JAVA_OPTS prior to invoking the Java VM.

For more information about environment variables, consult the Users Guide.

4.4. Markers

Adding marker files to .openshift/markers will have the following effects:

Marker Effect


Will enable the JPDA socket based transport on the java virtual machine running the JBoss AS 7 application server. This enables you to remotely debug code running inside the JBoss AS 7 application server.


Maven build step will be skipped


Will start the build process by removing all non-essential Maven dependencies. Any current dependencies specified in your pom.xml file will then be re-downloaded.


Will prevent a JBoss container restart during build/deployment. Newly build archives will be re-deployed automatically by the JBoss HDScanner component.


Will run JBossEAP with Java7 if present. If no marker is present then the baseline Java version will be used (currently Java6)

4.5. JBoss CLI

The jbosseap cartridge provides an OpenShift compatible wrapper of the JBoss CLI tool on the gear PATH, located at $OPENSHIFT_JBOSSEAP_DIR/tools/ Use the following command to connect to the JBoss instance with the CLI tool: -c --controller=${OPENSHIFT_JBOSSEAP_IP}:${OPENSHIFT_JBOSSEAP_MANAGEMENT_NATIVE_PORT}

5. Tomcat (JBossEWS)

The jbossews cartridge provides Tomcat on OpenShift via the JBoss EWS package. This cartridge has special functionality to enable integration with OpenShift and with other cartridges. See the Cartridge Integrations and Environment Variable Replacement Support sections for details.

5.1. Template Repository Layout

webapps/           Location for built WARs (details below)
src/               Example Maven source structure
pom.xml            Example Maven build file
.openshift/        Location for OpenShift specific files
    config/          Location for configuration files such as server.xml
    action_hooks/    See the Action Hooks documentation (1)
    markers/         See the Markers section below
  1. Action Hooks documentation

5.2. Layout and Deployment Options

There are two options for deploying content to the Tomcat Server within OpenShift. Both options can be used together (i.e. build one archive from source and others pre-built)

Method 1 (Preferred)
You can upload your content in a Maven src structure as is this sample project and on Git push have the application built and deployed. For this to work you’ll need your pom.xml at the root of your repository and a maven-war-plugin like in this sample to move the output from the build to the webapps directory. By default the warName is ROOT within pom.xml. This will cause the webapp contents to be rendered at If you change the warName in pom.xml to app_name, your base url would then become

If you are building locally you’ll also want to add any output wars under webapps from the build to your .gitignore file.
If you are running scaled EWS then you need an application deployed to the root context (i.e. for the HAProxy load-balancer to recognize that the EWS instance is active.

Method 2
You can commit pre-built wars into webapps. To do this with the default repo, first run git rm -r src/ pom.xml from the root of your repo.

Basic workflows for deploying pre-built content (each operation will require associated Git add/commit/push operations to take effect):

  1. Add new zipped content and deploy it: cp target/example.war webapps/

  2. Undeploy currently deployed content: git rm webapps/example.war

  3. Replace currently deployed zipped content with a new version and deploy it: cp target/example.war webapps/

You can get the information in the uri above from running rhc domain show

If you have already committed large files to your Git repo, you rewrite or reset the history of those files in Git to an earlier point in time and then git push --force to apply those changes on the remote OpenShift server. A git gc on the remote OpenShift repo can be forced with (Note: tidy also does other cleanup including clearing log files and tmp dirs):

rhc app tidy -a appname

Whether you choose option 1) or 2) the end result will be the application deployed into the webapps directory. The webapps directory in the Tomcat distribution is the location end users can place their deployment content (e.g. war, ear, jar, sar files) to have it automatically deployed into the server runtime.

5.3. Environment Variables

The Tomcat cartridge provides several environment variables to reference for ease of use:


The IP address used to bind EWS


The EWS listening port


The EWS JPDA listening port


Appended to JAVA_OPTS prior to invoking the Java VM.

For more information about environment variables, consult the Users Guide.

Environment Variable Replacement Support

The jbossews cart provides special environment variable replacement functionality for some of the Tomcat configuration files. For the following configuration files:

  • .openshift/config/server.xml

  • .openshift/config/context.xml

Ant-style environment replacements are supported for all OPENSHIFT_-prefixed environment variables in the application. For example, the following replacements are valid in server.xml:

<Connector address="${OPENSHIFT_JBOSSEWS_IP}"
           redirectPort="8443" />

During server startup, the configuration files in the source repository are processed to replace OPENSHIFT_* values, and the resulting processed file is copied to the live Tomcat configuration directory.

5.4. Cartridge Integrations

The jbossews cart has out-of-the-box integration support with the RedHat postgresql and mysql cartridges. The default context.xml contains two basic JDBC Resource definitions, jdbc/MySQLDS and jdbc/PostgreSQLDS, which will be automatically configured to work with their respective cartridges if installed into your application.

5.5. Markers

Adding marker files to .openshift/markers will have the following effects:

Marker Effect


Will enable the JPDA socket based transport on the java virtual machine running the Tomcat server. This enables you to remotely debug code running inside Tomcat.


Maven build step will be skipped


Will start the build process by removing all non-essential Maven dependencies. Any current dependencies specified in your pom.xml file will then be re-downloaded.


Will prevent a JBoss container restart during build/deployment. Newly build archives will be re-deployed automatically by the JBoss HDScanner component.


Will run Tomcat with Java7 if present. If no marker is present then the baseline Java version will be used (currently Java6)

6. Jenkins

The jenkins cartridge provides the Jenkins continuous integration server on OpenShift.

6.1. Template Repository Layout

    .openshift/        Location for OpenShift specific files
      action_hooks/    See the Action Hooks documentation (1)
      markers/         See the Markers section below
  1. Action Hooks documentation

6.2. Quickstart

Jenkins integrates with other OpenShift applications. To use start building against Jenkins, embed the jenkins-client into an existing application. The below example will cause app myapp to start building against Jenkins.

$ rhc cartridge add -a myapp -c jenkins-client-1

From then on, running a git push will cause the build process to happen inside a Jenkins builder instead of inside your normal application compute space.


  • Archived build information

  • No application downtime during the build process

  • Failed builds do not get deployed (leaving the previous working version in place).

  • Jenkins builders have additional resources like memory and storage

  • A large community of Jenkins plugins

6.3. Building with Jenkins

Building with Jenkins uses dedicated application space that can be larger then the application runtime space. Because the build happens in its own dedicated jail, the running application is not shutdown or changed in any way until after the build is a success. If it is not, the current active running application will continue to run. However, a failure in the deploy process may still leave the app partially deployed or inaccessible. During a build the following steps take place:

  1. User issues a git push

  2. Jenkins is notified a new push is ready.

  3. A dedicated Jenkins slave (builder) is created. It can be seen by using the rhc domain show command. The app name will be the same as the originating app plus "bldr" tagged onto the end.

    This requires the first 28 chars of app name be unique or builders will be shared (can cause issues).
  4. Jenkins runs the build

  5. Content from originating app is downloaded to the builder app through git and rsync (Git for source code and rsync for existing libraries).

  6. The cartridge-specific build Shell Task is executed.

  7. Jenkins archives build artifacts for later reference

  8. After 15 minutes of idle time, the build app will be deleted and will no longer show up with the rhc domain show command. The build artifacts however, will still exist in Jenkins and can be viewed there.

Users can look at the build job by clicking on it in the Jenkins interface and going to "configure". It is the Jenkins' build job to stop, sync and start the application once a build is complete.

For a detailed overview of the OpenShift build/deploy process, consult the OpenShift Builds documentation.

6.4. Markers

Adding marker files to .openshift/markers will have the following effects:

Marker Effect


See 'Debugging Jenkins' below

6.5. Debugging Jenkins

The Jenkins server can be configured to accept remote debugger connections. To enable debugging, create a file .openshift/markers/enable_debugging in the Jenkins app Git repository and restart Jenkins. The debug server will listen on port 7600 for connections.

Use SSH port forwarding to start a remote debugging session on the server. The rhc command is helpful for this. For example, in a sample Jenkins application named jenkins containing the enable_debugging marker, the following command will automatically enable SSH port forwarding:

    $ rhc port-forward -a jenkins
    Checking available ports...
    Forwarding ports
      Service Connect to            Forward to
      ==== ================ ==== ================
      java  =>
      java  =>
    Press CTRL-C to terminate port forwarding

The local debugger can now be attached to

7. Jenkins Client

The jenkins-client cartridge works with the Jenkins Cartridge to provide Jenkins integration for OpenShift applications. Consult the Jenkins cartridge documentation for more information.

8. MariaDB

The mariadb cartridge provides MariaDB on OpenShift.

8.1. Environment Variables

The mariadb cartridge provides several environment variables to reference for ease of use:


The MySQL IP address


The MySQL port


The path to the MySQL log directory

9. MongoDB

The mongodb cartridge provides MongoDB on OpenShift.

9.1. Environment Variables

The mongodb cartridge provides several environment variables to reference for ease of use:


The MongoDB IP address


The MongoDB port


The MongoDB username


The MongoDB password


The MongoDB connection URL (e.g. mongodb://<username>:<password>@<hostname>:<port>/


The path to the MongoDB log directory


When changing the MongoDB password manually using db.addUser() before you restart the MongoDB server to pickup the new password, you have to update the environment variable first:

$ rhc env set OPENSHIFT_MONGODB_DB_PASSWORD="newpassword"

10. MySQL

The mysql cartridge provides [MySQL]( on OpenShift.

10.1. Environment Variables

The mysql cartridge provides several environment variables to reference for ease of use:


The MySQL IP address


The MySQL port


The path to the MySQL log directory OPENSHIFT_MYSQL_VERSION: The version of the MySQL server OPENSHIFT_MYSQL_TIMEZONE: The MySQL server timezone OPENSHIFT_MYSQL_LOWER_CASE_TABLE_NAMES: Sets how the table names are stored and compared OPENSHIFT_MYSQL_DEFAULT_STORAGE_ENGINE: The default storage engine (table type) OPENSHIFT_MYSQL_MAX_CONNECTIONS: The maximum permitted number of simultaneous client connections OPENSHIFT_MYSQL_FT_MIN_WORD_LEN: The minimum length of the word to be included in a FULLTEXT index. OPENSHIFT_MYSQL_FT_MAX_WORD_LEN: The maximum length of the word to be included in a FULLTEXT index.


Controls the 'innodb_use_native_aio' setting value in case the native AIO is broken. See

11. NodeJS

The nodejs cartridge provides Node.JS on OpenShift.

The cartridge provides a short list of Node.js modules by default. The list is available in $OPENSHIFT_NODEJS_DIR/versions/0.6/configuration/npm_global_module_list. You can also see the file versions/0.6/configuration/npm_global_module_list under this directory.

11.1. Template Repository Layout

node_modules/            Any Node modules packaged with the app (1)
deplist.txt              Deprecated.
package.json             npm package descriptor.
.openshift/              Location for OpenShift specific files
    action_hooks/        See the Action Hooks documentation (2)
    markers/             See the Markers section below
  1. See node_modules

  2. Action Hooks documentation

11.1.1. Layout Notes

Please leave the node_modules and .openshift directories but feel free to create additional directories if needed.

11.1.2. node_modules directory

The node_modules directory allows you to package any Node module on which your application depends along with your application.

If you just wish to install module(s) from the npm registry (, you can specify the module name(s) and versions in your application’s package.json file.

11.1.3. deplist.txt

This functionality has been deprecated and will soon go away. package.json is the preferred method to add dependencies.

11.1.4. package.json

npm package descriptor - run npm help json for more details.


Among other things, this file contains a list of dependencies (node modules) to install alongside your application and is processed every time you git push to your OpenShift application.

11.2. Environment Variables

The Node.JS cartridge provides several environment variables to reference for ease of use:


The IP address used to bind Node.js


The Node.js listening port


May be set as a user environment variable to change the default of 1s

11.3. Markers

Adding marker files to .openshift/markers will have the following effects:

Marker Effect


Disable app restarting during git pushes (see 'Development Mode')


This will force to run your application using NPM instead of using 'supervisor'

11.4. Development Mode

When you push your code changes to OpenShift, if you want dynamic reloading of your javascript files in "development" mode, you can either use the hot_deploy marker or add the following to package.json:

"scripts": { "start": "supervisor <relative-path-from-repo-to>/server.js" },

This will run Node.JS with Supervisor.


The hot_deploy marker is restricted to the supervisor only. Using the use_npm marker, your application will always do a full restart.

11.5. Local Development + Testing

You can also develop and test your Node application locally on your machine (workstation). In order to do this, you will need to perform some basic setup - install Node + the npm modules that OpenShift has globally installed:

  1. Collect some information about the environment on OpenShift.

    1. Get Node.js version information:

      $ ssh $uuid@$appdns node -v
    2. Get list of globally install npm modules

      $ ssh $uuid@$appdns npm list -g
  2. Ensure that an appropriate version of Node is installed locally. This depends on your application. Using the same version would be preferable in most cases but your mileage may vary with newer versions.

  3. Install the versions of the Node modules you got in step 1.a. Use -g if you want to install them globally, the better alternative though is to install them in the home directory of the currently logged user on your local machine/workstation.

    # pushd ~
    # npm install [-g] $module_name@$version
    # popd
  4. Once you have completed the above setup, you can then run your application locally by using any one of these commands:

    node server.js
    npm start -d
    supervisor server.js

And then iterate on developing+testing your application.

12. Perl

The perl cartridge provides Perl on OpenShift.

12.1. Template Repository Layout
.openshift/           Location for OpenShift specific files
    action_hooks/     See the Action Hooks documentation (1)
    markers/          See the Markers section below
    cpan.txt          List of modules to install
  1. Action Hooks documentation

Due to changes in Perl cartridge template layout, the application root is now stored in $OPENSHIFT_REPO_DIR, but is also backward compatible with deprecated perl/ directory.

Modules are installed with cpan.txt, located in the .openshift/ directory. In addition, application dependencies can be installed using cpanfile or Makefile.PL placed in the .openshift/ folder. deplist.txt is deprecated in favor of .openshift/cpan.txt.

12.2. Cartridge Layout

run/                  Various run configs (like httpd pid)
usr/                  Perl example application template
env/                  Environment variables
logs/                 Log data (like httpd access/error logs)
lib/                  Various libraries
bin/setup             The script to setup the cartridge
bin/build             Default build script
bin/teardown          Called at cartridge destruction
bin/control           Init script to start/stop httpd
versions/             Version data to support multiple perl versions (copied into place by setup)

12.3. Markers

Adding marker files to .openshift/markers will have the following effects:

Marker Effect


Will remove all previous perl deps and start installing required deps from scratch


Will install all the cpan packages and run their tests


Will prevent the apache process from being restarted during build/deployment


Will prevent scalable applications from scaling up or down according to application load.


Will enable server-status application path to be publicly available.

13. PHP

The php cartridge provides PHP on OpenShift.

13.1. Template Repository Layout

index.php              Template PHP index page
.openshift/            Location for OpenShift specific files
    action_hooks/      See the Action Hooks documentation (1)
    markers/           See the Markers section below
    pear.txt           List of pears to install (2)
  1. Action Hooks documentation

  2. A list of pears to install, line by line on the server. This will happen when the user git pushes.

13.2. Document root

Apache DocumentRoot, the directory that forms the main document tree visible from the web, is selected based on the existence of a common directory in the repository code in the following order:

1. php/          # for backward compatibility with OpenShift Origin v1/v2
2. public/       # Zend Framework v1/v2, Laravel, FuelPHP, Surebert etc.
3. public_html/  # Apache per-user web directories, Slim Framework etc.
4. web/          # Symfony etc.
5. www/          # Nette etc.
6. ./            # Drupal, Wordpress, CakePHP, CodeIgniter, Joomla, Kohana, PIP etc.

13.3. PHP include_path

The following application directories, that might exist in the repository code, are added to the PHP include_path and thus automatically searched when calling require(), include() and other file I/O functions:

- lib/
- libs/
- libraries/
- src/
- misc/
- vendor/
- vendors/

13.4. Markers

Adding marker files to .openshift/markers will have the following effects:

Marker Effect


Will remove all previous deps and start installing required deps from scratch.


Will prevent the Apache process from being restarted and will skip checking for Pear and Composer dependencies during build/deployment.


Will prevent scalable applications from scaling up or down according to application load.


Will enable running composer install on each build automatically. See the Composer docs.


Will enable server-status application path to be publicly available.

13.5. Environment Variables

The php cartridge provides several environment variables to change the default PHP configuration:

Variable name Description


Application mode, default value is production. When set to development, the Xdebug extension is enabled, more verbose error_reporting and the APC.stat setting are set.


Whether APC op-code cache PECL is enabled, true by default. Set value to false to turn this extension off.


The APC shared memory size. The default value is 64M on Small gears, 128M on Medium gears and 256M on Large gears.


Whether Xdebug PECL is enabled, true by default. Set value to false to turn this extension off. This variable overrides behavior set by APPLICATION_ENV.


Whether <MODULE> PECL is enabled, true by default. Set value to false to turn the specified extension off. To list all enabled modules, run php -m command while ssh’d into the gear.

Note: You must restart the php cartridge to pick-up the updated values.

14. phpMyAdmin

The phpmyadmin cartridge provides phpMyAdmin on OpenShift. In order to add this cartridge to an application, the MySQL cartridge must already be present. Once installed, phpMyAdmin can be used by navigating to with the MySQL login credentials.

15. PostgreSQL

The postgresql cartridge provides PostgreSQL on OpenShift.

15.1. Template Repository Layout

sql/     SQL data or scripts.
Please leave sql and data directories but feel free to create additional directories if needed.

15.2. Environment Variables

The postgresql cartridge provides several environment variables to reference for ease of use:

Variable Description


Numeric host address




DB Username


DB Password


Directory for log files


PID of current Postgres server


Postgres socket location


Full server URL of the form "postgresql://user:password@host:port"


PostgreSQL version in the form X.Y

You can fine-tune the PostgreSQL server performance by using the rhc tool and changing the default values for these variables:

Variable Description


The shared_buffers configuration parameter determines how much memory is dedicated to PostgreSQL to use for caching data.


max_connections sets exactly that: the maximum number of client connections allowed.

Users can change the authentication and restrict the list of remote connection IPs by modifying the pg_hba.conf file, but doing so might be dangerous and possibly lead to broken application. Make sure you snapshot the application before doing such changes.

For more details, please refer to PostgreSQL wiki page.

16. Python

The python cartridge provides Python on OpenShift.

16.1. Template Repository Layout                Default WSGI entry-point (1)               Standard Setup Script (2)
requirements.txt       Standard pip requirements file (3)
.openshift/            Location for OpenShift specific files
    action_hooks/      See the Action Hooks documentation (4)
    markers/           See the Markers section below
  1. For backward compatibility, the wsgi/application path is selected as default WSGI entry-point with higher priority. You can customize the path using the OPENSHIFT_PYTHON_WSGI_APPLICATION envirotnment variable. See the Environment variables section below.

  2. Adding dependencies to the install_requires section of file will cause the cartridge to install those dependencies at git push time.

  3. Adding dependencies to this file will cause the cartridge to run pip install -r requirements.txt command at git push time. You can customize the path using the OPENSHIFT_PYTHON_REQUIREMENTS_PATH variable. See the Environment variables section below.

  4. Action Hooks documentation

16.2. Cartridge Layout

run/           Various run configs (like httpd pid)
env/           Environment variables
logs/          Log data (like httpd access/error logs)
lib/           Various libraries
bin/setup      The script to setup the cartridge
bin/build      Default build script
bin/teardown   Called at cartridge descruction
bin/control    Init script to start/stop httpd
versions/      Version data to support multiple python versions (copied into place by setup

16.3. Markers

Adding marker files to .openshift/markers will have the following effects:

Marker Effect


Will cause virtualenv to recreated during builds.


Will prevent shutdown and startup of the application during builds.


Will enable server-status application path to be publicly available.

16.4. Environment variables

The python cartridge supports the following environment variables:


Set custom path to the WSGI entry-point, eg. using the rhc env set OPENSHIFT_PYTHON_WSGI_APPLICATION=app/ command.


Set custom path to the pip requirements file, eg. using the rhc env set OPENSHIFT_PYTHON_REQUIREMENTS_PATH=requirements/production.txt command.

For some frameworks (such as Django) it is possible to set the DEBUG user environment variable using the rhc env set DEBUG=True command. In that case, Django will run in 'debug' mode, with more verbose logging and nice error reporting of HTTP 500 errors.

17. Ruby

The ruby cartridge provides a bare metal Rack application with Ruby.

17.1. Template Repository Layout

tmp/               Temporary storage
public/            Content (images, css, etc. available to the public)          This file is used by Rack-based servers to start the application.
.openshift/        Location for OpenShift specific files
    action_hooks/  See the Action Hooks documentation (1)
    markers/       See the Markers section below
  1. Action Hooks documentation

17.2. Ruby Mirror

OpenShift is mirroring at This mirror is on the same network as your application, and your gem download should be faster.

To use the OpenShift mirror:

  1. Edit your Gemfile and replace

    source ''


    source ''
  2. Edit your Gemfile.lock and replace




17.3. Rails 3.0

There are several approaches how to speed up deployment of yours Rails application to OpenShift.

17.3.1. Gem installation

There are two options for deploying a Rails application to OpenShift.

Method 1 (Recommended)
git push your application Gemfile/Gemfile.lock. This will cause the remote OpenShift node to run bundle install --deployment to download and install your dependencies. Each subsequent git push will use the previously downloaded dependencies as a starting point, so additional downloads will be a delta.

Method 2
git add your .bundle and vendor/bundle directories after running bundle install --deployment locally. Be sure to exclude any gems that have native code or ensure they can run on RHEL x86_64.

17.3.2. Asset pipeline

To prevent a long and unnecessary compilation of assets on application initial deployment and re-deployments, these two steps must be done.

Step 1*
It’s necessary to install sprockets gem by adding the line gem 'turbo-sprockets-rails3' into your Gemfile and run bundle install.

Step 2
After sprockets gem is installed you need to precompile all your assets locally by rake assets:precompile, which compiles all the assets into public/assets. When compiling the assets the sprocket gem creates a file called sources_manifest.yml, located also in public/assets. This manifest contains names of all assets files together with their hash values. This file ensures that only changed assets will be recompiled on re-deployment.

17.3.3. Load database schema

If your Rails application contains a large amount of migrations it’s good to use db:schema:load on initial deploy and db:migrate on re-deploymnets. You can do this by looking into the database and checking whether one of the DB tables exists.

This example checks, in the deploy hook, if the spree_activators table is present in the database.

if [ echo "use $OPENSHIFT_APP_NAME; show tables" | mysql | grep spree_activators ]
    bundle exec rake db:schema:load RAILS_ENV="production"
    bundle exec rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV="production"

17.4. Environment Variables

The ruby cartridge provides several environment variables to reference for ease of use:


Log files go here.


The Ruby language version. The valid values are 1.8 and 1.9. BUNDLE_WITHOUT: Prevents Bundler from installing certain groups specified in the Gemfile.

17.5. Using RAILS_ENV=development

In OpenShift you can use the Rails development environment as you do when you are developing the Rails application locally. To instruct OpenShift to deploy your application in development mode, you need to set this user-environment variable:

  • RAILS_ENV (eg. rhc env set RAILS_ENV=development)

When the Rails application run under development environment OpenShift will:

  • Skip the automatic static asset (re)compilation

  • Disable bundle command unless you do modification to the application Gemfile

  • Set web server to run your application in 'development' mode

  • Skip full restart of the Apache as the code is reloaded automatically

The development mode can speed up the development phase of you application in OpenShift, but it is not recommended to use this mode for production.

17.6. threaddump command

OpenShift’s CLI tool, rhc, has a subcommand threaddump. Applications created by this cartridge respond to this command by looking for the appropriate Rack process, and sending ABRT signal to it. As explained in the Passenger User Guide, this signal will dump the current thread backtraces but also terminates the processes.

  • The Rack process may not exist if the application has just started and has not been accessed.

17.7. Markers

Adding marker files to .openshift/markers will have the following effects:

Marker Effect


Will trigger a clean re-bundle during the build cycle.


Will prevent shutdown and startup of the application during builds. The Passenger restart.txt file will be used to reload the application.


Will prevent assets to be compiled upon application deployment. This marker should be used when deploying application with assets which are already compiled.


Will enable server-status application path to be publicly available.